A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 110 Asking for sincerity, the Taoist weapon is finally activated!

Restart my life.

Young people are full of expectations and hope that they can take a completely different path.

However, hunger, disease, separation and death quickly tore apart the young man's ambition and made him see reality clearly.

The happiness that he was completely unaware of in peacetime was completely taken away in this life. He tried his best to just live. Only then did he understand how happy his first life was.

Unlike the children of his generation who were struggling in the countryside, he had an outstanding family who took him away from the countryside, where he received a good education and acquired knowledge and insights that seemed ordinary but in fact were beyond the reach of many people.

The experience of his second life profoundly taught Yun Ye that there must be a deep-seated reason behind something.

And...people's joys and sorrows are not the same.

In modern times, we don’t know how many people are left behind in the dust of the times. They know nothing and have no talents. They only went to school for a few years and then had to leave to work to support their families. And often they only have one place to go, black and white. factory.

The environment shapes personality. It is impossible not to smoke, drink, and perm your hair. Therefore, if you appear on the Internet, you will inevitably be called a vulgar and inferior person.

People's joys and sorrows are not the same.

In his previous life, Yun Ye would not have noticed a group of Internet inferiors, nor would he try to understand why such a group of people appeared. He would only take it for granted that they were just a group of social trash who had enough to eat and had nothing to do.

After Yun Ye himself became a lower class person and lived like this, the world finally lifted its veil.

Although it is thin, the veil will never be lifted...

"Brother, I don't know how to deal with it. Please help me. I can make a lot of money, and I'll give you half of it when the time comes."

The young man said this to the honest man.

The man scratched his hair and said, "Okay, but I don't want the money. I'll use it to take good care of Cuilian."


The boy only saw the man's body.

He was beaten to death with random sticks, and all his bones were broken. He died miserably, and the things he took to sell were missing.

But later on, the boy didn't encounter any trouble... Probably, the man didn't say anything before he died.

The young man stood for a long time, with blood covering his hands. He spread his hands and looked at the wounds made by his nails in a daze.

He had never been so angry before, and the urge to stab someone directly with a kitchen knife never faded away for a long time.

But in the end, he did nothing.

So what if I take revenge.

He was just beaten to death with a stick.

Cuilian will not end well either.

He promised to treat the man's sister well.

As a mortal, he can only choose one of revenge or supporting his family.

The images kept flashing by.

Yun Ye watched the story unfold quietly.

After struggling to survive for several years, Onomura was reduced to ashes under the flames.

The young farmer also died holding his child in his arms, unable to do anything.

Revenge or support for the family?

Choose one?

No, that is a choice opportunity only available in peaceful modern times.

In this world, neither is allowed.


Yun Ye looked at the picture and entered the third life.

In this life, he knew the rules, was cautious, never took risks, and gradually became stronger as time went by.

It wasn't until he entered the isolated secret realm that his fangs were revealed, and he transformed into a hunter to repay the gifts given by the family in the previous life.

Yun Ye closed his eyes, countless emotions agitated.

Kill Tong Yuan and deal with Shi Baiyan.

Is revenge over?


As long as this environment remains for another day, his anger will never stop!

"My way?"

"Do I still need to ask?"

"I am tomorrow, and tomorrow is me!"

La la la la!

It seems like countless holy voices are singing!

Endless light broke through this mental world. Yun Ye opened his eyes and returned to the center of the gold and silver formation again.

The only difference was that a glorious sword was slowly emerging from his chest.

The soul-cleansing hymn resounded throughout the world.

This is a song that only Taoists can hear, and the world is celebrating the birth of new greatness.

As a rule-making instrument, only Tao that is completely different from the past is worthy of being announced to the world.

In other words, from the past to the present, there is no Taoist weapon that upholds the same philosophy as him.

"Of course, it could also be destroyed."

Yun Ye suddenly held the Dao sword, and several pieces of information were poured into his mind. The light dispersed, revealing the true appearance of the Dao weapon.

