A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 130 Divine Consciousness Awakening Life Force

"Buying food..."

Cheng Wenjie looked at the raging fire with a dull expression.

Isn't this more authentic than him, a bandit?

Of course, this does not mean that he is not as ruthless as Yun Ye, but what he dreams of is to rush to the threshold of people and plunder, not to seize the mountain and rob the way.

Rushing to people's doorsteps and plundering them, that's a family of spiritual magic, but taking over mountains and robbing people is just merit in the eyes of others.

The two are obviously not the same!

"Spiritual magicians are indeed different... No, this monster is different. Normally, who would dare to do it?"

Why didn't he just go and rob the landowners.

There is only one reason.

That is the landlord, the tentacles of the aristocratic family. Every landlord is not an independent individual.

Just intercept and kill those small caravans. Those without spiritual skills are just small businessmen and have nothing to do with the aristocratic family.

But if any of the landowners were intercepted and killed, they must be related to the aristocratic family.

Aristocratic families can abandon these landowners and massacre villages at will, but outsiders must not do this!

"Moon disk!"

Yun Ye opened the moon disk while running, and Cheng Wenjie bumped directly into it. His whole body froze and sank into the secret realm little by little.

The cloud night crossed the moon disk and disappeared into the mountains and forests.


Super bumper harvest!

Although all the food has been sent to Baishi Town, there is still a huge amount of food left for Yun Ye!

Eight thousand catties!

For the landlord, these 8,000 kilograms are enough for one year, so they are not given away!

Now, everything is cheaper for Yun Ye, and with these eight thousand kilograms of food, the production of spiritual-level premium food can be put on the agenda!

In one month, in just one month, Yun Ye can return to the Qi-nourishing Technique and perfect his cultivation, awakening at least two paths!


Yun Ye finally knew how useless he was in his first life!

If you have the strength, you should grab it!

So, why do aristocratic families and dynasties exist!

Only by exploiting others can we quickly complete primitive accumulation and gain unimaginable advantages.

For those who farm honestly, the results will be obvious to all.

Everyone knows that a man is not rich without windfall, and a horse is not fat without night grass!

But who knows, windfall will not make you rich but your life will be poor, and your horse will lose its life even if the grass is not fat at night!

If you are an honest slave, like a cow or horse, why shouldn't your master exploit you?

The better you get at it, the more you have to do it!

"Aristocratic family? I may not be able to follow your path again! Your limit is now, but my limit is not the end yet!"

After Yun Ye disappeared into the mountains and forests, he began to refine spiritual-level food and headed straight to the former border of Baishi Town.

Broken Bridge River!

This food is enough for him to step into consummation!

In this case, the next step is to awaken spiritual consciousness and life force, and then use skill points to help directly open the spiritual roots!

The fire burned and engulfed the landlord's huge mansion.

When the fire was extinguished, the villagers suddenly discovered that the landlord, his family and his servants had all been burned into charred corpses, but no one escaped.

This matter was so big that some villagers quickly went to Baishi Town to notify the government.

Soon someone came to investigate.

But it's not the government, but the Xiang family.

Qucun is the property of the Xiang family.

The landlord's family all died overnight, which attracted the attention of the family.

Is this a fire or someone is committing murder? We must find out, otherwise how can the industry operate stably?

This is not to say that it will make people panic and affect production efficiency - there are so many people, just killing a few will be enough to deter them, and with the diligence of these cattle and horses, there is no need to deter them at all.

The reason is very simple, if you don’t have a stable job, you will definitely die!

Will definitely die, and may die, enough for a group of ignorant cattle and horses to distinguish between pros and cons.

When the Xiang family came to investigate, they were wary of other families, followed by demons, and finally humans.

And the findings are obvious.

"There is a breath of spiritual magic!"

"It's definitely not a natural disaster!"

As a water magic monk, Xiang Zhijing is very sensitive to subtle changes.

The conclusion has indeed been drawn, but the goal has suddenly become bigger, making it impossible to start.

There are hundreds of spiritual magicians in Baishi Town, and every one of them is suspected. How to investigate this?

"Xiang Lingfa, there is something wrong with the ashes in the landlord's warehouse. The money and food have obviously been moved away. This should be the purpose of the thief."

"Also, an outsider came to the landlord before, but the untouchables didn't know what the landlord discussed with that person. But as soon as the person left, a fire broke out in the landlord's house."

"This person should have done it."

The five big men quickly reported the information they found.

"The outsider is an adult and a child of about five years old?"

Xiang Zhijing frowned and confirmed repeatedly, but still got the same answer.

