A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 123 The Spirit of the Taoist Weapon

"Buzz buzz..."

Yun Ye woke up to the noisy chirping of cicadas.

The sun was shining brightly, and although he did not open his eyes, he was obviously being held in the arms of a working woman.

Listening to the sound, the woman is harvesting crops in the field.

(Come on to the next generation of farmers and let them see the Son of Destiny rise from the dead...)

This thought flashed through Yun Ye's mind, and he fell into a deep sleep.

Even if he has memory, his newborn body does not support him to think too complexly.

By the time Yun Ye gradually regained consciousness, it was already more than ten days later and the rice harvest had been completed.

On this day, he was finally not taken out and had some undisturbed time.

Yun Ye propped himself up on the wooden bed covered with thatch and puffed up his air. The shadow of the moon appeared under his feet.

This is the door to the secret realm, which Yun Ye calls the "Moon Pan".

For now, the moon disk cannot be transferred in one thought.

Therefore, Yun Ye was slowly swallowed up. A little bit of it would appear in the Yingyue Secret Realm.

After completely sinking into the bed and disappearing, Yun Ye on the other side stepped on the soil and saw the current Yingyue Secret Realm.

The original Yingyue Secret Realm was very simple, with only the moon disk hanging in the sky, land and a pool of water.

The rest, nothing.

The large number of elixirs, spiritual weapons, and magic weapons left behind by Yun Ye in the previous life have all been dissolved in Nirvana.

Although starting from scratch, compared to the first life and the second life, it is already taking off, and Yun Ye is full of fighting spirit.

"Then, everything starts with you!"

Yun Ye opened his hand, and a few grains of grain appeared in his small hand.

This was what he had harvested in the past few days. Although it could have been thrown into the secret realm long ago, he was still prepared to plant it himself.

So, Yun Ye dragged the baby's body and buried a few seeds into the soil with difficulty.

Due to limited physical strength, even if the soil is very fluffy, Yun Ye is buried very shallowly. Whether it can germinate can only depend on luck.

But this is a sense of ritual that makes Yun Ye feel at ease.

Unlike the first and second lives, this is a domain that truly belongs to Yun Ye alone, and no outsiders can interfere.

Starting from these few seeds, he will enter the path of rapid development. This known future is reassuring!

Yun Ye buried the seeds, looked at them with satisfaction, and returned to the ordinary world without watering them.

He doesn't have the Moon Reflecting Ring now, so he can't check the outside world, so he has to go back quickly.

After all, normally, parents are unlikely to leave a child at home for too long. If he comes back halfway, it will be difficult to explain. If the news spreads, it may even attract people from Baishi Town.

Yun Ye returned to bed and listened for a while, but his parents in this life never came back. After a while, exhaustion swept over Yun Ye's body, and he had no choice but to fall asleep.

Now that summer has just passed, Yun Ye doesn't feel cold at all and can sleep peacefully.

And this sleep is when the sun sets and the sun rises, reaching the next day.

Yun Ye woke up hungry.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Yun Ye was startled because there was a rat on the bedside. It was about the size of a fist and was only slightly smaller than Yun Ye!

From a baby's perspective, this is a life-threatening creature.


The squirrel walked back and forth, thinking a lot about Yun Ye.

This made Yun Ye quickly feel that something was wrong.

He can't crawl now, how can he be a match for an adult rat?

Without hesitation, Yun Ye kept his posture motionless, a moon disk appeared under his body, and wanted to retreat directly to the secret realm.

But this takes time, at least three seconds.

Although the squirrel didn't know what was happening, as it watched Yun Ye disappear little by little, it suddenly jumped up, opened its mouth and bit Yun Ye's arm.

At this moment, Yun Ye thought of the various germs carried by rats. The survival rate of children in ancient times was extremely low because of the threats of various germs, poisonous insects, rats, weasels and other things.

Rats generally carry various germs. If they are bitten, if they are unlucky, they will die immediately!

"Don't get bitten!"

When Yun Ye thought about this, his body was already overtaking his will. This was a stress reaction.

The moment the mouse pounced, a red and blue light suddenly bloomed. The Tomorrow Sword suddenly appeared in the red and blue light. A flash of red light flashed, and the gray mouse was split into two, and the blood was spread all over the thatch bed.

"No, it's exposed!"

When Yun Ye saw this scene, not only was he not surprised, but his expression turned ugly.

In fact, he could feel the Taoist weapon on the first day he was born, but he didn't dare to wake it up at all, so the Yingyue Baohuan was also disabled. Otherwise, he could observe the outside world in the secret realm and there was no need to rush out.

The reason for not daring to wake up is simple.

In the first life, when he awakened the Taoist weapon in the secret realm, even Baishi Town could find that he had obtained the Taoist tool.

Now that he is in the outside world, if he awakens the Taoist weapon, wouldn't Baishi Town have a high chance of noticing it?

After discovering it, the entire village would be affected and directly slaughtered to avoid future troubles!

This is obviously very bad!

"Is this bad luck? Or is this rat a disaster caused by a Taoist weapon? What a coincidence, it happened to coincide with my weakest period!"

As long as the rat arrives a few weeks later, Yun Ye can hang it up and hammer it without using any Taoist tools!

Now Yun Ye can only be glad that he did not set too strong a calamity, otherwise he might be in big trouble in every subsequent life!

The Taoist weapon is his Tao, but there is no such thing as reset. If you want to change the rules, you can only rely on the echo!

Just when Yun Ye was worried and thinking about countermeasures, the Tomorrow Sword suddenly burst into light and turned into a small figure.

"...Yeah yeah (it's you, are you the Tomorrow Sword?)"

Yun Ye found that he could not speak at all.

But it doesn't matter.

The little girl in front of him could have a spiritual conversation with him.

That's right, Asuka once again manifested the little girl who suddenly appeared before.

This little girl has black hair that hangs down to her waist. There is a flame lotus hanging on the left side of the black hair. There are sporadic flame textures dotted on the black hair and face, which is in sharp contrast to her fair skin.

In addition, the little girl's eyes are also very unusual. They are a pair of red eyes that look like burning flames. The color is as clear as glass. The red textured outfit is also clear and simple, complementing it perfectly.

From the stockings on the legs to the skirt that is short in the front and long in the back, the background color is white with red texture spreading, giving it a strong personal style.

This is obviously a costume created by integrating Yun Ye's aesthetics. It can only be said... that it is indeed a Taoist weapon of its own.

She tilted her head and looked at Yun Ye for a moment, with a smile on her cute little face: "Master, there is no need to be anxious. They were able to find us because of the "Tao tools", and there are no Tao tools around now. Even if they use me , there won’t be any problem.”

"Yeah, yeah, yeah (do you know the details)?" Yun Ye's eyes lit up.

The little girl turned and stretched out her arms, as eye-catching as blooming flowers. When she stopped, she said happily: "Of course, the abilities are just like my hands and feet. How could I not know their function?"

"Taoist artifacts have a unique sense of existence, and the characteristic of this existence in reality is the scope of rules. Only if we are within the rules of a Taoist artifact will they discover us!"

"Of course, if other Taoist weapons break into our 'domain', we can also discover them!"

"So, don't worry, there are no Taoist artifacts around!"

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