A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 104 The Secret of Fire: Disorder

After Yun Ye died, he did not immediately enter the trial again.

Instead, take a deep breath and adjust your state.

Although the mystical state is just the fusion of three forces, the fusion process is very complex and difficult.

It is necessary to construct in the body a feeling similar to that of three energies flowing from one place to the whole body at the same time.

Moreover, during the flow process, the three energies must reach the whole body at the same time to trigger the profound state.

To control it accurately is as difficult as firing thousands of arrows together and then shooting a nearly perfect circle.

This adjustment took a long time, mainly due to Yun Yeyong's meticulous work.

He wanted to burn out all the poison left in his body.

In the state of mysteries, which can be called the unity of heaven and man, Yun Ye discovered a large number of hidden wounds and poisons in his body.

These shortcomings greatly affect the maintenance of mysteries.

Not only will it interfere with the accuracy of his secrets, it will also hinder the flow of energy, resulting in a reduction in power.

It has to be cleared up anyway, and now that I have the state of mysteries to completely "photograph" the details, I can settle the matter while my memory is deep.

Burned by the inextinguishable fire, a large amount of matter turned into smoke and overflowed, and was forced out of the body by Yun Ye.

The cloud night was shrouded in flames, and the more it burned, the lighter it became. Most of the dust on the senses caused by taking too many elixirs was cleared away.

And those hidden wounds, just like Yun Ye repairing his throat, healed quickly by pouring energy from the fire in his heart.

However, due to his limited memory, Yun Ye only managed half of it, so he started the trial again.

"Tap tap tap!"

The thunderous footsteps made Yun Ye's blood boil, his mind was shaken, and it was difficult to concentrate.

Although the shock when he appeared was getting bigger and bigger, Lei Zhenyu did not use this "method" in the battle.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for Yun Ye to defeat Lei Zhenyu.

"Calm down and complete the control..."

Yun Ye entered the mystical state, and the three energies gathered in the spiritual sky, and then spread throughout the body like a "membrane".

If you look closely, you will see that there are actually countless forked meteors, each of which is composed of thousands of tiny strands of esoteric energy.

These profound energies must start from the spiritual space and reach the surface of the skin all over the body at the same time.

Otherwise, you will not be able to enter the profound state.

"But to be precise, the initial secret only needs an error of less than 0.1 seconds. I can still do this..."

The esoteric energy reaches the surface of the skin at the same time, blends into the skin, and forms a real energy layer.

This energy penetrates the body and communicates with the entire world.

Immediately, my mind resonated with the heaven and earth.

At this moment, Yun Ye's "field of vision" widened, covering a radius of one hundred meters.

"The Secret of Fire!"

Yun Ye put his hands together, and all matter and spiritual energy within a hundred meters quickly heated up.

"Big Thunder Sky."

Lei Zhenyu's figure condensed, and when he raised his hand, the thunder pillar connected with the sky, trying to activate his own great spiritual method.

However, after the thunder pillar reached the sky, nothing happened.

Lei Zhenyu looked at the sky strangely.

His eyes turned golden and he opened his spiritual eyes, looking for the problem.

As a result, he found that the aura in this area was a little strange. Was it... boiling?

Although it is difficult to describe, it is indeed very similar to boiling water. The spiritual energy is flying around and it is very chaotic.

This is not the most troublesome thing. If it is just difficult to control, it will not faze him. The key is that the spiritual energy is like water boiling, changing from liquid to gaseous state. This change in form directly causes all his existing spiritual techniques to become invalid. How to mobilize this?

Lei Zhenyu lowered his head and looked at Yun Ye not far away.

"The Secret of Fire——"


Yun Ye smiled and said, "It seems that this trick is also effective for you, so I'm sorry... Samadhi True Fire Sword!"

Draw your sword.

rush ahead!

Discord can explosively increase the power of any spiritual method, interfere with all spiritual energy within the range, and prohibit the opponent from borrowing the energy of heaven and earth.

In other words, everyone within the range can be banned from using walking techniques and great spiritual techniques. Theoretically, if he is strong enough, he can even directly block the revival of spiritual roots.

The current Mystery of Fire, Discord, is only in its infancy and is not so terrifying yet. Spiritual root recovery can still be used, but the loss of vitality will be greatly increased.

But even so, it directly cuts the enemy's strength to the freezing point. The increase in strength of the walking method and the great spiritual method is no joke, it can easily be dozens or hundreds of times!

——But Yun Ye himself will not be affected.

After all, Yun Ye has the root of fire and is the initiator of the secret of fire, so he understands the essence of the secret.

How could it be possible to destroy even oneself when it interferes with spiritual energy?

Even if the secret can only last for a few seconds, it is enough to reverse the outcome!

"Die to me!"

Yun Ye had been tortured by Lei Zhenyu many times. He approached with a hideous smile, holding the Samadhi True Fire in his hand and turning it into a long sword.

In the past, extreme flames such as Cang Yan were commonly used and required weapons to carry them, but now the Samadhi True Fire does not.

It has a certain attack range and can directly leave the body to form a weapon form.

Lightning flashed past.

Lei Zhenyu actually retreated, relying on his haste to escape from the chaos.

After all, Discord was only a short distance of a hundred meters away.

But Lei Zhenyu obviously overestimated his speed.

Without the blessing of mysteries, his own speed alone was too slow in the eyes of Yun Ye now.

"Take the Flame Sword Dance!"

The fire lotus generated thrust, and Yun Ye arrived in front of Lei Zhenyu in an instant. The Samadhi True Fire Sword in his hand was like a falling heavenly punishment, piercing it directly, covering all the dodgeable range of Lei Zhenyu.


Lei Zhenyu fought against the Samadhi True Fire, but was defeated and retreated. He vomited blood and flew backwards, but he quickly adjusted his posture and tried to jump back.

But Yun Ye appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye, with a sweeping whip kick - Lei Zhenyu's combat awareness was indeed amazing, he had already seen through it, raised his hand in advance, and Yun Ye's whip kick fell just in time.

For a moment, Lei Zhenyu's arms exploded, and he himself was hit in the chest with a strong whip.

The terrifying power poured into the whole body from the chest, shattering all the cells and bones along the way. Lei Zhenyu failed to enter the thunder element body state, and was seriously injured and dying.

He hit and rolled on the ground. After a full hundred meters, he tried to stand up, but in the end he failed, and his figure gradually faded and disappeared.


Seeing this scene, Yun Ye didn't have time to laugh, cracks all over his body, and he slowly bent down in extreme pain - the white mist rolled away, the pain faded like a tide, and there was a familiar stone tablet in front of him again.

"The secret of fire is really powerful, but it's a bit life-consuming."

Yun Ye commented silently.

If you want to use the mysteries, you need to have a spiritual body. Yes, it is the highest level of spiritual root talent, "spiritual body".

To be precise, the spiritual body is actually a physical talent, it just contains the spiritual root.

If you want to truly use the mysteries, you can't do it without a spiritual body.

If used forcefully, there is only one word for death.

Then the question arises, how few are born with spiritual bodies. Isn’t this secret exclusive to a very small number of people?


All spiritual monks have a spiritual body, because if you want to become a spiritual monk, you must first cultivate a spiritual body.

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