A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 144 New Generation

Half a month.

Yun Ye Ling Ling always did a lot of things. First, he raised his level to level nine, then he became an adult, and finally he trained the three brothers and sisters Tian Jing, Tian Yu, and Tian Shi.

First, they will be taught literacy and Qi-nourishing techniques, and when the time is right, they will be taught ultimate spirituality so that they can gain powerful combat power.

This so-called time is ripe, which means gathering enough required responses to create confidentiality rules.

But the problem is that until now, Yun Ye has not received even a single regional response.

He is undoubtedly practicing the path, but the result is that there is no response, which is very strange.

After asking Tomorrow, he replied: "The echo is what has happened, not what is happening now."

This sentence directly reveals the essence of Taoist tools.

You must complete the journey and prove the feasibility of the road before it will resonate, and strength will not appear out of thin air.

Yun Ye is just at the beginning now, far from even the most elementary stage, so it cannot form an echo.

But after thinking about it for a while, he suddenly discovered the wonder of the white stone Taoist device.

If the sermon needs to fit the road, and it will form an echo if it is consistent with it.

Doesn't that mean that the Taoist artifacts in Baishi Town want to create a reverberation, but actually have nothing to do with the people?

Zun Shang Ding, at first glance, is a ruling weapon. This kind of ruling weapon needs the approval of the ruling class, not the approval of the people...

"No wonder the disasters are increasing. How many people are there in the ruling class? How to offset the huge hatred of the people?"

Yun Ye gradually understood.

Recognition is "response", hatred is "catastrophe".

From the beginning, the Taoist artifacts in White Rock Town were destined to perish. This was a road-level mistake.

But this cannot be avoided, because normally, the darkness of human nature is to hold everything in its hands so that one can always be on top. Domination-type weapons are the first choice, and everyone should follow this path.

However, this common sense does not apply to Yun Ye.

As a reincarnated person, Yun Ye never wanted anyone to monopolize everything and make him struggle in every life.

I never want to blend into a noble family and become a beast that eats flesh and drinks blood...

This is a fundamental contradiction!

Yun Ye can choose any path. Even if this path is the most difficult at the moment, it means the most to Yun Ye.

Yun Ye came to the vicinity of Baishi Town again and looked at the entire Baishi Town from a distance.

A steady stream of demons are attacking.

The original white walls have been stained with rich black and red, all traces of the demons being killed.

A large number of spiritual practitioners fought day and night to resist the invasion of demons.

Moreover, Yun Ye could also see the role of the city wall, and the approaching demons were being weakened.

There are more formations inside that are always ready to be activated, and not even a single demon will be allowed to cross the city wall.

"I see...the city wall comes into play at this time."

When Yun Ye first entered the city, he thought that the city wall was the guarantee of the safety of Baishi Town, but later he discovered that the huge area was protected, and there were very few demon invasions, let alone the walled Baishi Town, which looked like a decoration. .

However, when the great catastrophe came and the Taoist weapons failed, the city wall immediately became the main line of defense and played a huge role. If not, even if there were several times more spiritual magic teams, it would be useless.

"The concentration of demonic energy is also rising. Even if there is no catastrophe, killing like this will lead to trouble for demons."

There was a rumble in the distance, and a giant beast stepped onto the battlefield, a demon of chaos.

It is attracted by the demonic energy, which is so abundant that it can increase its strength to a higher level.

The arrival of disaster attracted the commander of the army to take action.

This time, the person guarding it was Ji Ming'e. She was stronger than Yu Wen. She controlled the giant beast with one move, causing its hands and feet to fail and collapse.

Immediately afterwards, she shook the bells tied to her wrists and pulled out the spirit body of the giant beast, directly solving the troublesome monster at the soul level.

Yun Ye didn't look much and retreated. After all, he was a master of magic. He couldn't grasp the distance accurately and might be discovered.

After that, Yun Ye no longer paid attention to Baishi Town, but concentrated on development.

Time comes to the spring of the third year after birth.

These days, Yun Ye spends most of his time in the Hongshan cave to worship and refine treasures. He only spends a small amount of time hunting monsters, collecting materials and gaining experience points.

In addition, there are changes in the secret realm.

As far as the current data is concerned, the ultimate medicinal power of Yang Ganoderma is about 500 years.

Once it reaches five hundred years, the increase in the medicinal power of Yang Ganoderma will stop, and it will no longer absorb spiritual energy and will turn into producing spiritual energy.

If the total amount of spiritual energy in the secret space is compared to ten thousand, one Yang Ganoderma can roughly provide one thousand.

With only ten plants, the aura concentration in the secret space can be doubled.

Over the past year, the 25,000-fold acceleration has been maintained intermittently. Last month, the number of Yang Ganoderma lucidum reached the limit of 15, and the amount of spiritual energy it exhaled officially surpassed that of the Red Mountain Cave.

It can be foreseen that the concentration of spiritual energy in the secret realm will become higher and higher in the future, entering a positive cycle.

Tomorrow Village.

In a small courtyard.

The young man sat cross-legged on the futon, with a ring floating in front of him, and a large amount of spiritual power was poured into it to perform sacrifices.

"Huh... the sacrificial refining progress is 5%, which is pretty good."

Yun Ye breathed a long sigh of relief and put away the Moon Reflecting Ring.

The 5% sacrificial refining progress has increased the upper limit of the power of the Yingyue Ring by more than ten times.

Now there is no problem in dealing with chaos and spiritual realm.

Just wait for enough elixirs to be raised to the limit of the mortal realm in one breath, and then speed up the process of refining the Yingyue Treasure Ring.

Walk out of the courtyard.

Looking around, the valley is peaceful, and a large number of crops are growing vigorously in the fields and are about to mature.

The farmers even have time to chat and play with their children.

Yun Ye walked further and arrived at a simple mountain school. The sound of reading loudly could be heard outside.

As soon as he entered, he saw a boy with wheat-colored skin practicing boxing skills in the yard. What was special was that his fists were covered with flames, and when he hit the special wooden stake, a black mark appeared.

"Master, why are you here!"

Tian Jing heard the commotion, stopped training, and quickly stepped forward to greet him.

"Just take a look, how is your boxing practice?"

Yun Ye smiled.

"It has been accomplished, but it is still far from perfection."

Tian Jing heard this and immediately replied seriously.

One year’s success!

This is still based on taking into account literacy, Qi nourishing skills, and spiritual skills.

What is talent?

"Very good. Keep up the hard work. It seems that you will be able to take charge on your own soon. Then the safety of Tomorrow Village will be left to you."

Yun Ye was very satisfied.

"Master, don't worry, I will do my best to protect everyone, otherwise how can I be worthy of their support!"

Tian Jing immediately patted his chest heavily and said seriously.

This year, most of the output of Tomorrow Village became the food for the three brothers and sisters. Within a year, he reached the perfection of nourishing Qi, awakened his spiritual consciousness and spiritual roots, and his final life force was not far away.

This kind of kindness will never be fulfilled in his lifetime. If he has to live up to the Tomorrow Society in this way, what is the difference between him and those beasts?

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