A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 152 Capture the soldier commander!

Yin and Yang and the Five Elements are the elements that make up the world.

No matter which one, it contains endless mysteries.

The control method that extends from the combination of water spirit method and divine method becomes the basis of Gu Shu.

Gu masters cultivate Gu worms, use Gu worms to replace their own functions, and obtain Gu worm abilities. This is a very ancient use of Gu Shu.

Although it is old, full of flaws, and has strong side effects, its birth is enough to show that it has enough power to offset the side effects.

The four words "blood method and martyrdom" represent that when this method was created, it was out of active sacrifice and dedication. At that time, humans had not yet formed a powerful country, and the threat of demons was very serious.

This method of sacrificing for survival is the best solution in ancient times.

"Eighty-seven people... my blood method spirit body... hehe..."

Chao Zizhong laughed in a low voice, and the Gu worms in his eyes were swallowed by blood veins and turned into three eyeballs.

Three on each side, a total of six, all turning their own, terrifying and weird.

He gained power beyond his past, and the water spirit root was transformed into a blood spirit root, which is similar to a dual zodiac spirit root!

But it was too early. He shouldn't have stopped there.

Chao Zizhong looked up.

He looked at Yun Ye outside the formation. This time he could see him clearly. The formation couldn't block his sight.

But after seeing the attacker's face clearly, Chao Zizhong had no impression. He was definitely not someone he knew.

Why did this man attack him?

Chao Zizhong's thoughts flashed through his mind, and he didn't continue, because his violent killing intent could no longer be suppressed.

"Why can a young latecomer defeat me? This is unreasonable, this is unfair--"

Chao Zizhong's tone was the same as the bug's, without any fluctuations, "I will cut you into pieces."

The blood tide spread, and in an instant, it infected the entire water world.

Then, the blood-colored water world shrank.

In a short time, it turned into a vivid blood dragon coiled around it, with a dragon body, dragon claws, and dragon whiskers. All the details were perfect. At first glance, it was completely impossible to find anything wrong.

Black and white spread faster.

In a blink of an eye, it eroded in front of Chao Zizhong.

Chao Zizhong raised his hand, and the blood dragon roared to the sky, shattering the clouds. Then, with a swing of its tail, the entire space seemed to be crushed, and a large piece of the black and white world was broken.

Obviously, compared with the previous one, Chao Zizhong's spiritual method has undergone a qualitative change, and its power has leapt to be enough to compete with the silent world.

"Break it for me!"

Chao Zizhong drove the blood dragon with great momentum, trying to break through the formation and hit the outside world.

However, Chao Zizhong could feel that the more he advanced, the more difficult it was.

The power of this formation was increasing rapidly!

What happened?


Chao Zizhong's blood dragon had already hit the barrier, causing violent fluctuations, but it did not break it immediately.

Instead, the black and white continued to spread all over the blood dragon, and he had to expend his strength to clear it.

This slowed down the pace and made it more and more difficult for him to break the barrier.


Yun Ye had already reacted when he saw the blood dragon. He cast a spell to strengthen his control over the magic weapon, and the entire formation quickly shrank in area.

He raised the great formation to prevent Chao Zizhong from escaping before the barrier was completed. Now that he was trapped, he naturally reduced the range of the barrier and enhanced the effect of the formation.

The Eight-Direction Extreme Cold Formation was like an alchemy furnace, constantly refining Chao Zizhong, and the power increased rapidly.

Unlike water flow, cold air will continue to accumulate. The longer it is delayed, the more amazing the power will be.

Yun Ye also tried his best. The spiritual root mark on his forehead was already extremely bright, siphoning the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, constantly pushing up the power of the silence of all things!

In fact, the reason why the formation is powerful is closely related to the fact that the formation will extract the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The spiritual energy formation of heaven and earth was extracted in advance, so Chao Zizhong in the formation naturally extracted less.

In the final analysis, the battle of spiritualists is the utilization rate of spiritual energy.

Whether it is quantity, quality or anything else, it is to improve the utilization of spiritual energy. Spiritual energy is everything!

If Chao Zizhong directly robbed most of his spiritual energy, even if he was extremely capable, he would not be able to exert it.

Therefore, even if the transformation of the blood spirit root was completed and his strength increased greatly, Chao Zizhong was still powerless and watched his strength decrease.


To make matters worse, the side effects of Chao Zizhong's blood spirit root began to erupt. His internal state was unbalanced due to excessive use of power and was frantically self-destructing.

He spit out a mouthful of bloody ice slag, and then watched the bloody ice slag solidify and fade away. Chao Zizhong's eyes showed a trace of fear, "No..."

The black and white finally spread to him, and the blood dragon was powerless to stop it and was turned black and white together.

If you want to say who is the weakest among the five team captains, then the other four must have read out Chao Zizhong's name in unison.

The reason is simple. The Chao family is not good at water-based methods at all, and the family has already entered the twilight period. A great disaster has occurred, and Chao Zizhong's training is far less than that of the other four.

If the spiritual realm is simply divided into entry, foundation, small success, great success, perfection and the limit of the spiritual realm.

Then the other four are all in the perfect state or the limit of the spiritual realm, only Chao Zizhong is in the great perfection state, and he barely stepped into the great perfection state, and he can't be compared with the other four.

Chao Zizhong, who has such a poor foundation, even if he relies on blood magic to forcibly improve his strength, is far inferior to Li Faxing and Tong Yuan, whom Yun Ye has faced before. Under the Eight Directions Extreme Cold Formation, he has no chance of survival.

"Capture, complete!"

After Yun Ye confirmed that Chao Zizhong was completely frozen, he weakened the power of the formation, but still maintained it to avoid accidents.

Chao Zizhong became a soldier commander, and Yun Ye had never captured a soldier commander even once in his first life. Yun Ye was very greedy for the knowledge in his mind.

However, just when Yun Ye was about to take action, he suddenly remembered...

I don’t have Nether Fire!

Without Nether Fire, he would use his head to break the chains of divine magic, but his attainments in divine magic would be almost zero!

Moreover, the magic lock of a soldier-level figure is definitely much stronger than that of an ordinary spiritual magician. It is impossible to say that when he destroys it, he will suffer a big loss - after all, when cracked, the magic lock will first counterattack, then defend, and then self-destruct. .

"Should we keep him and wait for him to be cracked later? But the Bafang Extreme Cold Formation does not have the ability to operate on its own. If the remaining power is allowed to freeze and wake up in the secret realm, then if I don't notice it, Even if all the elixirs are destroyed, if they are eaten...well, it is probably impossible to choose to destroy them. They will definitely eat them to increase their strength! If this happens, I will vomit blood!"

Yun Ye had a headache.

He was extremely reluctant to part with this treasure house of knowledge.

But the lack of Netherworld Fire is indeed a fatal flaw. Without Netherworld Fire, he has no possibility of destroying the Divine Magic Lock.

Moreover, he didn't know when he would get the Netherworld Fire again.

In this year, Yun Ye has actually encountered Ling Zombie twice, but the first time he killed it, he only obtained life crystals and not nether fire.

After the second kill, Yun Ye took a closer look and tested whether the spirit zombie had awakened the Nether Fire.

Of course there was a result... But after Yun Ye killed him, he still didn't get the Nether Fire.

Obviously, in order to obtain Netherworld Fire, certain conditions must be met, and Yun Ye needs some luck to try it out.

Maybe you can get it at the next end, or maybe you take a detour and never find it.

Considering this, Yun Ye thought that leaving Chao Zizhong was very unstable, so he might as well kill him directly.

"To kill or not to kill?"

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