A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 112 Taoist Weapon: The Bronze Cauldron

Returning to the stone tablet, Yun Ye sat down and worshiped the moon-reflecting treasure ring.

He wants to directly sacrifice the Yingyue Baohuan into a natal magic weapon!

This thing generally has two effects.

First, as a secret realm carrier, there is a small self-sufficient secret realm inside the Yingyue Treasure Ring. Although it is not as good as the Yingyue Secret Realm, it can also grow elixirs or serve as a secret base.

Second, as an attack method, the Yingyue Ring can emit high-temperature light and perform a large-scale salvation. Even if it does not include the secret realm contained in it, it is also a treasure above spiritual weapons, magic weapons, and magic weapons.

However... Judging from the fact that Yingyue Tianmen placed the treasure ring in the secret realm and did not take it out to participate in the battle, this is probably not the treasure weapon for the main attack. It is just a "moon disk" that can release high-temperature light.

What Yun Ye values ​​​​is not the offensive ability, but the "secret realm" within it.

This is a shocking ability that only ancient monks mastered.

Open up a small world directly.

Although the world in Yingyue Baohuan is small, it is enough to serve as a perfect base.

A self-sufficient base that can bypass White Rock Town!

A treasure comparable to a small world is far more meaningful than any attack treasure. It is precisely for this reason that it can survive and exist together with the Yingyue Secret Realm for thousands of years.

"Blood refining!"

Yunye let out blood and used the spirituality carried in the blood to refine the Moon-Ying Baohuan to establish a deeper connection.

This process is very special because Yun Ye's consciousness is soaring.

As a device with partial permissions of Yingyue Secret Realm.

The moon-reflecting treasure ring reflects the entire secret realm.

As Yun Ye gained control over it, the entire secret realm also unfolded, and Yun Ye even saw the outside world.

Four senior executives of White Rock Town were sitting on futons, holding a rare gathering.

This will last seven days.

For monks at their level, not eating or drinking for seven days is nothing.

These four senior executives.

The two are Zhuo Qilian, an elegant green-robed woman shrouded in divine law. She is still hazy, but her face is no longer covered in front of the three judges. This is indeed a very stunning fairy. .

She has a sense of elegance and elegance, with clear blue eyes and a gentle smile at the corner of her mouth. Her long black hair hangs down and is scattered on the ground. Not only is it not stained by dust, but it also exudes a faint spiritual light.

Although the other three people were also extraordinary, they were completely suppressed by Zhuo Qilian. The peaceful aura calmed the hostility in the hearts of the three people. This made the three people enjoy it very much and were willing to discuss things with Zhuo Qilian.

The other three people were, first of all, a figure that Yun Ye was quite familiar with, Liu Quan.

He has a middle-aged face, a Chinese character face, a square and majestic appearance, and a white official uniform that is cold and distant. Apart from the fact that the white official uniform can show his identity, Liu Quan actually looks very ordinary from the outside.

But at this gathering, Liu Quan showed his magical power. The treasure mirror stood in the center, showing countless scenes, including fighting, mountain scenery, or the high-altitude view of Baishi Town.

Although he is in this Muling Valley, he can travel around the world.

The most valuable thing is that this scene covers this area and hides external interference. For the four senior officials, it is like watching the world immersively.

This is a very profound method, and the control is too strong.

Then, there are the chief officer of body law and the deputy officer of body law.

Both of them have perfect figures and are extremely in line with human aesthetics.

The two are members of the Ji family.

Ji Yan and Ji Xuan.

They are surrounded by multiple star rings, slowly extracting and refining the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Different from the three paths that normal monks know, these two only cultivate the physical path.

The three major methods can all be practiced individually. These are the three paths, and no one is indispensable.

It's just that fellow practitioners from the three paths are indeed stronger.

Moreover, Yun Ye seemed to have taken three paths, but in fact he only studied spiritual methods. The other two paths were only available, but not in depth at all. His talent was still too poor, and the other two paths required more talent.

According to the large amount of knowledge gained by Yun Ye, it can be known that physical monks do not rely on spirituality to fight. The spiritual roots only act as extractors of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Even if the spiritual root is weak, it doesn't matter. The star ring can replace the spiritual root and extract the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The disadvantage is that physical training requires a large amount of resources to accumulate, otherwise it will not be able to fight. Only the Ji family has this background, training physical monks, and they have reached the level of a judge.

Unlike spiritual and divine methods, physical methods do not have so many fancy abilities. The two physical judges only participated in small talk and did not show any magical powers.

And when this long-lost conversation came to an end, the door hidden in the Yingyue Pool suddenly trembled, and part of its brilliance was lost. In the Yingyue Pool, where the moon once fell like a moon falling into the lake, the moon actually disappeared, leaving only a whirlpool!

All four people noticed this, their chat was interrupted, and their consciousness continued to seep into this space.

Zhuo Qilian had a higher level of consciousness and more extraordinary power, but she found nothing and shook her head at the other three.

"When something happens in the secret realm, something must have happened. Leave everything for questioning." Liu Quan gave the most direct solution.

The two judges from the Ji family nodded, there was no way they would allow changes to happen.

At this moment, the two Ji family judges suddenly looked to the horizon, and two streams of light fleetingly fell into their hands.

This is a paper kite, coming from the Ji family land in Baishi Town.


After the two of them read it, they both looked shocked.

The two presented the news to Zhuo Qilian.


After Zhuo Qilian finished reading, he was silent for a long time, then stood up slowly, "I didn't expect that I was the one who witnessed the new light."

"The Taoist weapon was born, right here."

"Taoist weapon? Here?"

Just these two words shocked Liu Quan.

"Yes, junior brother heard the Tao song, a new Taoist weapon was born, and a new domain appeared near Baishi Town."

Zhuo Qilian nodded, his eyes a little complicated.

The miracle she had been chasing for a hundred years was actually realized in the hands of some young people, and it was a completely different way!

This really made it difficult for her to calm down.

"Because of the arrival of the great catastrophe, the power of the Taoist tools has already weakened. If a new Taoist tool is born for this purpose, it will be a huge disaster for Baishi Town. In order to prevent accidents, everyone here will die... No, Let’s search for souls and torture them.”

Ji Yan, the body master, thought about the problem of the lack of people during the great calamity, and came up with a solution.

Ji Xuan also nodded: "Yes, just search for souls, there is no need to kill too much."

"I'm afraid those who master the Taoist weapon cannot be captured so easily. This is a weapon that can change the order." Liu Quan said.

The two Ji family members shook their heads and said:

"It doesn't matter. How many people agree with the newly born Taoist weapon? In our field..."

"He must die!"

A bronze tripod as tall as one person appeared from Ji Yan's hand.

It's not a token, it's not a chain, it's not an ancient book. This Taoist artifact is a bronze tripod, shrouded in endless black light. This bronze tripod is wrapped with chains, and there are sounds of chanting decrees.

"Whoever commits the above offense will die!"

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