A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 132 The Essence of Water Spirit Root

The mysteries of spiritual magic are endless.

With each additional spiritual root, the mysteries that can be explored will increase dramatically.

After Yun Ye revived the spiritual root, he immediately conducted experiments to explore the nature of the water spiritual root.

as expected.

If the fire spirit root transfers energy and controls the form of energy out of thin air, then the water spirit root controls and creates liquid matter.

Water Spiritual Root mostly behaves as condensed water flow, purely because there is more water vapor in the air and it is easier to recognize, so it generally focuses on controlling water.

If you can recognize oxygen, hydrogen and other gases, you can completely gather them into water flow and use the "true water and fire spiritual root", which does not require the participation of the fire spiritual root.

As a water spiritual root, the spirituality that Yun Ye cares about most is cooling down.

Whether it is condensing water vapor in the air into water flow, or condensing other things into water flow, it all involves the spirituality of cooling.

However, although Yun Ye recognized the cooling spirit, no matter how he threw other spirits on the cooling spirit, the water flow only became ultra-low temperature and did not melt into ice.

As far as Yun Ye's feeling is concerned, the temperature of the water is obviously below 0 degrees... At least if you pour the spiritual water into the water tank, the water in the water tank will freeze immediately, but the spiritual water itself will not freeze.

This strange phenomenon puzzled Yun Ye, and he kept looking for modern knowledge.

Then, in a corner, I found a description of water that does not freeze at low temperatures.

"Condensation core?"

Because this memory was too far away, Yun Ye didn't think of it for a while. If he, a person with little scientific research ability, was asked to explore it, even if he had some scientific thinking, it would be difficult to discover this problem.

The so-called condensation nuclei are some dust or other substances that can blend into water and absorb water.

When there are condensation nuclei, once the temperature of the water drops below zero, it will crystallize with the condensation nuclei as the center and continue to expand, eventually leading to macroscopic freezing.

But if there are no condensation nuclei, although it will not be impossible to freeze, the temperature required will be lower.

Even when the water is in a special environment, it can freeze at 30 or 40 degrees below zero.

The water flow gathered by the water spirit roots happens to be so special. It is not pure. If it were pure, it would not be restrained by the thunder spirit roots...

The real reason why the water spirit root cannot freeze is that it is half spiritual power and half material.

As long as a person with water spiritual roots wants to control the water flow, the water flow will definitely not be completely composed of water, and will definitely be mixed with some spiritual power.

These spiritual powers will make the water flow and purify the impurities in it. Once any ice crystals are born, they will be removed immediately, so no matter how low the temperature is, it will not freeze unless Yun Ye gives up his aggression.

As long as it is not controlled, the water flow created by the water spirit root can freeze instantly.

From here we can understand why the synthesis method of the ice zodiac sign is "earth + water".

Earth acts as a condensation nucleus, and water cools down to form ice.

Finally, earth can control solid matter.

If the ice zodiac sign cannot be manipulated at will to form a destructive power that far exceeds the water spirit root, it will be a meaningless wrong fusion.

Each dual zodiac sign is a new power formed by integrating the advantages of two spiritual roots.

The power that can be exerted far exceeds that of a single spiritual root.

Although the water and fire spiritual roots seem to be in conflict with each other, they are not limited in terms of dual zodiac signs.

Because the dual zodiac sign is to remove the shortcomings and make use of the advantages.

"Let me see if my idea is correct!"

In all areas outside Baishi Town, the catastrophe has officially begun, and a large number of corpses have turned into dead and alive zombies.

And the Tao domain that was still maintained completely disappeared, not even a bit was left, and it no longer had the effect of suppressing demons.

——The moment of reincarnation is caused by any Taoist rules, then those Taoist rules will become invalid during this period.

In other words.


"There is a demon, no, the dead are alive. Help, help, help!"

All the villages were in chaos, and screams continued throughout the night.

And the people who died after being eaten stood up tremblingly again, turning into new dead zombies and living zombies.

Disasters are like plagues, spreading continuously and devouring all living people.

Countless people were awakened from nightmares. After seeing the blood-red world, their minds collapsed and they fled crazily.

Some died, and some were lucky enough to survive.

In the night.

A woman ran with her three children as hard as she could, but she felt more and more dizzy. Finally, she held down her thighs and couldn't run anymore, and gradually slowed down.

The oldest of the three children was twelve years old, a boy with wheat-colored skin. When he saw his mother lagging behind, he said anxiously: "Mom, run quickly, the monster is coming to catch up!"

"Mother, mother, where are we going? When can we stop!" The other two children also cried helplessly.

"Don't cry. You go to Baishi Town. There is a strong army there. You can stop when you reach Baishi Town. It's not far there. You can run there quickly. Don't stop before you run there."

The woman showed a difficult smile. After speaking, she pulled her eldest son in front of her and said, "Tian Jing, look..."

She removed her hand from her thigh, and Tian Jing stood blankly on the spot, a wound deep enough to the bone came into view.

The wound had shed an unknown amount of blood and had completely stained the clothes red. However, it was difficult to see clearly in the darkness and everyone was too panicked to notice.

After suffering such a serious injury, running all the way here was obviously just relying on willpower to hold on. It was almost time to end here.

The most important thing is that the wound is completely black and gray, probably poison. It is impossible for her to survive this difficulty, and there is no point in continuing to run.


The woman looked into Tian Jing's eyes and said word by word: "Mom can't run anymore, you take them two to Baishi Town... don't worry about me, do you understand?"

"Mom... no, I don't want you to die!" Tian Jing couldn't stop crying. He grabbed his mother's arm and dragged her forward.

But the woman was very decisive. She threw away Tian Jing's hand, pushed him forward, and shouted: "I tell you to run quickly, take care of your brothers and sisters, and don't make mother angry again!"

Although the demon was lured away by others, it will catch up sooner or later, and it will definitely die if it does not reach a safe place!

She was already mortal, so it was better to lure away the demons and increase the chances of the children escaping.

After saying that, the woman gritted her teeth and dragged herself in the other direction.

Not far away, there was a faint roar, getting closer and closer.


With the woman's final urging.

Tian Jing took the hands of his younger siblings and ran desperately into the distance, towards...

White Rock Town!

He didn't dare to look back because he knew how terrifying this world was and that no miracle would happen.

As a poor person, all disasters will happen, but... there will be no hope!

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