A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 118 The second battle, Ji Yan

"Taoist weapon, please honor the bronze tripod."

Unlike all ordinary people, as a Taoist tool user, Yun Ye can directly see the true name and rule network of this Taoist tool.

This kind of "seeing" cannot obtain the real name effect or the rule effect, but it can give an advance warning of the presence of Taoist artifacts in the surrounding area to avoid being executed for violating the rules.

Of course, the constraints of Taoist tools are not completely "rules", they are just a strong effect.

If the strength is sufficient and exceeds the upper limit of the Taoist weapon, it cannot be directly obliterated.

A thousand-year-old family has been passed down for such a long time, so it is still okay to obliterate the judge.

Although Yun Ye's strength is close to that of a judge, his level is only that of a mortal. His resistance to Taoist weapons is much lower than that of ordinary judges. Violating the rules of Taoist weapons will lead to death.

In other words, if he wanted to fight, Yun Ye could only use his own Taoist weapon.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the chains disappeared, but in the eyes of Taoist users, they spread rapidly.

Under Ji Yan's indifferent gaze, Yun Ye turned his left hand, reflecting the sky and the earth. The Tao sword with fluttering fire appeared in his hand, and he cut off several rule chains with difficulty.

This Dao sword reflects the sky in the upper half, and the earth in the lower half, which has the meaning of encompassing the world.

Holding the hilt of the sword, only the water and fire belts are extending, flying backwards with the wind, more than ten meters.

"The fire belt is the enemy, the water belt is oneself..."

Yun Ye felt heavy.

The length of the fire belt shows how bad his situation is, and the enemy has an absolute advantage!

Because of this, he cut off the chains of rules very reluctantly. Once the number increased, he couldn't resist it.

"It is indeed a Taoist weapon. Tomorrow comes tomorrow. Two-point cutting power sword?"

Ji Yan frowned, and for a moment he couldn't figure out what this meant.

He can still understand the deprivation of power, but what does it mean to divide it into two?

Tomorrow comes tomorrow, what does it mean?

"It's a flashy, nascent Taoist weapon, but you still want to stir up trouble? Respect the cauldron and suppress it!"

The Zunshang Cauldron above Ji Yan activated the dense chains.

Yun Ye has substantially violated the rules. In this case, the effect of Zun Shang Ding will be greatly enhanced.

Yun Ye had already anticipated this. He raised his Dao sword and the Moon Reflecting Ring on the hilt rotated, gathering the scorching skylight. As a treasure, the Moon Reflecting Ring could even borrow the power of heaven and earth.

This kind of power is also a huge burden on the user, and the sheer weight of the aura will overwhelm the weak.

This exaggerated situation naturally leads to its extreme power.

"Yingyue Tianguang!"

Yun Ye struggled to swing the Dao sword with his left hand, and at the same time, the rule of two-point cutting power was attached to it.


The beam of light swept across the space, cutting off all the chains of rules, and headed straight for Ji Yan.

Ji Yansi showed no fear, and a large number of rule chains stepped forward to block it, destroying Tianguang's rule effects.

After all of Tianguang's rule power was exhausted, Tianguang was no longer able to attack the rule chain. He penetrated directly and swept towards Ji Yan.

Learning from the past and learning from the future, Ji Yan directly showed his full form, punched out, and the seven-fold star ring condensed.

With more than ten punches in a row, Tianguang was directly hit, and he was unscathed!


Yun Ye felt even heavier when he saw this scene.

The Dharma Realm seemed to have more transcendent power. His previous blow was supposed to be earth-shattering and annihilate Ji Xuan's ashes, but in reality it had no such effect and only destroyed part of his head.

Now Ji Yan is stronger and can challenge the power of the treasure. Although this is because his realm is too low to activate stronger power, this is still an exaggeration.

The treasure should correspond to the fourth realm of cultivation!

The judge, the realm of law, should be the third realm.

"Sure enough, it's because the Yingyue Baohuan is not an attack weapon. Its power is too diffuse and ineffective."

Yun Ye's blackheads turned gray quickly.

A series of red cracks started from his forehead and spread across his body.

Spiritual roots revive.

Samadhi true fire mode.

Great spiritual method.

Esoteric mode.

The secret technique of spiritual root burning.

With the five levels of states superimposed, Yun Ye has completely reached the peak combat power that can be achieved in this life.

He was in a dejected state, like a waning old man, but the thrilling power was revived in his body.

"After defeating the first one, it will be complete with another one. I remember your name is Ji Yan, right..."

"You are an opponent worth killing, Baishi Zhenji family, damn it!"

Yun Ye laughed.

Ji Yan shook his head: "Is it a rabid dog that is so malicious to our Ji family and burns lives one after another? With this kind of power, you might be able to survive if you use it to escape. If you fight with me, you will die without a chance."

"Maybe, I only have a few chances. It's boring to escape, and I can't break the limit. It ends here with glory, and the story is complete..."

Yun Ye stroked Ming Ri Dao Sword, glanced at the black hole behind him that had stopped absorbing spiritual energy, and showed a sunny smile.

This life is over, there is nothing to regret, everything has been done, and the way forward is blocked. Taking away a judge here is the limit of what he can do in this life!


The rhythm of the Dao sword in Yun Ye's hand became stronger and stronger, as if it was beating his heart.

The left hand is evaporating rapidly.

Overloaded with the strongest form, his body was completely unable to bear it and was tearing itself apart from the inside.

He must fight quickly!


As Yun Ye disappeared in place, the final battle began.

Ji Yan holds the statue on the cauldron with his hand. The chain has no dead ends and locks Yun Ye from all directions.

And he himself also threw countless punches at the same time, and the punches glowed with extreme light, enough to blast mountains with force.

But Yun Ye split the chains with his Dao sword, dodged all the punch marks with great speed, and was in front of Ji Yan in an instant.

Ji Yan was not afraid of getting close. Instead, he said that it was just what he wanted. The seven star rings overlapped and then suddenly exploded, forming a 360-degree shock wave.

Yun Ye slashed open with a sword and penetrated inside. The secrets spread out in disorder, prohibiting Ji Yan from mobilizing all his spiritual energy.

Only then did Ji Yan discover the reason for Ji Xuan's defeat, but he was still more prepared than Ji Xuan. Even if something unexpected happened, he still gave a stern counterattack. A sword of silver light was drawn out, covered with chains, and directly fought with Yun Ye's Dao swords cut each other.

"You can not."

Ji Yan swung his sword, his whole body burning with light and fire. As he puffed and puffed, a large amount of extremely compressed power spurted out. His power overwhelmed Yun Ye and forcibly pushed Yun Ye back.

Just when he was about to finish the last strike, the extreme sense of crisis suddenly arose in his intuition, which made him suddenly move to the right for a moment——


Half of his body disappeared and was wiped away by a dim light.

And this faint light blasted into the distance. In the outside world, which was all mortal earth, a large pit with a diameter of a thousand meters was suddenly born. It was bottomless and made people look at it dull.

Ji Yan, who had lost half of his body, was stunned for a moment. When he noticed the severe pain in his body, his expression darkened. In an instant, a roar with boiling murderous intent resounded in the sky: "You are seeking death!"

His mentality was completely broken. If he wanted to repair his spiritual body, it would not be a simple regeneration!

All laws related to the physical body must be re-cultivated!

What a tragic loss is this?

If he wants to make up for it, his share of the elixir this time will consume most of thirty years of harvest!

Even in the Dharma realm, how many times can it last for thirty years?

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