A new police officer joins the team and solves a major dismemberment case

Chapter 808 Her brother's name is Chen Fenglin

This is somewhat different from Chen Biyun, whom I have interacted with before!

At such a young age, she already knows how to make money in that way. It can be seen that this woman...

Alas, how should I put it, maybe I am forced to have no choice, maybe it is human nature!

You know, the streets will provide some assistance to families with particularly difficult economic conditions.

At least there is no chance of lack of food and clothing!

In this way, Chen Biyun was actually blinded by desire.

But considering how old the other person was at the time, if there was no education and guidance, it is very likely that he would go astray.

Han Xu could imagine what Chen Biyun had experienced...

But what can be said now?

Everything has developed according to the established track!

Han Xu clearly remembered that Chen Biyun told him in tears that his daughter would have been almost abandoned by Zheng Shiqiang if his mother's family hadn't stopped her.

This statement is quite different from the survey results.

"Police Officer Fu, is there anyone else in Chen Biyun's family besides her mother?"

Han Xu naturally opened his mouth to verify this issue.

Fu Damin heard this and replied, "Chen Biyun also had an older brother, but he disappeared a long time ago and his whereabouts are still unknown!"

"Brother? Do you know what your name is?"

Han Xu became even more curious.

"What does it seem to be called Chen?!" Fu Damin was a little embarrassed for a moment.

Fortunately, Shen Tao on the side added in time, "Chen Fenglin!"

"Oh, yes, that's the name. Her brother's name is Chen Fenglin!"

Otherwise, Xiong Dalin had the foresight to pair Shen Tao and Fu Damin together, which really complemented each other.

"Chen Fenglin?" Han Xu touched the name. He had never heard it before, so he continued to ask curiously, "When did this Chen Fenglin disappear?"

Fu Damin remembers this very clearly, "It was a while ago, it seems to be when Chen Biyun first entered junior high school! Their mother had just started to get sick at that time, and the boy left.

Alas, I really don’t know what to say!

Oh, by the way, Chen Fenglin was already eighteen years old when he left home!

Some neighbors said they went out to work!

And some people directly think that this kid simply ran away from home!

Anyway, after so many years, I have never come back, which is no different from disappearing from the world. "

Chen Fenglin, eighteen years old, goes out to work? runaway?

Han Xu thought about this relationship for a while and felt that Chen Biyun seemed to have done it deliberately before!

What kind of family members are stopping me? !

There is no way such a natal family exists!

Could it be that this brother named Chen Fenglin suddenly appeared and saved Chen Biyun's daughter?

This probability is not impossible, it’s just too low!

How could someone who has run away from home, or worked outside for so many years without seeing anyone alive or dead, suddenly pop out at a critical moment?

Since this natal family may not exist, then why did Chen Biyun mention his natal family.

What is her purpose?

He knew clearly that the police would investigate these matters, yet he deliberately revealed such a flaw.

With Chen Biyun's IQ, it is unlikely that he would make such a stupid mistake.

So the question is, what does she want to do?

What does it mean? Or insane?

Or could it be said that Chen Fenglin is the most critical figure?

Could it be that he is the murderer? !

This possibility cannot be ruled out!

A brother who came back suddenly saw his sister and niece being bullied by scum, so he simply killed Zheng Shiqiang. The logic is quite reasonable!

Xiong Dalin seemed to realize this problem quickly, "Have you checked this Chen Fenglin?"

Fu Damin shook his head when he heard this, "Team Bear, the time is too short, we haven't had time to check yet."

"I guess the investigation is in vain. How can a person who has evaporated for such a long time still be able to find out anything."

At this time, Song Changqing on the side couldn't help but speak out.

"You need to investigate even if you don't know, this guy is most likely the murderer!"

Xiong Dalin said it to the point.

"Murderer? Are you so arbitrary?" Song Changqing's face turned green when he heard this, "Didn't Damin and the others say that Chen Biyun's brother ran away from home a long time ago, leaving behind an old man and a young child? How could he Will a person like this, who has the heart to do it, still help his sister? "

"You can't speak so absolutely. Maybe this Chen Fenglin has something unspeakable to hide!"

Xiong Dalin was noncommittal and did not agree with Song Changqing's statement.

Song Changqing nodded when he heard this, "Even if what you say makes sense, where can we find this Chen Fenglin?"

This is to the point.

A guy who has been away from home for more than ten years cannot tell whether he is alive or dead, so where can he find him?

"Let me tell you, if this Chen Fenglin really comes back, he will definitely contact Chen Biyun. Let's keep an eye on Chen Biyun, that's it!" Chengzi said in a rare voice at this time.

Xiong Dalin and the others did not expect that the big man next to Han Xu was quite wise, so they nodded in unison, "This is a good idea!"

The meeting lasted for an hour, but the effect was pretty good.

At least determine a few investigation directions.

In the end, it was Captain Xiong Dalin who made the final decision, and Chengdong Police Station would be in charge of Chen Biyun.

Of course, Xiong Dalin still sent people to keep an eye on Qiangsheng Group.

By the way, he will further investigate what secrets Zheng Shiqiang and Qiangsheng Group have.

And the mysterious cheating object was handed over to Han Xu.

After all, it was Han Xu who found out, so he should be in charge.

In fact, the bulk of the case was still handled by Xiong Dalin and his team. After all, Han Xu and his team just happened to be there, and there were many things going on in the northern suburbs, so it was not easy to use too many people.

In this regard, Xiong Dalin was still very sensible.

Han Xu certainly understood and agreed happily.

After the meeting, Xiong Dalin repeatedly asked Han Xu and his team to have dinner together!

Good guy, just after five o'clock in the afternoon, he had another meal.

Fortunately, they met Han Xu and Chengzi, who are big eaters, otherwise they could have eaten two meals in a row.

After dinner, Han Xu and Chengzi squeezed onto the bus and prepared to go home.

The case didn't make much progress that day, but I got two free meals.

Even Chengzi was a little full, and kept sighing that the food treatment in Chengdong was really good.

"If you think it's good, you can go there directly to report!"

Han Xu couldn't help but tease.

Chengzi was speechless for a while, and replied aggrievedly, "Don't worry, our place is also okay. I'm not picky about anything, let alone food!"

Han Xu was speechless after hearing this. He was squeezed on the bus and it was not easy to talk about the case. He had to turn his eyes to the outside of the bus, but his thoughts were gone...

However, it seems that there is still one person detained in the North Suburbs Police Station.

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