A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 122: Fix the system yourself (three more chapters)

"Regional echo: The echo formed by the condensed events or ideas in a certain area. The rules that can be revised are limited. The smaller the coverage area, the stronger the effect. 』

Yun Ye found that the Book of Reincarnation was quite powerful to some extent. It could see through fate and reveal information.

Without this piece of information, he would probably have to take a lot of detours.

"The smaller the coverage, the stronger the effect?"

"Then maximize my own strength?"

According to the scope, the unit itself is definitely the smallest.


It doesn’t work!

I have already tried it in my second life, and directly improving my strength requires the most responses!

Through experience.

Yun Ye concluded two conclusions.

First, the rules of Taoist weapons must be as fair as possible and require the least repercussions.

Second, it is best for rules to have preconditions and not to make them out of thin air.

For example, the rule of Zun Shang Ding is "Those who violate the superior will die".

You must commit the following offenses before you will be executed by a Taoist weapon. Otherwise, even if you smash the Zunshang Cauldron, it will have no effect.

Except for the real name effect, which can interfere with reality, Dao tools do not have the ability to hurt people.

The Tomorrow Sword works because it has the ability to cut through concepts.

Especially in the face of powerful people, even if there is not much repercussions, they can still kill with a sword by sacrificing themselves.

If it were to cut something else, it would not have such a high effect.

In other words.

Yun Ye wants to revise the rules for himself. First of all, it must be fair and recognized by a large number of people. Secondly, it must set conditions for taking effect. The more difficult the conditions, the less response is needed.

To be honest, after summarizing like this, an opposing concept suddenly popped into Yun Ye's mind.

This concept quickly improved Yun Ye's ideas.

"The first thing is fairness. To be precise, it means getting a lot of recognition. So as long as it is recognized, it doesn't matter even if the rules are limited to me. In this case, the condition of reducing the scope of effect as much as possible can also be met..."

"Then, let's start formulating."

"Give the holder of Tomorrow's Killing Power Dao Artifact the responsibility of cleaning up demons, and every time a demon is killed, he can extract part of the demon's power to strengthen himself and protect others. 』

"The rules were established successfully!" 』

"All areas responded and the actual adaptation began. 』

"The adaptation is over. 』

"The second rule: The holder of Tomorrow's Power-Slaying Artifact has the responsibility of cleaning up monsters, and every time a monster is killed, he can extract part of the monster's power to strengthen himself. The farther away the monster is killed, the smaller the power increase. The stronger the monster you kill, the more power you gain. 』

"Expand panel..."

"The reincarnated person: Yun Ye. 』

"Grade: 1/10. 』

"Experience: 0/10. 』

『Qi nourishing technique:? 』

『Spirituality:? 』

『Physique:? 』

『Divinity:? 』

『Spiritual method:? 』

"Skill points: 0. 』

What exactly Yun Ye thought of was unknown to outsiders.

But he directly created an "upgrade system" by himself through the rules.

The second rule meets all the conditions, so the effect of the rule is unprecedentedly powerful. With only 8 regional echoes, a crude upgrade system is created.

The only pity is that there is only a maximum level of 10, and the power that can be improved is less, which can only be said to be better than nothing.

But this is something that eight regional echoes can do. If the echoes are added in the future, the upper limit will naturally increase.

Even after enough echoes, the restriction on the owner of the Dao Sword can be lifted, allowing others to obtain this panel to improve their strength.

Once this situation forms a positive cycle, "identification" will only snowball and become more and more common.

Baishizhen's strategy of holding all the power in his hands is just ruining his future, or...maybe they are not aware of the use of Taoist tools?

No matter which one, the current situation is beneficial to Yun Ye anyway.

"So, do you want to throw the last four talent upgrades to Tao tools?"

Yun Ye thought about it again and again, but still couldn't bear it.

The reason is very simple. Killing monsters requires strength. He must first have strength to use the upgrade panel.

Instead of permanently throwing talents to Tao tools, it is better to wait for reincarnation to collect echoes and slowly upgrade.

The number of talent upgrades is indeed the right way to use it to increase your talent.

"First of all, physical fitness... increase it to D level!"

"Then there's comprehension, level C!"

What improves the physique is the speed of cultivation.

Comprehension improves learning ability and spiritual innovation.

Even though Yun Ye casually researched Ji Yan, this was just a cognitive difference and had no technical content in nature.

If you really want to create spiritual methods, you need to have a high talent for spiritual patterns. This is the field of understanding.


Yun Ye's talent panel is as follows.

Reincarnated person: Yun Ye


Lifespan: 97

Fate: E

Physique: D

Divine Sense: C+

Comprehension: C

Spiritual root: B

Taoist weapon: E

Secret Realm: E



Number of talent upgrades: 0 times.

This time, Yun Ye reset his destiny to zero and didn't improve at all.

There are two main reasons.

First, he has a secret realm close to him and has gained a lot of knowledge from aristocratic families. He no longer intends to compromise.

Reincarnate in a noble family and gain resources and knowledge?


