A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 142 Establishment of Base Area

The power of the rotten corpse blood is indeed extremely powerful. Wherever it passes, flesh, flesh and bones will rot.

If Yun Ye hadn't mastered the extremely spiritual water and repeatedly flushed and purified it, he might have been permanently disabled.

Ten minutes later, Yun Ye had completely cleaned away the blood of the decayed corpse, and his expression became incomprehensible for a moment.

"Is this the second zodiac sign..."

"Is this the dual zodiac sign that forms the ultimate spirituality?"

Strength and weakness are all compared. He only feels amazing when freezing some mortal objects, but has no clear feeling.

But even Huan Luan, who has mastered such a powerful dual zodiac sign, can be instantly killed, which is much more intuitive.

The dual attributes fused through extreme spirituality are obviously much stronger than the ordinary zodiac signs, and are a brand new trump card.

"However, the road ahead is difficult. The fusion of two spiritualities requires too much control, and there is almost no error tolerance. Even experiments may lead to serious injury to oneself."

Yun Ye frowned.

It can be seen from the Liu family's mastery of the secret technique of wind spirit root fusion. Although zodiac signs fusion is rare, there are some families who can do it.

Perhaps the general two-fold zodiac sign is not as quiet as all things, but what about the three-fold sign?

In the entire Luo Dynasty, Yun Ye did not believe that there was no third level or even stronger spiritual root fusion secret technique.

These are all the heritage of the family.

"I hope I can solve Baishi Town in this life, otherwise I will not be able to expand the reincarnation area from Baishi Town if the Taoist weapon does not advance."

"A-level divine consciousness talents don't have the lowest level of natural magic. The talents in the Baishi Town area are too weak."

"We must break through the Taoist blockade in Baishi Town, otherwise I will have no way forward!"


Yun Ye fell into deep thought. The expansion of his reincarnation area would indeed increase his talents, but his opponents would also become stronger. In the end, he would still be weak. Has his situation really changed?

"Perhaps, I should pass on the theory of ultimate spirituality to the Tomorrow Club. As for the confidentiality, it can be solved with Tao tools. Even if I am not very talented, I can exert such a strong power. Others should not be bad, and then the Tomorrow Club will also be able to exert such a strong power. That’ll help.”

Yun Ye felt that this idea was good. He had many concerns before, mainly because he had no means of keeping it secret.

As far as he knew, the divine law could also be cracked, which was not safe at all. Once leaked, it would most likely cause the family's overall power to surge.

As for the Taoist rules, the difficulty of cracking them is obviously much higher, and the feasibility is very high.

However, there has been no response so far, so Yun Ye will not consider executing it for the time being.

"Bang bang bang..."

After struggling to break the frozen world, Yun Ye used Cang Yan to melt the corrupt demonic zombie, hoping to extract something.

But it's a pity that there is nothing this time. The Corruption Demonic Zombie is really corrupted. His body only has the demonic energy and no life energy at all.

Yun Ye was very sorry, but he had no choice but to refine the entire corpse and turn it into a sword of bones and blood.

With the integration of Corrupt Demon Zombie, the White Bone Blood Sword directly jumped from a high-level spiritual weapon to a low-level magic weapon.

Elementary, advanced, and top level, the levels of artifacts can be roughly divided like this.

Spiritual weapons only look at the increase in spiritual magic and the power contained in the spiritual magic.

But the magic weapon depends on all aspects.

The White Bone Blood Sword is a magical weapon that acquires vitality by devouring the entire Demonic Zombie. It is much more powerful than using a mortal soul, but it also means it is more difficult to control. It can only be said that there are gains and losses, so it is temporarily classified as a low-level weapon. Magical weapon.

When Yun Ye completely wiped out the demonic energy of the Bone and Blood Sword, with the power of corrupted corpse blood, there was no problem in classifying it as a high-level magic weapon.

"Activate the spell...just set it to this."

Yun Ye solved the spell by the way.

Each magic weapon has a spell that can be activated directly through language.

During combat, the magic weapon also has the ability to distinguish between friend and foe. Unless spiritual magic is used to seize control, only the owner can activate it with a spell.

Through this, even if the weapon is lost, it can be liberated for the first time through a spell to get it back in the hand, or its power can be directly exploded from the air.

As a combat tool, magical weapons are countless times more powerful than spiritual weapons. They have jumped directly from the cold weapon era to the intelligent era. Even if ordinary people obtain magical weapons, they can still explode with a certain amount of power.

It just takes time to recover after use, and it cannot be replenished like a spiritual practitioner.

"Now that we have the weapons, next comes the armor and tools to assist in combat, such as the spirit-gathering ring."

Yun Ye missed the various equipment of the past.

The spirit-gathering ring actually increases the strength quite a lot, especially for him in his second life.

In this life, although there are two spiritual roots, because the spiritual energy control has only been improved once, it is actually only twice that of the second life, and there is no particularly big gap.

The spiritual energy control ability in the first life was 10, while the Spirit Gathering Ring was 30. Even if Yun Ye's talent doubled in this life, the Spirit Gathering Ring still gave him more extra power than Yun Ye himself.

The real big change is the improvement of the integrity of spiritual roots.

This talent not only increases the power of spiritual energy, but also increases the speed of spiritual energy digestion.

Now using the Spirit Gathering Ring, Yun Ye's life force loss rate is much lower than in his second life.

Once the practice is completed, the loss will be lower.

But this is the extreme of the mortal realm, and it still cannot get rid of the shortcoming of the loss of lifespan due to the recovery of spiritual roots.

Only when you reach the spiritual realm, the burden of spiritual root recovery on yourself will become smaller. Even spiritual practitioners who do not cultivate life force can boldly use spiritual root recovery. Only when using great spiritual methods or even mysteries, life span will be exceeded beyond the limit.

Yun Ye wandered for several days.

Hundreds of monsters have been killed, but because they have not encountered any more trouble monsters, their level has not been raised to level nine.

In the past few days, he finally met people. They were all farmers. They knew there was a secret cave in the mountains, so they hid in it together. For a while, no monsters came to the door.

Of course, the target of the catastrophe is the owner of the White Rock Town, and the demons will be attracted to White Rock Town. As long as they are hidden enough, they will be safe for a while.

Yun Ye couldn't help but sigh...these farmers could survive only because of their distrust of Baishi Town!

If you run to Baishi Town, you will have a narrow escape.

However, in this disaster, no matter how safe we ​​are, we will die without food.

The cave was dark and depressing, and it was impossible to produce anything. The food they brought was quickly consumed, and they could no longer sustain it in a few days, so they had to send people out to investigate the situation.

It was a coincidence that I got on the line with Yun Ye.

As soon as they went out, they quickly ran into a demon and were rescued by Yun Ye as they fled in all directions.

Since they had no way to survive, it didn't take much effort for Yun Ye to convince all the villagers in the cave to follow him.

There are a total of twenty-five people in this cave. There are no old people, only young adults and six children. To be honest, it is very difficult to live.

It is impossible for spiritual practitioners to protect them for free, and there is a high probability that they will be captured and used as domestic slaves.

And children cannot do heavy physical work, which makes them a complete burden in the face of such a catastrophic disaster, and they are not even qualified to be domestic slaves.

The clouds and nights remained, and they even felt like a dream.

After Yun Ye simply cleaned the wounds and dirt of these people with water spirit, he took them to the base area that had been identified.

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