Yun Ye naturally believed this explanation. After all, this little girl was the personification of her own Taoist weapon.

This made Yun Ye temporarily relieved. He waved his hand, opened the entrance to the Yingyue Secret Realm under the mouse corpse, and sent the corpse and the blood-stained thatch into the secret realm.

After all this, Yun Ye looked at this little girl who was much older than him.

Yun Ye is probably only bigger than a palm at the moment.

The little girl is about three or four years old.

The difference in size is extremely obvious.

Yun Ye seemed to be looking at a giant, which was quite strange.

"Since you are my Taoist weapon, you will always be with me from now on. What should I call you?"

Yun Ye directly had a spiritual conversation with the girl.

"Hmm~~~ As for the name, master just call me Tomorrow. I like it very much." Tomorrow smiled.

"I see, then I'll call you Tomorrow. This name is indeed very easy to pronounce."

"Yeah! Master, you can bark a few more times!"

Tomorrow came over with a happy face.


Yun Ye couldn't help but ask, should his Taoist weapon have this kind of personality?

So cute!

"Tomorrow, since you can use it, show the upgrade panel and see if it is working first."

Yun Ye looked at Tomorrow eagerly, writing "I want the system, I want to cheat" written all over it.

"Upgrade the system, is this it..."

Tomorrow tapped his cheek, waved his hand, and a translucent book unfolded in front of Yun Ye.


Yun Ye was overjoyed.

Even though infinite reincarnation looks beautiful, you have to rely on yourself for everything, so how is it any different from normal people?

If the background was modern, Yun Ye would have probably been lazy and would have worked hard for food at most.

In short, how can your own efforts compare to the system!

Even if the system created by Yun Ye had to be upgraded by himself, he recognized that it was better than a little practice!

"Expand the panel!" 』

"The reincarnated person: Yun Ye. 』

"Grade: 1/10. 』

"Experience: 0/10 (ordinary demons can provide at least 1 point of experience). 』

"Qi Nourishing Technique·Imagination Method: Dacheng Realm (Complete the 2x effect of the basic Qi Nourishing Technique), uninitiated cultivation level (1 skill point to get started). 』

"Spirituality: Beginning of the third level (actually it will be downgraded due to lack of physical proficiency. You can upgrade to the middle level of the third level with 20 skill points). 』

『Physique: Not activated. 』

"Divinity: Not activated. 』

"Spiritual magic: not activated." 』

"Skill points: 0. 』


Yun Ye almost looked up to the sky and smiled.

What does it mean to change your destiny against the will of heaven? This is called changing your destiny against the will of heaven!

As long as he raises the level limit, he can become stronger even if he only hunts monsters!

"Master, there's no need to be so happy. This upgrade experience increases very quickly. At level ten... well, you need to kill at least ten trouble monsters."

As the master of rules, Tomorrow knows the limits of what he can achieve.

So, she directly strangled Yun Ye's voice.

"What? Killing a troubled demon at level ten? Are you kidding me?"

Yun Ye can't be punished anymore.

He can kill Huan Luan, but he still lacks this growth acceleration?

"Because there are too few reverberations. If there are enough reverberations, the extent of the rules to extract the power of demons will also increase. And there are very few people who agree with me... If there are more, I can be higher."

Tomorrow blinked and made a gesture on his forehead with his hand.

"Can you still grow?"

Yun Ye said in surprise.

"Of course, I will be on this path tomorrow. If this path grows, I will grow taller~~~ But it is still different from humans. Our growth is in stages, and we will suddenly grow a lot! "

Tomorrow stretched out her arms and made a widening gesture, then she floated by the window, looking outside and said: "Master, what next is for everyone to get to know me? Everyone will definitely like me, and then I will also It can help the master even more!”

"Wait, don't let others see you, you are not ordinary!" Yun Ye quickly stopped him.

Although he only has the appearance of a three-year-old, Tomorrow has the ability to charm beyond normal humans.

This kind of charm is the embodiment of the charm of "the road". It is not something that normal people can resist. Once seen, it will definitely cause trouble!

"Don't worry, only Taoist users or people who agree with our philosophy can see me. "Those who cannot understand the road will not be responded to by the road"... However, everyone can see the Taoist tools, I want to hide La!" After tomorrow's words, he turned into light and exploded, returning to Yun Ye's body.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Ye heard footsteps and the two opened the door.

Just by listening to the footsteps, Yun Ye knew that they were his parents in this life.

Yun Ye lay down and pretended to be asleep.

Originally, he thought he had something to eat, but his parents in this life were silent for a long time, which was very wrong.

Finally, it was the man who broke the silence: "Go ahead, don't let Xiaodao suffer in vain..."

Immediately afterwards, the woman sat next to Yun Ye, stretched out her hand several times, and then took it back several times.

"I...I can't do it...wuwuwuwu..."

? ? ? ?

There are too many question marks in Yun Ye's life. What's going on with his parents in this life?

Want to kill him?

Or do you want to sell him?

Did he expose something?

Just when Yun Ye secretly became vigilant, ready to summon the Taoist weapon at any time.

The woman cried like a collapse: "Let's go, let's go... I can't do it..."


The man said nothing and finally left with the woman.

The two left.

Yun Ye immediately opened his eyes and called Mingri: "Mingri, can you leave me? I want you to go and see what's going on!"

"Well~ I can move freely, but others can't see my personality, but they can see the Dao weapon? The master doesn't want everyone to know my existence at the moment, right?" Mingri sat on the bed and shook his calves.

"If I remember correctly, when you fought with the body law official before, you were independent of the Dao weapon, right?" Yun Ye said.

"In that case, if the Dao weapon is left here, I can only be 30 meters away from the master at most." Mingri said.

This distance is the effective distance for Yun Ye to hunt demons. If he sniped demons outside this distance, he would not be able to gain experience points.

Obviously, this is the "sense of existence" of the Dao weapon, or the "rule effective area".

"30 meters... go ahead, forget it if it doesn't work, I can't do anything now."

Yun Ye still wants to know more information to avoid catching him off guard.

Mingri nodded, stood up and ran through the wall to chase after her. It was not until Mingri's skirt disappeared on the wall that Yunye drew his attention back.

"It seems that I have to start practicing!"

Yunye hid the Taoist weapon, leaving only the Yingyue Treasure Ring. As the air rippled like water waves, the picture emerged.

It was the picture of the Yingyue Secret Realm.

It was just a casual glance, and Yunye's eyes widened in surprise, and he was shocked by the scene in the secret realm!

"What's going on? I only planted a few, what the hell is this?"

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