A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 117 Victory by surprise

"You can't imagine the heritage of a noble family, let alone being born into a noble family and having to defeat countless opponents. Climbing out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, trying to defeat a person who upholds the Dharma and attained enlightenment with a mere mortal body is just a dream!"

The star ring inside Ji Xuan's body provided terrifying power, allowing him to keep up with Yun Ye's acceleration of tens of thousands of times.

"Sure enough, it's right to be cautious!"

This is the only inner fire that is jointly launched by the three extreme flames, and it has the ultimate increase in spiritual power.

Even if the physical priest just catches up temporarily, it is too terrifying.

If Yun Ye had not chosen the only inner fire, but the Netherworld Fire, the result would have been 100% that he would have been instantly killed and he would not even be able to react.

The upper limit of strength in this world is indeed too terrifying. At this level, as long as the power is turned into a diffusion type, one punch can sink the entire town!

"That's it!"

Ji Xuan punched, and the ultimate spiritual power turned into a white mist visible to the naked eye, which was absorbed into the palm of his hand, unleashing terrifying power.

He wants to interrupt the delusions of those who come after him!

It is the mission of these pigs to crawl under the rule of the Ji family and be slaughtered by them!

Physique Method·Huixing Liwu Style!

Heavy ring blessing!

The five star rings merged into one, and their power increased to a terrifying degree. This was the reason why he could keep up with Yun Ye's speed.

"If you can't catch this punch, you won't have the chance to use the Taoist weapon, but it saves you trouble -"


Ji Xuan wants to fight Yun Ye. In terms of strength, he will win!

But Yun Ye had expected it.

His eyes were burning with red light, and he could clearly see the flow of Ji Xuan's spiritual power.

At this moment, his mind was more focused than ever before.

From the spiritual space in the chest, the three major energies collided and merged, spreading in all directions of the body.

Within milliseconds, the secret mode is completed.

Yun Ye punched out, and the energy of the entire world was boiling and disordered, while his power continued to surge.

The arm completely turned into light, and after one blow, the soul in the arm would fly into ashes.

This kind of injury cannot even be regenerated by spiritual magic.

"The Secret of Fire - Discord!"

Yun Ye was obviously not afraid of the price, and activated the secret with all his strength, prohibiting the movement of spiritual energy within a hundred meters.

The spiritual energy covering Ji Xuan's palm spread out visibly to the naked eye, uncontrollably, and quickly turned into a band of light and disappeared. Even if the latter reacted quickly, expanded its range from the palm to the entire arm, and forcibly stabilized it, it was useless.

The spiritual power is constantly disintegrating!

"not good!"

Ji Xuan's figure slowed down instantly, unable to keep up with Yun Ye's movements. Yun Ye made a leap and appeared beside Ji Xuan, striking Ji Xuan's head with a self-destructive blow.


This was a huge explosion of destruction. Yun Ye was directly blown away, his right arm disappeared completely, and even his body was affected. He coughed up blood and his condition dropped to freezing point. However, Yun Ye didn't care and swallowed the extracted medicine directly. fluid, the body regenerates quickly.

It is true that the arm cannot regenerate, but other injuries are recovering rapidly.

And the result of this blow was revealed as the flames dissipated.

Half of Ji Xuan's head disappeared, and the remaining one eye was also bloody. He pressed it with his hand, showing an expression of disbelief, and then staggered and fell from the sky - he was already seriously injured and dying!

Yun Ye didn't pause, kicked the air, pursued the victory, and appeared next to Ji Xuan again.

Raising his hand, the powerful fire energy gathered in his palm, forming extremely sharp high-temperature cutting.


A palm cut it off, and the sound of bombarding the copper was heard.

Yun Ye's face changed slightly.

In front of his eyes, a bronze tripod appeared, blocking his fatal blow.


Ji Yan, who was sitting on the futon in the air, roared and directly intervened to stop Yun Ye's last strike. An aura that was far more terrifying than Ji Xuan came across five hundred meters and crushed the air. The air was shaken by this roar, making everyone Yun Ye stepped back continuously.

"There is strength in numbers..."

Yun Ye frowned.