Although the secret realm is small, the resources provided are enough for him to grow stably, so why take the risk of reincarnating into a noble family?

The second reason is about fate itself.

After Yun Ye reaches level A in his fate, he can be directly reincarnated into all families in Baishi Town, including the Ji family, and he is also a direct member.

However, reincarnation into a noble family is not something you can do casually, it takes time!

A simple metaphor is that the emperor does not have children born every moment.

The higher the level of the family that wants to be reincarnated, the fewer children will be born. The place of reincarnation will not interfere with this natural law, so once it is determined, it will always wait for a child with a similar destiny to be pregnant.

It might be a few months, or it might be a year or two, which is not particularly long, but Yun Ye didn't want to waste even a little time, so he directly rejected the possibility of a high destiny.

Just like the first time, after completing the point addition, Yun Ye thought quietly for a long time in this place of reincarnation.

In his first life, he encountered too many hardships, which deeply affected his actions in his second life.

Depressed, painful, cautious.

This is a portrayal of his second life.

It was precisely because of this that he started working hard at the age of eighteen. This accumulated emotion had already affected him too much.

In the second life, the period from birth to serious illness at the age of four may seem like a passing incident to onlookers.

But for Yun Ye, these were four years in which he literally suffered from hunger and cold and struggled to survive.

In the end, he became seriously ill and was close to death...

Yun Ye is really not a great hero, and his will is not that firm, but he has overcome difficulties again and again, forcefully opened up the extreme flames, and created celestial phenomena.

These squeezed negative emotions have greatly affected him. If it continues, Yun Ye feels that he may go crazy from suppressing it, so he resolutely launches an attack in the secret realm and solves the two major enemies, Tong Yuan and Shi Baiyan.

This revenge was actually only a partial revenge.

Yun Ye killed Cuilian's brother because of his innocence and luck.

But this is not the essence. In essence, this is a problem of this world. If it is not solved, similar things will happen countless times in the future.

Others may die after experiencing it once, and it doesn't matter.

But how many times can Yun Ye live again?

Yun Ye has experienced this kind of disgusting thing several times in every life. As a human being, even thinking about it makes Yun Ye feel hairy all over!

If he reincarnates a few more times and turns a blind eye to this situation, will he still be human?


Simply for himself, the concept of Tomorrow Meeting must be completed!

"In the place of reincarnation, all my negative emotions have been purified, and all the dust on my soul has been swept away. When I enter the next life, my soul will be truly young, which will cause my ability to bear to be weakened a little. But creativity and energy are very high…”

Yun Ye is summarizing.

He discovered that reincarnation was not just about improving talents, but there were too many hidden benefits.

After normal people have experienced too much, their minds and bodies are completely exhausted, and it is difficult for them to be creative. Even if they are liberated from complicated work, they are very likely to transform into an uncle who walks birds and drinks tea, rather than being spontaneous. Do creative work.

But in the land of reincarnation, such hidden dangers will not arise, and all the negative emotions accumulated in Yun Ye's second life will be swept away.

The feeling of depression that originated from his soul was completely gone, making him unimaginably relaxed.

Perhaps in the world of immortality, there is a way to seize the body and live a new life, but this method cannot make the soul return to youth.

Reviving a new life is nothing more than an old man lingering on, and the way forward for spiritual practice has been cut off.

"The possibilities are almost infinite. It seems that I don't have to worry about forgetting my original intention because it has been too long. This time, I can really be sure... If it doesn't work in one life, then it will be ten lives. If it doesn't work in ten lives, then it will be a hundred lives!"

"Sooner or later, I will smash you all!"

Chaos fades.

Reincarnation begins.

By the way, what do you think about everyone being equal?

I see many people saying it is unrealistic.

It's just weird.

Does this mean that everyone is equal as absolute equality?

Before everyone is equal, "before the law" should be added, and after that, "labor is honorable."

Everyone is equal before the law.

Labor is glorious, the more you work, the more you get.

Because you are so powerful, you should just sit back and enjoy the success, and let me be a cow and a horse?

Although this may be true most of the time, I still can't practice it correctly when writing novels. How can I break these obstacles by cheating?

And I clearly didn’t say in the previous 70 or 80 chapters that the protagonist wants the world to be unified. From the beginning, he wanted to take revenge and kill the family. However, after reading one or two chapters, he complained that the protagonist wanted the world to be unified.

The protagonist's world harmony actually refers to the equality of "opportunity", "personality" and "education". Otherwise, if the aristocratic family monopolizes everything, wouldn't the protagonist have to live in the shadows every reincarnation?

Whether it is ideal revenge or life, the protagonist must clean up the old forces and promote practical changes. Even if it is only a little better, it will be good for the protagonist.

In this life, the protagonist must take off!

(Note: If I knew that I could be reincarnated indefinitely, I would definitely expect the historical trend to be shaped by me little by little, and then go to the future to show off. Anyway, the finale will definitely be this kind of bland ending. Ahem, the plot must be stable and sufficient. Cool, take off, take off.)

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