A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 135 The Great Network of Order of Heaven and Earth

Yun Ye felt like he was fighting monsters and leveling up. If he wasn't careful, it would be dawn.

What woke him up was the sudden appearance of a huge barrier on the horizon.

The barrier is round and black.

The height almost obscures the sky, but the top can be seen.

Yunye was about fifty kilometers away from Baishi Town, which was already extremely far away, but he could still feel the extremely evil aura.

This surprised Yun Ye.

Monsters are generally neither evil nor evil, and the energy of the undead does not necessarily make people feel disgusting.

But this black barrier gave him the feeling that countless people were wailing and roaring, as if their souls were imprisoned, and life was worse than death. If this is not evil, then there is nothing evil!

"In the direction of Baishi Town? This feeling, at least an extraordinary level of chaos, how could it appear near Baishi Town?"

Yun Ye realized something was wrong, so he immediately stopped hunting and began to approach Baishi Town.

This move immediately triggered a chain reaction.

As her long black hair fluttered in the wind, tomorrow appeared on its own. Her crouched body stretched out, floating off the ground, staring into the distance with her fiery red pupils.

She is much younger than Yun Ye now, and has been fixed at three or four years old, while Yun Ye has reached seven years old.


Seeing her appear, Yun Ye felt that the problem might be more serious than he imagined.

Sure enough, Tomorrow said in her clear voice: "Master... the great calamity is coming. The Baishi Taoist tool has no Tao domain at this time. When the moment of rotation comes, the corresponding Tao rules will become invalid, and the same is true for its Tao domain. ”

"What? So sudden?" Yun Ye was shocked. He had only been dead for half a year!

Although it was predicted that the catastrophe would indeed come after Yingyue Secret Realm, there should be a few years of buffering anyway. The catastrophe started in just half a year, and he did not have the strength to gather the villagers at all.

This completely disrupted his plan!

You know, his growth in this life has been greatly accelerated!

If he had followed the original plan, he would not be able to protect himself now, let alone establish a base for the Tomorrow Meeting.

"The catastrophe has indeed arrived, and it's terrifying! What on earth did Baishi Town do to accumulate such terrifying tribulation energy?" Tomorrow's anger was visible to the naked eye, and the fire lotus on his forehead was emitting sparks.

"What do you mean? Didn't Taoist weapons suffer disasters because they set too strong rules?" Yun Ye approached Baishi Town all the way, and he wanted to go to a position where he could see the situation clearly.

"Master, your understanding is not wrong, but it is not complete! As the embodiment of the road, we do not have power ourselves. It is the people who identify with the road who give us power!"

"The reason why disasters exist is because as much power as you take away, you have to take on more responsibilities. If you don't bear them, disasters will accumulate and eventually break out at the moment of the sixty-year cycle!"

"The current calamity in Baishi Town is already at the level of a catastrophe. I am afraid that in the past sixty years, Baishi Town has not resolved any calamity, but has continued to accumulate! Don't they realize the problem at all?"

I hugged my chest tomorrow and felt unusually cold and uncomfortable all over my body.

The tribulation energy is a fatal force for the Taoist weapon, and it will continue to corrode the Taoist tool. The more it is experienced, the closer it is to disintegration!

The moment of rotation is not just a moment, but also a mark!

That is to say, she is not the subject of this catastrophe. Otherwise, she will not be able to resist the power of the sky knife's carvings, and there will inevitably be permanent wear and tear.

"Strength and responsibility, indeed."

Yun Ye nodded silently.

The rules of Taoist tools are clearer: even if there is enough response and recognition, one must take responsibility.

In this case, Baishizhen's behavior is very strange.

Why do we keep massacring surrounding villages?

This kind of behavior not only fails to take responsibility, but is an abuse of power, right?

Yun Ye told this matter tomorrow, trying to figure out what was going on.

As a result, Tomorrow also shook his head in confusion.

"I don't know. This is obviously increasing the level of the catastrophe. It will only make the catastrophe more and more terrifying..."

"It seems that there is still something hidden, but since there is a catastrophe, our general idea should be correct. It is a misjudgment or misunderstanding in Baishi Town."

Yun Ye didn't think that such a simple rule had not been discovered by Baishi Town for a thousand years. There must be other reasons that led to Baishi Town's misunderstanding.

Perhaps, someone was maliciously guiding me.

The founding of the Luo Dynasty used the method of enfeoffment to allocate land to major families for guarding and development.

If the Taoist artifacts in Baishi Town come from the Luo Dynasty, it is very likely that they were instilled with wrong rules, causing the place to continue to lose Taoist tools due to wrong rules and eventually collapse.

Taoist artifacts can devour each other.

Especially the source of Taoist tools.


Yun Ye was close to about 20 kilometers away. He felt that this distance was very close, so he didn't get closer.

A flash of red light appeared in his eyes, and Yun Ye observed.

But soon, Yun Ye showed a look of astonishment.

"Can't see clearly, even invisible eyes can't penetrate, a special black evil spirit... no, should it be said to be resentment?"

"There is also the tribulation energy. The demons inside are the avengers born in response to the catastrophe. I am afraid that a catastrophe is approaching... Under normal circumstances, at least tens of millions of people must die before such a thing can be born." Tomorrow added. road.

"What? What exactly is calamity energy? Can any disaster come out of nothing?" Yun Ye was surprised.

In fact, even if there was no calamity, he would have had this doubt for a long time. Many monsters with terrifying abilities seemed to be born out of thin air. What is the principle of this?

"No, Master, let's take a look together. It seems indescribable..." Tomorrow closed his eyes and felt carefully. At the same time, Yun Ye also suddenly discovered that the whole world was cracking and dispersing.

He entered new horizons.

The vision of Taoist tools!

Humans are three-dimensional animals and can only see three-dimensional things, but Tao tools are obviously not such simple things.

After entering the vision of the Taoist instrument, the world in front of Yun Ye disintegrated into lines and runes. At first glance, it seemed chaotic, but after careful observation, it seemed to contain some kind of disordered order. .

And these are all basics. Yun Ye looked at the sky... It was probably the sky. Yun Ye didn't know whether it counted, but there were indeed a large number of chains densely covered above the world. These chains spanned the entire world. , are different in shape and color.

However, Yun Ye couldn't look any longer. In just a few seconds, Yun Ye discovered that the world had become unstable because of this, and his mental power was also being consumed crazily.

And just from such a startling glance, Yun Ye knew the meaning of many chains, one of which was connected to the black barrier...

——Feitian Zombie, an aggregation of resentment, was born out of despair. When born, it can connect with the ancestor of the manifest world. If it can survive the nine deaths, nine lives, and nine tribulations, it can transform into immortal zombie, live the same life as heaven and earth, and return to the position of the manifest world.

Just such a chain made Yun Ye suddenly understand the origin of the demon's power!

"The rules...are written in heaven and earth!"

"Is it possible that in a world where immortality and enlightenment are achieved, future generations are conceived through blood?"

"It's ridiculous!"

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