He was a little confused. Why did he have to take a child with him to grab food?

At first glance, he doesn't look like a real thief.

However, he must make an explanation. Since the suspect is the biggest, he should be caught first.

Xiang Zhijing ordered the five big men: "You must immediately gather people to conduct a search. If you see similar people, arrest them all for questioning. Don't let anyone go!"


Five big men held the steel knives at their waists and rushed into the village to summon them.

In this small and remote village, they naturally had no choice but to gather the villagers.

There is no need for the Lord to say anything, these five servants know how to act. If they dare to disobey the command, they will be killed directly!

Soon, the five men violently recruited a team of more than 100 people.

Regardless of whether these farmers had something they needed to do urgently, they quickly moved into teams and started looking for clues.

Without tracking skills, these more than 100 people could only conduct a blanket search.

Even five big men with tracking skills can only track them to a distance of 500 meters. The subsequent traces will suddenly become invisible, and the tracking difficulty will be greatly increased.

Their tracking technique is to use a variant of Qi-nourishing technique to stimulate their eyes and nose, and gain some insights that are difficult for ordinary people to have, but there is a limit to this.

Yun Ye let Cheng Wenjie enter the secret realm, and after he ran out, with his level of Qi nourishing skills and the size of the child, there were indeed very few traces left. Even a truly professional tracking master would probably have to use various police dogs and tracking equipment. to continue.

Since the Xiang family is not systematic and relies purely on extraordinary tracking skills, it is really unsustainable.

What's more, the art of nourishing qi can only be regarded as semi-supernormal. If Xiang Zhijing took action personally, he could easily capture the traces. But since he wanted to maintain his authority and did not take action personally, the result was doomed.

However, he didn't need accurate results.

"There are no traces of transportation. It just disappeared out of thin air? It was actually done by a noble family?" Xiang Zhijing frowned.

This is in line with the characteristics of space magic weapons, and space magic weapons are only available to aristocratic families, not something that just a few outsiders can get!

Is it really the opponent who is sabotaging it?

The aristocratic family actually has a tacit understanding, and such blatant acts of destruction are rare.

Not only is it of little use, it also undermines stability, resulting in a significant reduction in everyone's income.

But during the great catastrophe, this tacit understanding had to change. Many villages had already discovered signs of disaster and were wiped out one by one.

The aristocratic family that has been hurt will naturally drag other families into the water, otherwise wouldn't it be a big loss?

Because of this, Xiang Zhijing had every reason to suspect that this was done by the aristocratic family.

If this is the case, things will become more difficult to handle, and the Xiang family will not be able to hold them accountable, because once they get to the bottom of it, they will face pressure from several aristocratic families.

They really have no choice but to suffer this loss!


Xiang Zhijing waved his sleeves and led the people back the way they came. It was not up to him to make the decision.

After Yun Ye ran far enough away, he quickly entered the secret realm.

It is not easy to make spiritual-grade premium food.

Various equipment is required.

And, the extremely accurate "Shi Yin".

The food guide made by the family is completely manual, with extremely low precision. They don't understand its principles, and they just rely on experience and luck to make it.

Just like Chinese medicine, it may be able to do many incredible things, but when it comes to cutting-edge medical breakthroughs, it is impossible to complete high-end surgeries such as heart transplantation simply by relying on the experience of "knowing what is happening but not why."

Yun Ye currently does not have the equipment from his previous life and can only rely on his senses. However, he knows the principles and has no problem purifying various spiritual substances.

As long as the purification is carried out step by step in advance and summarized at the end, the problem of accuracy will not be a big problem, and it will be no problem to produce a small amount of spirit-level food.

"I am only about the size of a five-year-old, with extremely abundant vitality, and I have additional bonuses from practicing the Qi Nourishing Technique!"

"Especially, the food I can eat is much smaller than when I was bigger! When I was twelve years old, I had to eat one or two pounds per meal, but now I don't even use half of it!"

Yun Ye started to use spiritual grade premium food to improve his Qi nourishing surgery, and discovered many things that he had not noticed before.

In order to activate his life force, he had to eat spiritual-level premium food for a year or two, which was very difficult.

Perhaps, this was because at that time, he was gradually growing up, and his body needed more and more nutrients, but his vitality gradually stopped growing. The combination of the two caused his cultivation speed to drop significantly.

"The older I get, the less suitable I am for cultivation. It seems that I have a lot of pitfalls to overcome. I have only reached the limit of the mortal realm... What will happen next?"

Yun Ye doesn't know.

