A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 145 Great Lake Spirit Monster

Yun Ye encouraged the three Tian Jing brothers and sisters, and then left Tomorrow Village to do their own things.

After a year of hunting, his panel level was close to level ten, and it was time to complete the puzzle.

The entry-level combined spiritual method is not perfect in all aspects. It really depends on luck to use it, and it is in urgent need of further improvement.


Yun Ye shuttled through the forest and left quickly, maintaining his eyes of light and consciousness to avoid missing environmental information.

The catastrophe has been going on for a year, but there is still no sign of stopping.

The calamity that Yun Ye could see was, as expected, getting stronger and stronger, and a catastrophe-level demon was about to be born.

In this case, the frequency with which he cleans out demons must also increase.

Otherwise, if a big demon breaks into Tomorrow Village, the demonic energy that erupts after death will attract other demons, leading to a vicious cycle.

Inside the forest where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, there is a large clear lake where many animals come to drink water.

Some left intact, while others were preyed upon by creatures in the lake and disappeared without leaving a trace of blood.

On this day, in addition to various animals visiting the lake, a carriage also arrived.

The coachman was wearing a bamboo hat and could not see his face clearly, except that he was a man.

And a thin young man walked out of the carriage. His face was pale and he looked a little sickly. After looking around, he said: "Ah Shu, please stop here and rest for a while, just in time to replenish clean water."

"Okay, Master Dong, come here." The driver helped the thin young man out of the car, then easily split the tree with his knife, and made a wooden block on the spot for the thin young man to sit down.

Then he said: "Master Dong, there may be demons in this lake. I can only fetch water."

"Go ahead."

After receiving permission, the coachman took the water bag and strode toward the lake.

He can take the young master to escape through several cities, so he is naturally not afraid of the lake that can be seen everywhere. Even if there are monsters in it, they are just high-level monsters and cannot be his opponent.

As soon as the driver arrived, many animals scattered and fled away from the human being.

He didn't care. He took a handful of water and smelled it. After finding that there was no problem, he opened the water bag and started filling it with water.

One bag after another, and when he was filling the third bag, the water surface suddenly exploded, and transparent tentacles stretched out to entangle him.

The driver had already expected it. As soon as he freed his arms, strong golden light covered his whole body.

However, what surprised the coachman was that when he struggled like this, he did not break off the tentacles immediately. Instead, his arms and feet fell into the water and began to lose focus.


The thin young man who had been watching from a distance couldn't help but get up and worry.

"This demon has some strength, but don't worry, young master, I can handle it as a high-level demon!"

"Spiritual roots revive!"

The coachman shouted back, golden light spread across his forehead, his strength increased dramatically, and he stood firmly on the shore.

He tensed his muscles, shouted, and took a few steps back by the transparent tentacles to forcefully pull the monster out of the water.

However, after just a few steps, the coachman felt something was wrong. The demon's power was increasing rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, the tenfold increase in power he had awakened his spiritual roots was offset and overwhelmed!

What shocked him even more.

The water surface boiled, and a large number of tentacles burst out of the water, crowding the field of vision.

"Golden Spirit Technique—Golden Formation!"

The driver did not dare to hold back anymore, and used all his strength to activate his spiritual skills. Sharp golden blades emerged from his body, trying to cut through the tentacles that restrained him——

"Can't cut it? How is it possible!"

The driver was shocked.

He suddenly discovered that the golden knives he had gathered merged directly into the water, unable to cut through the tentacles at all!

The next moment, he flew into the air and was pulled into the water.


Amid the screams, the coachman disappeared directly into the water, unable to even struggle.


The thin young man saw this scene and shouted. At this moment, his brown hair was eroded by pure black, and even his pupils were the same. Immediately afterwards, the air and the earth in front of the sickly young man exploded, spreading all the way to the lake, opening up the lake. A big hole.

However, he did not find his coachman.

After this blow, the thin young man's legs weakened and he fell to his knees. He coughed painfully, and the black color in his pupils and hair quickly faded.

Seeing that his own strength was powerless, the thin young man fell to his knees with tears streaming down his face. He beat the ground feebly, "Damn, damn, damn, damn...why...it's just an ordinary lake, why!!"



The thin young man suddenly raised his head and looked around. He felt something approaching, and it was extremely close.

Is it a demon?


The sound flashed again, and a young man dressed in water and fire patterns suddenly appeared in the open space.

As soon as the young man in water and fire patterned clothes landed, he looked at him with a surprised look: "Carriage? Are you an outsider?"

"So what if I'm an outsider? Do you want to block the road?" The thin young man immediately got up from the ground and shouted angrily.

Now he feels that the whole world is full of malice, and he who is usually full of reason can hardly control his emotions.

"Of course not, it's just that in front of you is the Dao Realm that is trapped in the moment of reincarnation. If you are encountered by their people, you probably won't end well." The young man in water and fire patterns said.