There are four characters of the same level on the other side, and he can only seriously injure one of them even if he sacrifices his life, unable to truly kill one of them.

Their strength at this level is too strong, and they can prevent him from finishing the last hit.

Yun Ye exited the secret mode.

The Great Spiritual Technique also stopped.

In just such an instant, ten years of his lifespan evaporated!

"It seems that we have underestimated you. With a mortal body, you can actually shake the great monk who upholds the law and achieves enlightenment!"

Ji Yan crossed hundreds of meters in one step, grabbed Ji Xuan, and a large amount of mana poured in, stabilizing Ji Xuan's injuries.

He frowned, and his brain was damaged. This was damage that ordinary spiritual methods could not repair. Perhaps Ji Xuan would suffer a great loss in combat power in the future, or even fall to the spiritual realm!

He wouldn't be moved by the loss of several commanders, but now it's possible that he lost a great monk?

There aren't many great monks in the Ji family, but they are the real ones. How should he explain to the clan?

"Hmph! You, damn it, I can't tolerate your arrogance anymore, just die!"

Ji Yan's eyes were gloomy, and the bronze cauldron in his hand was enlarged and stood in the sky.

Countless chains appeared, penetrating the space and disappearing into this area.

"The rules unfold!"

"Whoever commits the above offense will die!"

For the soldier commander, the black armor and even the spiritual magic team, this battle was purely a fight between gods.

The fight between Yun Ye and Ji Xuan lasted only a moment, and it was only a moment. The explosion flattened the valley.

Almost all the water in Yingyue Pool was scattered throughout the valley.

Under this situation, the people standing on the water naturally felt as if they were caught in a rough wave and were blown away, making them very embarrassed.

Only the soldier-level commanders can contend with the aftermath, while the others even have to worry about whether their lives will be taken away by a strong wind.

And the end result.

It really shocked everyone.

With just one move, the physical adjutant's head was blown to bits and he was defeated!

"How can this be!"

"How can humans in the mortal realm win in a battle with the dharma realm?"

"How much combat power does this span?!"

The major military commanders were the most shocked.

It is precisely because they are close to the Dharma realm that they clearly know how big the gap between the spiritual realm and the Dharma realm is.

They were unable to move at all under the spell of the law, and were completely powerless.

And a Mortal Realm who spans two great realms and can almost kill the Dharma Realm with one move is still the most terrifying physical monk with the most terrifying defense? !

This mortal realm is too heaven-defying!

Even if this great physical cultivator didn't use any magic weapon and was plotted against him, this would still be too outrageous!

If it were them, it would be impossible for the great monk to be unable to react and succeed with one blow!

"But that's all, that's a Taoist weapon!"

"Your Majesty the Bronze Cauldron!"

Ji Ming'e couldn't take his eyes away.

This was also the first time she had seen a Taoist weapon being used. There was a price for using a Taoist weapon and it should not be touched lightly.

But once dispatched, they will be killed!

The bronze tripod takes off.

A large number of chains are hidden deep in the space.

The network of rules is beginning to spread!

"Is this some kind of top-level magic weapon?"

"It doesn't seem like it's inducing spiritual power? Is this a higher-level weapon that we can't sense?"

Many ordinary monks did not recognize what this was and showed confusion.

"In order to kill a civilian, he actually used a Taoist weapon!"

Many military commanders were heartbroken.

Among the major families, only those who have reached the spiritual level are qualified to obtain information about the device.

This thing is the nuclear button of White Rock Town, it can decide the life or death of even the judge!

When used on a commoner, it is simply a huge honor!

the other side.

Wang Yao looked at Yun Ye, who had his back turned to him, with shock in his eyes.

"It turns out that he has already reached this level!"

For him, who knows the inside story.

What Yun Ye did was so special.

With this kind of strength, how difficult is it to become a high-level official in Baishi Town?

Why should we pay the price of our lives and blow the horn to destroy Baishi Town?

Wang Yao never believed that there really were great heroes who sacrificed themselves for others.

But now, he believed it, completely believed it.

Yang Shi is a hero who truly lives up to his ideals!

There was no hesitation at all on his back!

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