A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 134 Water and Fire Combination Spiritual Technique·All Things Are Silent

"Sure enough, the wisdom of mortals is also wisdom. When put together, although it is impossible for a mortal to be comparable to a god in this world, if one of the monks in the same realm has mastered modern knowledge and the other has not, it must be the former. Gain an overwhelming victory!”

Outside the Broken Bridge River, on a certain hill, Yun Ye held a small cloud-like object and murmured to himself.

This is the result of the fusion of his water and fire spiritual roots.

To be precise, it is just a combination of spiritual techniques, far from the level of spiritual root fusion.

Yun Ye let go and let the gray clouds fall out.

As soon as it escaped Yunye's control, the clouds began to spread violently, and everything in their path froze, whether it was grass, insects, or passing birds, they all froze at this moment, unable to move.

This area, roughly five meters in diameter, forms an inverted circle.

Everything inside is solidified and the tone is dark, a bit like turning on the world modifier and changing this area to black and white.

But Yun Ye knew that was not the case. He stepped forward and touched the gray border with his hand - just by touching it, the frost spread, freezing his fingers. The next moment, flames burned and stopped the erosion.

That's right.

This gray solidified area.

In fact, it is not just visual, it is truly solidified and frozen!

This is the prototype of the fusion of water and fire spiritual roots, a kind of cold air that can solidify everything, similar to the ice spiritual root, but it does not create ice, but directly acts on the atomic level of objects to stop the movement of objects.

What is this kind of thing? Absolute zero?

"Everything is silent!"

This is the name Yun Ye gave to this move. A real ultimate move should have a matching name.

This move was too powerful, far beyond Yun Ye's basic assumptions.

After all, it can have such power even before it has reached the stage of fusion of spiritual roots. Once the true fusion of spiritual roots is completed, it will definitely be able to turn things around.

"Okay, the next step is to kill monsters and gain enough experience. Levels 1 to 10... only have nine skill points?"

Only then did Yun Ye realize the cheating of upgrading the system. Normally, shouldn't it start from level zero?

However, this pot will not be taken away tomorrow, her voice sounded: "Master, don't worry, although it starts at level one, there will be two skill points when it reaches level ten, and the total number is still ten."

"I see, this is okay. If it's stuck at nine skill points, it will be very speechless." Yun Ye scanned the upgrade panel.

"The reincarnated person: Yun Ye. 』

"Grade: 1/10. 』

"Experience: 0/10 (ordinary demons can provide at least 1 point of experience). 』

"Qi-nourishing Technique·Imagination Method: Perfect state, perfect cultivation." 』

"Spirituality: Level 3 initial level (can be improved with 20 skill points). 』

"Physical Technique: Introduction to the Mortal Realm (can be improved with 5 skill points). 』

"Divinity: Introduction to the Mortal Realm (can be upgraded with 5 skill points). 』

"Spiritual Technique: Introduction to the Mortal Realm (can be upgraded with 5 skill points). 』

"Skills: Combination of Spiritual Techniques·Silence of All Things·Introduction (can be improved with 10 skill points)"

"Skill points: 0. 』

The three major methods are physical energy realms, and Yun Ye will not use skill points to improve them.

Spirituality and the silence of all things are "knowledge", and he mainly wanted to improve these two by obtaining skill points.

One's own family knows one's own affairs.

Ji Yan only needs to change his cognition, but Yun Ye can do it.

But the combined spiritual method has already begun to involve spiritual patterns. If he wants to completely perfect it, it will definitely take a lot of time.

After the initial introduction, he already felt that it was extremely dangerous. In the future, he must reach the perfect state before he can carry out spiritual root fusion and fully master the power of this fusion.

If he really had to rely on himself, he had no idea how long it would take, or it would be more reliable to just take the shortcut of upgrading the panel.

So Yun Ye began to look for targets to take action, but before he reached the Duanqiao River, he had already encountered demons, and they were all very powerful, including even high-level demons.

He saw the Optimus Prime-like catastrophe again.

Compared with half a year ago, its overall picture is getting clearer. Yun Ye can now find that the Optimus Pillar is covered with a large number of scales. Each scale is diamond-shaped and is spliced ​​together instead of stacked like common snake scales. Plus type.

Yun Ye didn't know if this disaster would come to Baishi Town. He was more concerned about the current problem.

"The suppression range of Taoist weapons has shrunk again!"

Yun Ye said to himself.

The Dao realm is a circle. The farther out from the boundary, the stronger the demon becomes.

Now that the circle is shrinking, the demons will naturally come up.

Originally, the danger level of Broken Bridge River was only 1, but now it is at least 3, or even more.

But this is a good thing for Yun Ye, as there is no need to waste time looking for it.

The first thing Yun Ye encountered was a group of running beasts.

The running beast is shaped like an ox and has horns. It can shake the earth while running, causing houses to collapse and making warriors unstable. The more they are, the stronger they are.

There were twelve in the group he saw, not too many, but not too few either. It was a pity that most demons couldn't eat them. Otherwise, with the aura content of the demon meat, it could be made into excellent food, but it would be comparable to elixirs. .


Yun Ye directly pushed forward, and the fire in his heart + the blue flames were enough to sweep away most of the demons and rush into the beast group.

With one sweep, two running beasts flew out and knocked away the three running beasts behind them.

What's particularly strange is that these running beasts don't fly very fast, but when they hit, it seems as if a force suddenly bursts out, crushing the flesh, flesh, and bones of the running beasts that hit each other.

With just one blow, Yun Ye killed five demons.


The remaining seven running beasts roared, and as soon as they stepped on the ground, the entire area shook violently, with cracks everywhere.

But this problem has no effect on Yun Ye, who is in countless realms.

Yun Ye jumped up, flames condensed in his hands, and suddenly fell to the ground.


The pillar of fire engulfed all the beasts.

Wait for Yun Ye to walk out.

These running beasts have turned into ashes.

With Yun Ye's spiritual control at the beginning of the third level, as long as he awakens the three powers, his strength will be close to that of a soldier commander.

It's a pity that he has lost the Nether Fire now and cannot travel through space or create celestial phenomena. It will take some time to restore the strength of his previous life.

If he really wants to take off, he can only completely refine the Yingyue Ring in his hand, and then reopen the Yingyue Great Secret Realm.

Without a large number of elixirs, it would be extremely difficult to practice any method to its limit.

"Experience +2, experience +12."

"Level up and gain a skill point."

"Experience +20, experience +5..."

Yun Ye kept killing, and he found that there was an endless supply of demons. He would kill one by one, but he would not refuse anyone who came.

After all, the levels are soaring!

At present, upgrading can only obtain skill points, but these skill points can turn decay into magic and directly increase cultivation or skill progress.

Although the power built by Taoism is still very primitive, it is enough to show its essential power.

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