He only cares about the present.

Yun Ye's growth is astonishing as he never misses a meal at the spiritual level.

Fifteen days, the Qi nourishing technique is complete!

With enough foundation, Yun Ye directly began to awaken his consciousness!

The life energy in the body flows into the brain, resonates throughout the body, and the body quickly becomes transparent.

There was no obstacle to this process and the condition was extremely perfect!

"Spiritual consciousness awakens!"

Yun Ye closed his eyes. After more than ten seconds, when he opened his eyes, his eyes seemed to be blooming with divine light.

A success!

His body, which was only a few months old, did not have so many hidden injuries to hinder him, allowing him to easily awaken his consciousness!

In an instant, his control over his body increased dramatically, and the confusion caused by his new body was quickly reorganized.

At this time, his imagination was at the perfect level, and the effect was almost 200% stronger than Dacheng.

Without spiritual awareness, the body cannot be scrutinized around the clock, and a lot of life energy will be wasted.

Theoretically, as long as there is no spiritual consciousness, neither basic Qi-nurturing techniques nor imaginative Qi-nurturing techniques can achieve a perfect state.

But this only applies to ordinary people. Some geniuses are born with the ability to detect subtle changes in the body. They can achieve perfection without the need for spiritual consciousness and make perfect use of all life energy.

"According to the knowledge of major aristocratic families, the three methods should be opened in the order of spiritual consciousness, life force, and spiritual roots. This is indeed correct. With spiritual consciousness, cultivation will speed up again to find life force and control spiritual space. It will be countless times easier!”

Yun Ye was very satisfied with his own changes.

He looked at Cheng Wenjie, and his spiritual thoughts turned into chains, wrapping directly around him and invading Cheng Wenjie's brain.


Cheng Wenjie squatted down with his head in his hands, in great pain, being forcibly invaded.

However, Yun Ye found that this was not simple. Even for an ordinary person, it was difficult for him to control it by force.

"It seems that I can only use the divine law."

"Divine law lock!"

The chain turned into a special structure, locked Cheng Wenjie's whole body, and disappeared into his body.

Cheng Wenjie's instinctive resistance was shattered on the spot. His face turned pale and he fainted on the ground.

The effect of the divine law lock is very simple. As long as Yun Ye thinks about it, he can detonate the divine consciousness chain and make his brain explode.

"Is it so difficult to forcibly control an ordinary person?"

"It seems that the oath of divine law makes sense..."

Yun Ye said to himself.

This is good news.

The divine law is not as against the sky as imagined.

If you want to forcibly plant a ban and control the life and death of a person, it takes a lot of effort, and this is still an ordinary person.

If the target is changed to a monk, not only will the resistance be stronger, but there is also the risk of being worn out, and it needs to be reinforced every now and then. This is too inefficient and not suitable for large-scale use.

That is why the Oath of God appeared.

Active consent will greatly strengthen the constraints.

Whether this consent was forced or true, at least it was integrated into one's own spiritual will at the time.

This spiritual will is equivalent to a pass, which can make the divine law stay in the human body longer, and the effect will be amplified... After all, it is agreed by oneself.

"Continue to practice, and then, hunt demons!"

Yun Ye has the confidence to fully awaken the three methods within a few months, so he began to practice with peace of mind.

As for hunting demons, just put it aside.

With the assistance of spiritual-level food, it is not worth throwing skill points to the Qi-nourishing Technique. Whether the skill points are experience-based skills or cultivation-based skills, they can directly increase the progress. Isn't it good to use them to point to those skills that require a lot of time to master?

Knowledge can be brought to the next life, but cultivation cannot.


Outside world.

In a blink of an eye, several months passed and winter came.

And the coldness of this winter is far beyond previous years, and a large number of poor people froze to death.

Qu Village, Mingzhu Village, Liu Village... There are too many villages around Baishi Town. These villages are very poor and cannot afford winter clothes and firewood. At this time, a large number of people die.

This time is no exception. A large number of poor people died of freezing, starvation or other miserable ways.

If it were in the past, these ways of death would be just like that and would not cause any waves.

But this year is a special period, and the catastrophe is coming...

All villages with a large number of deaths can have invisible catastrophes rolling, pouring into the ground and into the corpses.

Then, night fell, and the corpses that had been dead for a long time and were hastily buried in the pit trembled one after another.

They are turning into corpses. Zombies are born from resentment. The poor have suffered all their lives, and their resentment is so great.

On this day, the full moon was blocked by dark clouds, and a large number of corpses opened their eyes at the same time.

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