"It turned out to be a catastrophe..."

"Another catastrophe!"

An angry voice came from Baishi Town, and a spiritual rainbow crossed the sky and landed on the city wall, manifesting a figure.

The person who came was a domineering middle-aged man with long hair shawl. He wore a jade crown and a white and silver robe. He was very extraordinary. His pair of black eyes looked towards the horizon, lighting up almost half of the sky.

Ji Chongtian, official of spiritual law!

"Your Honor!"

All members of the spiritual team on the city wall knelt down and saluted, not daring to look at the real ruler of Baishi Town.

The momentum is terrible.

Come out for a moment.

The whole world, even the sound of wind has disappeared! Not to mention birds and insects... let alone people like them!

But Ji Chongtian didn't look at this group of little people. He swept the whole town coldly, and the terrible atmosphere was overflowing.

"Come out and speak. You should be a part of the great disaster!"

Such a sentence.

It was as if the sky and the earth were losing color, strange phenomena were appearing everywhere, the clouds were rolling and relaxing, and there was electricity without clouds.

In the darkness, Dharma lights suddenly bloomed from the locations of major aristocratic families, and several figures stepped out, all of them were terrifying figures in the realm of judges.


In ancient times, it meant military region.

Every town that survives must have judge-level figures, and only they can withstand the catastrophe.

Not to mention, Baishi Town controls the Yingyue Secret Realm and can harvest a large amount of elixir every sixty years.

In the realm of judges, elixirs can extend your life. As time goes by, there will naturally be more people in the realm of judges.

In addition to the six judges on the surface, there are at least five more judges from the Ji family and the seven major families combined.

There are more than ten judges, which is obviously a very terrifying number. Even if a catastrophic demon comes, they can compete with it, and even kill them and divide their spiritual treasures.

Among the several judges who appeared this time.

There is no Zhuo Qilian, and there are no members of the Ji family, they are all old antiques from the seven major families.

A full three.

They cut off the surrounding sounds and climbed onto the city wall silently, standing in various directions.

Among them, a green figure said: "Dafa Ji, this matter originated from your use of Taoist tools, why are you questioning us?"

The other two figures also nodded and said: "How the catastrophe occurs and how it starts, the controller of the Taoist weapon should know better."

Upon hearing this, the air suddenly became dull.

Ji Chongtian took a long time before he slowly said: "A weapon that has not even formed Taoist rules can aggravate the disaster to a catastrophic level?"

This is a fantasy.

Ji Yan's accessory Taoist tools are far less powerful than the Taoist tools of the world, and they are borrowing the Tao rules of the Taoist tools of the world.

This usage will weaken the effectiveness of Taoist rules and reduce disasters.

It is simply impossible to upgrade a catastrophe to a catastrophic catastrophe by wiping out a mortal. This is too far!

"It has nothing to do with us. Our clan does not have Taoist weapons. How can we interfere with the disaster?"

The three great monks all said this and did not admit it.

But deep down, a lot of thoughts flashed through my mind.

What Ji Chongtian said makes sense.

The Taoist tools used a few months ago may make the disaster more terrifying, but it will never turn it into a catastrophe.

Someone must have done something to cause the change.

Are they three tribes, or are they all?

"How difficult is it for our clan's Taoist tools to define rules, divide superiors and inferiors, and stabilize the order for thousands of years? You were already very disappointing last time, and you have made the same mistake again this time? Do you... want to exterminate the clan?"

Ji Chongtian didn't put pressure on him, he just spoke normally.

But the three great monks all looked at him and remained silent, without the confidence to speak out to resist.

Ji Chongtian was not surprised. He directly ordered: "This time the city is closed, you and other three tribes will take turns to resist the calamity until the calamity is over. Do you understand?"

"But..." After a moment of silence, the great monks from the three tribes all nodded.

In this Baishi Town, as long as the Ji family still has the legal realm, they have no room for bargaining!

After the conversation ended, the incarnations of the three great monks dispersed.

But Ji Chongtian frowned and looked at the sky, murmuring to himself: "The catastrophe is becoming more and more terrifying. Why is this? It is obvious that the Ji family has almost no longer used Taoist tools, and the shelter area has been reduced again and again. Why is there still a big disaster? Catastrophic changes..."

Although the three of them had ulterior motives, they all believed that they were responsible for the catastrophe.

But Ji Chongtian understood that the catastrophe was actually increasing every time, regardless of whether the passage device was used or not.

According to the records of the clan, under normal circumstances, only using Taoist tools will increase disasters, and these disasters can be divided and resolved.

In the sixty-year cycle, whether it is killing monsters, sacrificing villages, or increasing reverberations, disasters can be reduced and the danger of disasters can be minimized.

But this minimum has a base, and the base cannot be subtracted, even if the judge is sacrificed.

According to family records, the Ji family has experienced seventeen reincarnations over the past thousand years, three of which were major catastrophes, each time separated by more than four times. Only these two were consecutive major catastrophes.

The reason for the first two catastrophes was that the first time was due to lack of experience, and the second time was due to special circumstances, which necessitated the use of Dao weapons many times, both of which were impossible to do.

But that wasn't the case the last two times.

Even though both times they tried their best not to use Taoist weapons and frantically tried to reduce the disaster, a catastrophic change was still ushered in in the end.

For example, before this disaster began, there were almost twenty villages near Baishi Town, but in the past twenty years, fifteen villages have been sacrificed one after another, all in order to reduce the disaster.

Not to mention the demon crusade and the increase in repercussions. The Ji family is trying their best in every way, so that they have no time to manage Baishi Town, which has caused several major families to have misconceptions... Is the Taoist weapon of the Ji family about to collapse? ?

But even after so much effort, the disaster still entered the catastrophic level, and the basic difficulty level was already terrifying.

This time has been a big disaster, so what will happen next time?

It’s scary to think about it!

If the reason for the increasing difficulty is not found as soon as possible, I am afraid that Baishi Town will not be far from destruction.

"Perhaps what our ancestors said is right, the way to break the situation lies not in Dao weapons, but in the three major methods... If our clan can break through the shackles of thousands of years and rush to a higher realm, maybe in the blink of an eye, solving such problems will be easy."

Ji Chongtian shook his head and turned into a spiritual energy and disappeared without a trace.

In such a remote place, there is no possibility of being born above the realm of law. For thousands of years, the Ji family seems to have gone far in the realm of law, but in fact they have achieved nothing. They can only easily kill three or five judges at the same level.

Yingyue Secret Realm.

Yun Ye practiced hard for three months, and his life energy overflowed his body, frantically refining his physical bones.

As the star ring shrank and returned to the body, a little spiritual light suddenly bloomed on Yun Ye's forehead.

The colors of fire and water are intertwined, and strange patterns bloom on the forehead.

The violent spiritual power instantly poured into Yun Ye's body and turned into driving energy, causing the whole body's strength to increase dramatically.

"Spiritual roots revive."


"The awakening of the three great dharma is over. All we have to do is reach the limit and reach the road to heaven!"

Yun Ye, who was already seven years old, had flames in one hand and water in the other, with satisfaction in his eyes.

The two spiritual roots of water and fire!

What does it mean that today is different from the past? Going out now is a bit of a card!

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