A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 105 Entering Shiheng Mountain Again (Additional Chapter)

Yun Ye ignited the flame again, cleaning up the hidden wounds and poisons, and further adjusted his condition.

Unfortunately, lost life cannot be restored.

Yun Ye entered the twelfth level.

"The peerless genius in ancient times, Lei Zhenyu - the secret is unlocked."

Both text and sound seem a bit choppy at this level.

The same is true for Lei Zhenyu.

The speed at which he came out was much slower than the previous levels, and his figure flickered erratically from time to time.

Although he didn't understand what was going on, Yun Ye had to strike first and unite his mind if he wanted to win.

Secret mode!

"The Secret of Fire!"


The world dyed red, forming a domain unique to Yun Ye.

Although it is very rough, with only a thin red lingering in the air, this is indeed a realm.

"Mysterious Great Thunder Sky!"

Lei Zhenyu condensed and entered the secret mode to fight Yun Ye.

His secret was suppressed by Disorder, and he was unable to mobilize external energy. He only fully utilized his own power, but even so, his terrifying combat power allowed him to hold on, and he was not instantly killed by Yun Ye.

But Yun Ye's secret is only a semi-finished product, it can only last for three seconds at most, and will explode on the spot when the time is up.

"Good guy, really good guy...is this a peerless genius?"

Yun Ye had never encountered such a difficult opponent before. He was even unable to defeat the secret and could not fully take effect.

After pondering for a moment, Yun Ye tried several more times, but without exception, they all failed.

"It seems that there is really no way to win with a half-finished secret. At least the time must be increased to ten seconds."

Yun Ye left Zhu Village and headed straight to Shiheng Mountain.

Nine marrow spiritual grass.

This is a top elixir that as long as you eat it, you can immediately obtain the nine-marrow spirit body. If you want to beat Lei Zhenyu, the only hope is this elixir!

And now that the time is almost up, the emotions of the first team "should" have calmed down, and it is time for him to take revenge.


Yun Ye said that the team's emotions "should" calm down, but this was just the result he needed, and he didn't care what happened.

The actual situation is obviously the opposite.

Not to mention ordinary black armors like Shi Baiyan, even Li Faxing, who has the strength of a soldier commander, is still uneasy, fearing that another destructive magical power will appear and kill him on the spot.

This is probably the case if you cultivate your strength but not your heart.

Li Faxing actually felt weird, and he also speculated whether this attack could only be used once.

But the more we know and the more we think, the more we fear uncertainty.

Yes, in theory, this is indeed the case.

But what if?

What if the other party can use it a second time?

When you reach such a high position as Li Dharma, you don't want to risk your life. That's what low-class people should do, and it doesn't suit them.

Even if there was only a small possibility, Li Faxing would not take a gamble, so no matter whether he was calm or not, Li Faxing would only make one decision, to retreat and stay away!

But retreating did not mean that Li Faxing did nothing. He was also angry and annoyed.


"Did you send someone to keep an eye on Riifeng Hazama? Do you want to see if it was someone who plotted against him?"

From the perspective of the Eye of Light, Yun Ye observed the spiritual reactions of the three people from a long distance.

They are all a team of black-armored spiritual magicians, and they were ordered to lurk here.

And they are far apart to prevent them from being killed at the same time.

"Kill them now. With the life cards here, Lifa Xinghui will immediately know what happened here."

"But do you dare to come to Lifaxing?"

Yun Ye was a little disdainful.

He doesn't need to gamble, he can directly determine the outcome. This is the nature of these family members.

Moreover, if Li Faxing dares to come, Yun Ye will dare to let him never come back!

Things are different now!

"Samadhi True Fire Spirit Bow!"

Yun Ye condensed his big bow, put on the flaming arrows, and aimed at the area where the three of them were.

If it were him before, it would be really difficult to kill him so far away.

However, the Samadhi True Fire is too strong to produce a single extreme flame, and there are new zodiac signs, so it is no longer a problem to kill the enemy from a medium distance.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Three arrows were shot out quickly.

The three people did not offer any resistance and were penetrated on the spot and nailed to the spot.

Under Yun Ye's precise control, the Samadhi True Fire only burned their bodies and retained the elixir.

After taking away the elixir, Yun Ye went up the mountain through the main entrance this time.

And just as Yun Ye expected.

After Li Faxing discovered that the fate card was broken, he really didn't take any action and even took the initiative to stay away from the Splitting Wind Mountain.

"Three people died at the same time. Sure enough, some terrible demon is haunting... It's impossible to get the Nine Marrow Spirit Grass. That's a place of death!"

Li Faxing murmured to himself, staying away from Split Wind Mountain completely and not planning to take any action.

In this secret place of Yingyue.

There are only two forces.

The white stone spirit-suppressing method, and the secret demons.

Killing Tong Yuan and six team members in a row was obviously not something that the forces of Baishi Town could do.

Among the five commanders, only Ji Ming'e can stabilize Tong Yuan, and only she may have the means to resist the magic chain... However, it is impossible to kill Tong Yuan instantly in this situation.

Moreover, she had no reason to do so.


It could only be a catastrophic demon.

There is a catastrophic demon that is watching this top-level elixir and does not allow them to take it. There may even be multiple ones that are balancing each other, so it does not appear.

However, demons are not humans. They have cultivation methods that can fully unleash the medicinal power of the Nine Marrow Spirit Grass.

If it was just a top-level spiritual medicine, it shouldn't be enough to attract a catastrophe.

Is it because of that special Rift Wind Spirit Tree?

Li Faxing left with confusion.

He didn't dare to explore.


Yun Ye felt completely different when he walked up the Rift Wind Spirit Mountain again.

This time he didn't force himself to fight against the Rift Wind.

He felt relaxed all over.

His strength was at its peak.

Looking at the tree in the distance that connected the heaven and earth to the Rift Wind, Yun Ye couldn't help but show a touch of shock in his eyes.

The life form of the Rift Wind Spirit Tree is undoubtedly very miraculous, and it is a life born from countless coincidences.

Unfortunately, no matter how miraculous it is, Yun Ye will not show mercy at this moment.

"Sky phenomenon, show time!"

Yun Ye activated the sky phenomenon.

With his current strength, although he is sure to defeat the Rift Wind Spirit Tree, it may take a lot of time.

So, directly activate the sky phenomenon!

The sky phenomenon unfolded.

Unlike last time, Yun Ye added his own spiritual power to control it this time.

The reason why magic tools need mantras is mainly because there is no spiritual power connection between magic tools and people.

In other words, the release of the magic weapon once will not consume the power of the owner.

Only the second release requires the connection of spiritual power for control.

Yun Ye had been unable to hold on because of too much poison, so he relied on the power of the sky to aim and attack. The last shot actually left Tong Yuan with two legs.

Now he has to deal with the cracked wind spirit tree without hurting the nine-marrow spirit grass, so the accuracy must be improved.

"Aura fire!"

Yun Ye's positioning method is also very simple, extreme flame·aura fire.

Aura fire can only produce light, but it is very useful for guidance and can be used for ultra-long-range strikes.

As a beam of light fell on the trunk of the cracked wind spirit tree.

The soul-breaking bullet popped out.

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