A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 143 Tian Jing's Three Siblings

There are all kinds of terrain around Baishi Town, and there are countless valleys. Yun Ye chose a very hidden valley this time. The terrain of this valley is very low, there are forests outside, and there is no water source. Basically no one pays attention to it. of no man's land.

After leading twenty-five people through the forest to the entrance of the hidden valley, the guarding members of the Tomorrow Society immediately saluted and said, "Young Master, are you back so early?"

"I met some people in need of help today, so I ended the search early." Yun Ye said, and he waved his hand: "Everyone, come in with me. We have just opened up this place and we really need your help."

Twenty-five ordinary people looked cautious and quickly followed.

After crossing the valley path, everything suddenly became clear.

Neat fields and houses appeared in the field of vision, and everyone even saw a small pond.

For a time, twenty-five people were pleasantly surprised. They originally thought that the environment here was very poor and needed time to take care of it, but they didn't expect that it had been organized to such a perfect level, it was like a paradise!

It is true that it is very difficult to open up wasteland in this kind of area, there are all kinds of poisonous insects, and there are all kinds of inconveniences, but people have already arrived at the tomorrow meeting, and with the help of spiritual magicians, these are not big problems.

For example, if you are a wood spirit root magician, with one spiritual spell, the valley will take on a completely new look.

All kinds of poisonous insects will be filtered by the spiritual plant net before entering the valley. Even if there are still fish that slip through the net, the threat has been greatly reduced.

With these prerequisites in place, steady construction and development began within the valley.

Twenty-five common people got rid of their children and went to work naturally, integrating very naturally.

For such a small area, the people who will come tomorrow will be responsible for the management and overall planning, and it is well organized, but there are also many people who need to actually put in the work.

There were only fifteen people coming this time, including three spiritual practitioners, two management talents, and the other ten were craftsmen with various skills.

It was these craftsmen, with the help of spiritual practitioners, who quickly tidied up the valley and built houses.

Yun Ye recognized the results of their work very much. This was considered the greatest wealth left over from the Shuifuzhuang period.

After seeing that the people were completely integrated, Yun Ye also took Ning Xiao and the others into the secret realm.

Ning Xiao is the reviver of the Golden Spirit Root, while the other two are Cheng Cang, the reviver of the Wood Spirit Root, and Chai Xin, the reviver of the Earth Spirit Root.

They came to assist in the experiment at Yun Ye's request to see if they could further speed up the secret herbs.

"This elixir has been effective for 150 years?" Ning Xiao continued to be shocked. It had only been three days!

"If the spiritual method can work, it will be faster." Yun Ye said.

Ning Xiao and the other two looked at each other and nodded. They were already gearing up and couldn't wait.

Immediately, the three of them activated their spiritual methods and tried their best to increase the growth rate of the elixir.

The Golden Spirit Method and the Earth Spirit Method both have auxiliary functions, while the Wood Spirit Method is the main force.

Yun Ye watched the growth rate from the sidelines.

Then he saw the acceleration multiplier of ten thousand... beating and falling to nine thousand!

The three of them continued for a while, but also found that it seemed to have no effect, so they directly awakened the spiritual roots to increase the effect.

As a result, the acceleration began to plummet, directly cut in half, from 9,000 to 4,000 or even lower.

Yun Ye opened his eyes of light and observed for a long time, then stopped: "Stop, it seems that ordinary spiritual methods cannot continue to accelerate."

The three of them looked at each other and restrained their strength.

Cheng Cang said: "My wood spirit technique seems to have no effect at all..."

Ning Xiao and Chai Xin also nodded. When they used their spiritual skills, they could feel a huge sense of disobedience.

Not only did they fail to accelerate, but they also slowed down the growth of the elixir!

"The secret realm can accelerate the growth of elixirs because it gathers the spiritual energy of the entire space for infusion."

"Although the Wood Spirit Method has a similar effect, the spiritual energy that can be extracted comes from this space. The more spiritual energy you extract, the less it will be used in the secret realm, so it has the opposite effect."

Yun Ye said.

The secret realm is blessed by the law of wood, and the efficiency of spiritual energy utilization is naturally far higher than that of monks in the ordinary realm.

"It seems that it is impossible to accelerate further... Wait, doesn't this mean that as long as there is a richer spiritual energy environment, we can continue to accelerate without using spiritual methods?"

Ning Xiao immediately realized that this was a good thing!

The wood spirit method still needs people to maintain it, but the aura environment is automatically instilled!

"That's true, but we don't have the spiritual pulse. We can only think about this after we conquer White Rock Town."

Yun Ye said.

"Baishi Town has been closed down. No one should be in Hongshan now."

Ning Xiao said quickly.

Yun Ye shook his head: "I went to check, and the person is indeed not there, but there is a formation covering it, and you will definitely be discovered if you go in."

Ning Xiao fell silent and sighed, feeling very sorry.

The depths of the Red Mountain are the area with the most spiritual energy in Baishi Town. If you can't go here, it will be the same as other places.

"Then we can only wait until we find the spiritual veins!"

Yun Ye has been looking for people who are still alive, and as he gains more experience, he begins to gain something every few days, and the number of people in the Tomorrow Village base continues to increase.

This operation lasted for about half a month, and Yun Ye's biggest gain was a family of three brothers and sisters.

When Yun Ye found them, the three brothers and sisters were on the verge of starving to death and had collapsed in the woods.

If he hadn't met Yun Ye, it wouldn't take long for him to completely close his eyes in a dazed sleep.

And it was just these three ordinary siblings. After Yun Ye brought them back to Tomorrow Village, they unlocked the attribute panel after just a few days of getting along. They trusted Yun Ye very much.

This is not surprising. Most of the ordinary villagers also opened the attribute panel after a few days of stable life.

The reason why it is said to be the biggest gain is mainly because the talents of the three siblings are all above the level.

Especially the eldest brother Tian Jing, whose spiritual root talent is actually A+ level.

A+ level, although in this Baishi Town, has already touched the threshold of special spiritual roots...

Unfortunately, Tian Jing did not have a special spiritual root, but greatly enhanced various attributes on the basis of B-level spiritual roots.

The attributes of his spiritual roots are roughly like this.

Zodiac sign: Fire, Earth

Completeness: Fire (50%), Earth (45%)

Aura control: Fire (1000%), Earth (1000%)

The last item is not intuitive, just compare it. Yun Ye's aura control is: Fire (200%), Water (200%)

In other words, at the same level, in terms of spiritual root completeness and aura control, Tian Jing's final spiritual power is about 10 times that of Yun Ye.

There is no doubt that this is a genius that is hard to find even in aristocratic families!

In particular, his younger brothers and sisters actually have talents above B level, and the whole family is a genius.

This situation made Yun Ye sigh that it was really a pillow for a sleepy person.

He was still thinking about who he should pass on the ultimate spirituality to...

There is no need to hesitate.

These three children are suitable candidates. They have great hatred for the aristocratic families. The three of them have the strength to become the leaders of the Tomorrow Club. Even if they eventually decay, they will bring the Tomorrow Club to another level and change Yun Ye's weak situation!

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