A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 111 The carrier of the secret realm, the Moon-Ying Baohuan (please subscribe for more update

The main hall is indeed very dilapidated, but from these dilapidated remnants, we can vaguely see the glory of this place.


A white pillar with an astonishing aura penetrated the hall, ending this glory.

The area close to the white pillar has been completely deserted, and only by staying far away can it be barely preserved intact.

"A sword energy that has been preserved for thousands of years, what level of power is this?"

Yun Ye looked up along the pillar and discovered its true form——

This is a sword energy that penetrates Tianyun!

The traces will last for thousands of years!

Even today, Yun Ye still felt his skin stinging and bleeding from the inside out.

He now has a spiritual body!


The Tao sword held by Yun Ye made a sword sound, like a gentle wave, smoothing the sharp breath in the air.

The sword energy that had existed for thousands of years finally collapsed and disintegrated today, turning into a large amount of sharp aura flowing in all directions.

It doesn't matter that Yun Ye has the protection of the two-point Zhan Quan Dao Sword, but he just sighs at his true power.

Likewise, I am very satisfied with the mid-range weapon.

"Tomorrow comes tomorrow. The Taoist Sword of Two-point Cutting Power has a long name, but the Taoist weapon is truly extraordinary."

"I failed the third level, but I came to this hall. What does this mean?"

Yun Ye walked all the way into the depths of the hall.

Due to the unimpeded formation, he traveled throughout the entire hall.

But everywhere they went, ashes were flying everywhere, leaving nothing behind.

Even the jade slips of the Zizuitianmen Spiritual Method sealed in the deepest part were broken into eight pieces for unknown reasons. Although the carrier has not been broken, it has also lost its inheritance effect.

"Is this, completely wiped out? Destroyed by a causal curse?"

Yun Ye gained absolutely nothing.

Watching each treasure and inheritance turn into dust.

Logically speaking, high-level spiritual treasures would not disintegrate so completely after thousands of years, but thinking about the situation near the sword energy, Yun Ye felt that this might be the method of the hostile forces of Yingyue Tianmen.

This sword energy can wipe out the spirituality of the entire hall, and it may not be impossible to destroy the inheritance of Yingyue Tianmen directly from the air.

Finally, Yun Ye stopped at a spiritual pond.

——There is no road ahead.

Thousands of years later, the spiritual pool is still overflowing with spiritual liquid, and the spiritual energy has become so rich that it is extremely poisonous.

Yun Ye felt scary looking at it from a distance.

He opened his spiritual eyes to observe the gold and silver formation, but he would be pricked by the powerful spiritual power.

But the spiritual power of the Taoist formation is simply incomparable to that here, not even one ten thousandth.

A long distance away, Yun Ye had already begun to lose his vitality. If he opened his spiritual eyes here, he would probably be blinded directly.

"The spiritual energy has become so rich that it has turned into a liquid. If it leaks out a little, the person breathing it will be able to inhale a large amount of spiritual energy uncontrollably. This is too scary."

Yun Ye murmured to himself.

Under normal circumstances, this will not happen. Breathing cannot attract spiritual energy. But when the spiritual energy is so rich that it liquefies, the overflow will also be in the form of water droplets and will be physically inhaled into the body...

For ordinary people, this is completely poisonous and will evaporate vitality crazily.

Whatever remains of the Yingyue Tianmen is the treasure that Baishi Town dreams of.

This kind of pool water is not only non-poisonous but also a super accelerator for those who want to cultivate into a spiritual body.

A century-old achievement can be achieved in one year, or even shorter.

The spiritual pool is probably the center of the entire secret realm, where endless spiritual power gathers and flows out.

Yun Ye had nowhere to go, so he observed here for a while, and he suddenly discovered that the water in the pool seemed to be...

There is something!

"A ring?"

Yun Ye was sure that he saw a ring in the water.

The ring is in the center of the pool.

There was no spiritual fluid in this area, as if it had been swallowed up by the ring.

This is not simple. After being immersed in this level of spiritual liquid for thousands of years, it will either be corroded into slag, or it will be turned into an invincible material by the temperature.