This is a strange sword that reflects in the sky and shines down on the earth. The hilt is invisible, made of water and flames. Two ribbons of water and fire are fluttering. It is very magical. It seems that it is not ordinary water and fire.

"Tomorrow comes tomorrow·Two-point cutting power sword!"

The information that appeared out of thin air allowed Yun Ye to know the true name of his Taoist artifact.

This is why he understands the power of this sword.


The Book of Reincarnation appeared, turning to the latest page, and the image of the Taoist weapon was reflected on it.

Lines of text and introductions appear.

"Taoist weapon: Tomorrow comes tomorrow·Two-point cutting power Taoist sword." 』

"Scope: Baishi Town. 』

"Rating: E-level. 』

"Response: 0. 』

"Rules: Not set. 』

"True Name: Tomorrow and Tomorrow: The team you lead will continue to increase their courage and belief in practice. The effect depends on the integrity of your concept. 』

"True Name·Two-Part Cutting Power: It can cut apart all authority and concepts. The specific effect is determined by the proportion of the group you represent. The fire belt is the enemy, and the water belt is oneself. 』

"Introduction: The weak question the world, gather the power of the weak, and light up the spark that should be lit. You do not turn your back on all sentient beings, and so will all sentient beings. 』

Taoism is the extension and regularization of the road.

Yun Ye's Taoist tools have two basic abilities.

This is the true name ability of Taoist tools. Each Taoist tool has several abilities derived from its true name.

But the real power of a Taoist weapon always lies in its ability to formulate rules.

This is the essence of Taoism.

Yun Ye closed the book of reincarnation and did not formulate the rules immediately because he did not know what rules the Taoist weapon could formulate tomorrow. If he made the wrong rules, it would be catastrophic.

"The so-called Taoist tools are born from the heart and echo from the heart. The stronger the echo, the stronger the power of the Taoist tools."

"The brilliance of your way shines on the world, showing your sincerity!"

"Second level passed!"

"The third level, going through the ten tribulations again, begins..."

While Yun Ye was still thinking, the white mist around him did not stop and led him to a new trial site.

So, Yun Ye came to a place under the blood-red sky, with battle flags flying on the ground. A large number of soldiers died, and broken armor and weapons could be seen everywhere.

The scenery here is very desolate and there have been tragic wars.

"This is the ancient battlefield of the first level?!"

Yun Ye was surprised and saw some tricks. Although there were many differences, the atmosphere was too close.

I'm afraid that the scene in the first level is the result of countless traces being erased here after countless years.

Yun Ye didn't know what to do, so he planned to walk around first.

But the results are strange.

He wanted to move, but everything felt heavy, and he felt strangely disconnected from the world.

The out of place feeling made him feel a little bad.

In the distance, seven people were sweeping the battlefield, killing the soldiers who were not dead. Among them, a young man in silver armor saw Yun Ye and frowned: "After the big sacrifice, there are still monks?"

He waved his hand.

The two ancient monks around them took action, their swords flashed, and two flying swords came across the sky, drawing a deadly white light.

"Is this the test of ten tribulations, another battle?"

Yun Ye looked at the two-point Zhanquan Dao Sword in his hand and immediately held it, knocking down the sword light easily.

The flying sword hit by the Dao sword quickly lost its spirituality. Both ancient monks were surprised by this abnormality.

"Taoist weapon!"

As soon as the young man in silver armor said this word, white light suddenly shone through the space, and countless cracks spread.

"what is happening?"

Yun Ye was shocked to find that the center of the abnormality was him. To be precise, it was the Taoist weapon in his hand.


Eventually, space collapsed.

"Third level, failure..."

The text in the air appeared, but it was also missing, very unstable.

White mist exploded.

Yun Ye was momentarily weightless, and he subconsciously wanted to enter the netherworld and use the weightless environment to escape. However, he found that this was not a high altitude, so he gave up again.

Land smoothly.

Yun Ye found himself in a large hall, which was very dilapidated and full of dust.

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