"The moment of reincarnation!?" The thin young man regained his senses instantly. He looked at the big lake and clenched his fists. "Were the demons in this lake also born because of the catastrophe?"

"It seems that I don't need to explain. You can take a detour. There may be many "things" blocking the way ahead."

"Then it's time to take action."

The young man in the water and fire pattern turned and walked towards the big lake.

Obviously, his target is the demon.

"Wait, let me help too. There is a demon in this lake that swallowed up my family... I can help you!"

The thin young man suddenly spoke up.

"Help me? With a body like yours?"

The young man in water and fire pattern clothes showed a surprised look.

"You can't tell from the outside. I have a special power that can definitely help you."

said the thin young man.


The young man with water and fire patterns shook his head, "Although I didn't use my spiritual sense to detect your situation, I can still detect your weakness with my naked eyes and feelings. It's no longer possible for you to use the power you just had."


The thin young man didn't expect that the visitor had already known his power, so he couldn't help but fall silent.

Upon seeing this, the young man in water and fire pattern clothes continued his hunting.

With one step, he appeared on the shore.

Looking at this big lake.

The young man in water and fire pattern clothes offered a jade plate-like magic weapon. As the jade plate enlarged to the size of a room and was pointed at the lake, a large amount of pure white air-conditioning poured out, directly freezing the entire lake.

Magic weapon: Extremely cold jade plate.

"Second zodiac magic weapon!"

The thin young man's pupils shrank and he couldn't help blurting out.

This kind of air-conditioning is obviously the power of the ice zodiac sign, and cannot be achieved by ordinary water spirit roots!


The young man in water and fire patterned clothes glanced at him and recited the magic formula. The entire lake exploded inch by inch and turned into pieces of broken ice.

"Freeze the entire lake? Is this to force the demons out? No... the entire lake is his target!"

As soon as the thin young man's thoughts flashed through his mind, the entire lake began to boil, and a rich demonic aura rose into the sky.

The demonic spirit is soaring to the sky.

Thousands of transparent tentacles burst out of the ice, dancing wildly and shattering the cold air.

This entire large lake is filled with one demon, and its level is naturally at the disaster level, and it is far stronger than ordinary disasters.

As a domain-type demon trapped in one place, the Great Lake Spirit Demon has a size that exceeds that of most demons, and it can activate powerful magical powers when it moves.

It's probably the Split Wind Spirit Tree that is relatively low-level and doesn't have dual attributes.

"Apparently? It seems that he feels in danger."

"Spiritual roots revive!"

Yun Ye's aura also surged, and he cast spells to further activate the extremely cold jade plate.

The compressed spiritual power transformed into cold air as soon as it entered the extremely cold jade plate, and then burst out overwhelmingly, continuing to freeze the tentacles of the Great Lake Spirit Demon.

This made the Great Lake Spirit Monster feel the danger, and it began to fully recover, and the increasingly huge monster energy broke through the cold air.

The Great Lake Spirit Monster usually turns into a lake, with only a very small amount of demon power flowing, and its prey is very restrained. It is in a sleeping state. Only when it encounters delicious food or is attacked on a large scale, the Great Lake Spirit Monster will wake up and start hunting in earnest. .

The driver was able to maintain a stalemate at the beginning, because of this, otherwise he wouldn't even have a chance to scream in the chaos-level killing.


The resurgence of the Great Lake Spirit Demon is accompanied by a scream that penetrates the soul, as if countless voices are superimposed.

In the distance, a thin young man looked in pain, covered his ears and kept retreating.

Yun Ye showed no expression, but continued to instill cold air.

But with the full recovery of the Great Lake Spirit Demon, this bit of cold air could no longer be suppressed and was rapidly disintegrating.

A huge water mass is like a fountain, arching into the sky, and then overwhelmingly pressing down.

Shadows cover the sky, overwhelming.

But Yun Ye's eyes glowed with red light, and he saw through all the weak points of the Great Lake Spirit Monster.

Immediately, the jade plate rotated, releasing cold air and freezing a large area.

However, when a lake-sized water mass was pressed down from the sky, the frozen area of ​​​​the jade plate was still too small, and it was quickly crushed, only slowing down for an instant.

Yun Ye didn't care, he raised his hands, and the flames and water flow rose to the sky simultaneously, intertwining and turning into hundreds of streams of water and fire like a goddess scattering flowers, covering the entire pressed water layer.

When the thin young man wondered what Yun Ye was doing...


The extremely violent explosion directly covered the entire sky, and the water tide like the top of Mount Tai was shattered in an instant.

Combined spiritual method·liquid hydrogen explosion!


The thin young man looked at the water splashing in the sky, opened his mouth, and fell into a daze.

And the water and fire zodiac signs can also activate combined spiritual methods?

Is he ignorant?