This ring is obviously the latter.

It is definitely a treasure that can last for thousands of years!


Yun Ye swung his sword, as if cutting through the space, and the spiritual energy retreated, opening a path straight out.

He pressed the Dao sword, remained vigilant, and walked towards the pool step by step.

But until he walked into the pool and came to the ring, nothing happened.

At a close distance, Yun Ye finally saw clearly the true appearance shrouded in the dense aura, and he looked shocked.

"This is...the moon disk!"

This ring is the "sun" hanging in the sky of the secret realm.

The characteristics are really obvious, because through the center of the ring, you can see the entire secret realm.

Even more infinite heat is shed from this ring.

It turned out that he had come to heaven.

This ring is probably the center of the entire secret realm, and the spiritual pool is just a component that provides energy!

Yun Ye is obviously very interested in this thing. If he can really control the secret realm, wouldn't it take off?

After thinking about it, Yun Ye took out a spiritual sword and touched the ring...

No reaction occurred.

Yun Ye breathed a sigh of relief and tried various things, but he found that nothing worked and the ring was indifferent.

Just when Yun Ye reached out and wanted to pick it up directly, he suddenly stopped in mid-air.

"Instead of touching it directly, why not drop some blood first? Wouldn't this treasure be recognized as its owner by dripping blood?"

Yun Ye thought so and did so.

A drop of blood fell.

The entire spiritual pool was dyed red.

The clear scene inside the ring also instantly turned red, and a vortex appeared - the ring rose into the air, shining in the sky.

At the same time, all the creatures in the entire secret realm felt that the sky darkened, but immediately returned to normal, as if it was just an illusion.


Yun Ye was surprised.

As the ring rose into the air, he clearly felt that he had a slight connection with it, as if he could control it.

"Does it really work to recognize the master by dripping blood?"

Yun Ye really tried it casually.

But by chance, after thousands of years when all the formations and precautions were erased, he tried it casually and it really worked, and directly made the ring recognize the master!

"The one who inherits the Yingyue Treasure Ring is the master of the Yingyue Tianmen of the present generation."

"I don't know how many years later, the successors will practice their own way, and become immortals when they achieve the way."

"I hope that in the future, Yingyue Tianmen will have a brilliant person who will surpass the world and become a true immortal."

"Become an immortal, become an immortal, can it take ten thousand years..."

It was probably the image left by the master of the previous generation of Tianmen, which was poured into his mind when the treasure ring recognized the master.

He did not mention why Yingyue Tianmen perished, but simply sighed.


The Yingyue Treasure Ring fell.

It floated in Yunye's palm.

This is a basin-sized ring, which is composed of crystal flowing energy. In the center, a landscape space is evolved, which is very extraordinary.

Yunye thought, and the Yingyue Treasure Ring turned into a small hairband, which was stuck on his hair and bound up his long black hair. Although it was the flowing crystal moonlight, it was a bit conspicuous, but there were always some spiritual tools among the spiritualists, which were not worth noting.

After he has completely refined the Yingyue Ring, he can also choose to keep it in his body and not show off his wealth.

After looking at himself in the spirit pool, Yun Ye was a little surprised at his appearance.

After achieving the Nine-marrow Spirit Body, his appearance was already quite handsome. Now with the blessing of the Yingyue Ring, he already had a sense of transcendence.

Even a cloth dress could not cover up this light.

This feeling was the first time he had experienced it in three lives, and it was quite good.


After Yun Ye took the Yingyue Ring, the palace in the sky began to collapse and the white mist spread again.

After holding the Yingyue Ring, Yun Ye had obtained some authority in the secret realm. Knowing that the white mist would take him back to the stone tablet, he did not resist.

He took a look at the spirit pool.

Yun Ye was swallowed by the white mist.

When he took the Yingyue Ring, he understood a lot of things.

The spirit pool was not unable to operate without the Yingyue Ring, but it would consume more spiritual energy.

From now on, the concentration of spiritual energy in the secret realm will drop... This probably won't attract much attention. After all, without its master, the secret realm will gradually go to destruction, and the reduction of spiritual energy concentration is only the first step.

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