As the Great Lake Spirit Demon's offensive was directly blown to pieces, Yun Ye put his hands together and a large amount of spiritual power began to gather.

"Extreme Spiritual Water Technique: Peeling Off!"

The water network spread, and all the fragments of the Great Lake Spirit Demon scattered in the sky were caught in the network.

Immediately afterwards, the impurities are filtered and the essence is extracted.

Hundreds of tons of water liquid were used to extract only a hundred kilograms of essence, which were all crystal clear water droplets.

Yun Ye waved his hand, covered it with his sleeves, and went into the secret realm.

The battle is far from over!

What was blown to pieces was only a part of the Great Lake Spirit Demon's body, not even one tenth of it, and could not damage its roots.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Sounds pierced the air frequently, hitting the cold air.

Suppression by numbers was not effective, so the Great Lake Spirit Demon changed its mind.

Each of the transparent tentacles turned into water blades and stabbed out in thousands.

The highly compressed water blade could hardly freeze the cold air, causing the cold air to be quickly forced back. It soon retreated in front of Yun Ye, and was no longer able to stop the water blade's siege.

"The spiritual power of the Great Lake Spirit Demon is indeed powerful, and it cannot be competed with by magic weapons alone."

After all, Yun Ye was only in the mortal realm, and it was amazing that the magic weapon he made could fight against chaos. Even if it was a celestial phenomenon, it would probably not be able to deal with such a large target.

This was one of the reasons why he hunted the Great Lake Spirit Demon.

As a troubled demon of the water zodiac, the body material of the Great Lake Spirit Demon is very special, which can make the extremely cold jade plate a step further and reach the state of displaying the combined spiritual method and the silence of all things!

The extremely cold jade plate that carries the silence of all things will not be as half-baked as it is now. It will elevate Yun Ye's strength to another level, and he is bound to win.

"My heart is on fire!"

Yun Ye put away the extremely cold jade plate and disappeared in place.


The water blade struck by the Great Lake Spirit Demon cut through the ground and penetrated the forest, leaving small puncture marks.

A few of them even passed by the thin young man, forcing him to lie down immediately to reduce the possibility of being hit.

The next time Yun Ye appeared, he was directly in front of the Great Lake Spirit Demon. He threw eight formation flags and floated in the air, gray-white spiritual energy emerged. Then the extremely cold jade plate overflowed with energy, connected with the formation flags, and turned into a giant. At the center of the formation, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth began to gather crazily.

"Extreme cold formation!"

Yun Ye's weapon refining techniques were undoubtedly rough and could not maximize the effect of the materials.

But he can also do it with stacked numbers.

If a single magical weapon is not strong, then combining it with formations and talismans can always add some power!

The price is nothing more than demonic materials, which are really not in short supply under this catastrophic change.

With the blessing of the formation, the power of the Extreme Cold Jade Plate was greatly increased, directly suppressing the Great Lake Spirit Demon.

Yun Ye also swallowed a large amount of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for transformation, and then launched the extremely spiritual water method - peeling off.

The frozen Great Lake Spirit Demon was quickly decomposed, and its volume was reduced visibly to the naked eye.

Peeling off is the ultimate spirituality of flow and dissolution, which allows the substances in contact with the water method to quickly integrate into it, causing the connection with the body to be interrupted. This interruption is obviously impossible to connect back.

Once Yun Ye dissolved, he immediately swept away the useless substances, leaving only a spiritual material called Shui Ling Essence.

As a large amount of body tissue was stripped away, the power of the Great Lake Spirit Demon was correspondingly weakened, and it was no longer able to resist.

However, as time passed, the Great Lake Spirit Demon struggled more and more, and Yun Ye began to sweat on his forehead and his breathing became unstable.

The formation can automatically extract the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which will not increase the spiritual energy consumption of the monks too much. When paired with magical weapons, it can be regarded as a beneficial measure to increase combat power.

However, the formation is by no means something that can automatically function when placed in place. Various calculations and manipulations must be carried out to make the formation always fit the situation and maintain its effectiveness.

For example, the eight formation flags are like eight large nets. To maintain the effectiveness, the eight large nets must be tightly connected to everything. Once a loophole appears, the effectiveness of the formation will be greatly reduced.

Yun Ye has fought a lot this year, and his combat experience has improved a lot. However, this formation flag was only refined recently. He only practiced it for a month, and he can't be called proficient at all.

Now facing directly against the demon of chaos, it is already stretched thin, and it begins to run towards the direction of disintegration.

At this moment, a formation flag suddenly dimmed, and the formation in the entire area became ineffective.

The Great Lake Spirit Demon is not very intelligent, but it has been bound in the net. If there is a sudden break, it will naturally notice it, and immediately fight to the death and activate its own magical power.

The magical power of water blasting corpses!


A part of the transparent body of the Great Lake Spirit Demon suddenly exploded, erupting with far greater power than usual.

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