A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 153 Flesh and Flesh Refined

To kill or not to kill, Yun Ye left it to tomorrow to decide.

So he held out his hands and asked Tomorrow to choose one.

"Kill with your left hand..."

Yun Ye thought in his mind.


Tomorrow thought for a while and said: "Master seems to like to use his left hand when holding the talisman? I always feel that for some subtle details, the master will choose to use his left hand... So, let's use the left hand!"


Yun Ye no longer hesitated, the Bones and Blood Sword appeared, and the sword penetrated Chao Zizhong's head. His eyes suddenly opened, and his spiritual power rose for a moment, but it was just a death struggle, and it quickly turned into a pool of corpse water.

At the end of this sword strike, the chain on the Dao sword broke and completely merged into the Dao sword.

Yun Ye could feel that the Dao sword had a little more rhythm, a rhythm of resistance!

Tomorrow comes tomorrow.

Two points of power.

The former will strengthen the will of followers.

The latter is the killing of the superior.

The so-called two points.

It refers to the distinction between friend and foe.

The fire belt is the enemy. The longer it is, the greater the gap between the enemy and ourselves.

The water belt is friendly, and the longer it is, the more supporters it has.

Every time Yun Ye swings his sword, a judgment will be made. If the length of the water belt exceeds the fire belt, then the power of cutting off the concept will be unprecedentedly strengthened, which is almost equal to a sure kill.

If the water belt does not exceed the fire belt, there will only be basic effects. If you want to complete the cut, you have to make sacrifices...

That's probably it.

And all power is extended based on the power of the Taoist tool's true name.

The more reverberations there are, the stronger the true power of the Taoist tool will be, and the greater the power it can cross and cut off!

Killing Chao Zizhong this time could actually get thirty responses, which was beyond his expectation!

"Master, Master, the echoes have been completely obtained. Do you want to strengthen the second rule? With so many echoes, the level limit can probably be raised to level 30, and the difficulty of upgrading will also be significantly reduced!"

Tomorrow was a little happy, moving her calves happily on Yun Ye's shoulders. This was the first time in her life that she received a response!

It feels like we are one step closer to our next growth!

"No, this time new rules are formed, rules that form a contract..."

Yun Ye held the Taoist weapon, and the rules of the Taoist weapon that no one could understand emerged except for the Taoist tool user himself. He directly began to modify it, causing huge changes in the Taoist tool.

Tomorrow also had to participate in such a huge change, so she could not maintain her figure and disappeared into particles of water, fire and light.

Since this rule was extremely important, Yun Ye threw in all the thirty responses he had obtained.

The Tao rules were generated quickly. Since Yun Ye did not force the Tao rules to achieve a certain effect, the Tao rules automatically adapted and changed, only to the extent that Thirty Echoes could achieve.

After witnessing the catastrophe, it is impossible to borrow money, and I would rather the Taoist rules have less binding force.

Yun Ye looked at it and was satisfied, so he took back the Taoist weapon and looked at the forest in front... and the mountain wall.

Chao Zizhong walked directly out of the mountain wall, probably shielded by something like a magic array.

For this reason, Yun Ye's half-hearted magic spell could never find its true location.

"Master, there is a large amount of calamity gathering in front of you. Be careful of powerful demons... If there is danger, you must call tomorrow. Those demons are naturally inferior to tomorrow. Killing them is easy!"

"Will do."

Yun Ye held the bone-blood sword, with eight formation flags floating around his body, and an extremely cold jade plate on his head.

This person is already armed to the teeth, and he is not a demon at all.

But before entering, Yun Ye still activated his eyes of invisible light to see if he could detect anything.

As expected, the clues were discovered.

Although this phantom array has almost no spiritual fluctuations, the nodes where the phantom array is arranged do have spiritual fluctuations.

Of course……

If it were not hidden, it would be impossible to hide it from the spiritual consciousness and spiritual eyes.

Yun Ye also first knew about the phantom formation, and then investigated it, and then noticed the invisible spiritual fluctuations in the air.

Moreover, that's all. You can't see inside, let alone feel the breath inside the phantom array.

Still saying that... Yun Ye didn't mean anything.

He walked out in a few steps and bumped directly into the mountain wall. He knew that this was just a simulated feeling, so he forcibly took a few steps inside. The restraint disappeared and Yun Ye officially broke into the illusion array.

The moment of intrusion is almost like traveling through time and space. The scene in front of you changes suddenly, and a huge venue emerges...

Yes, not a dark cave.

It's an open-air venue.

The entire mountain wall outside is simulated, and the real interior is just an open space.

It's just that in this open space, there is an extremely miserable reality...

This open space is extremely large.

It is clearly a large gathering place.

The most eye-catching thing is the huge bronze tripod standing in the center of the open space, which is as tall as a person!

The body of the tripod was engraved with a large number of textures, which were complex and beautiful. Yun Ye recognized them at a glance. They were all spiritual patterns.

This is a spiritual weapon...

It could also be a magic weapon.

It didn't matter, no matter what it was, Yun Ye would smash it, and then let the person who built this cauldron die without a burial place.

Because Yun Ye suddenly saw light blue flames burning under the bronze cauldron, and then people kept pouring water into it... Well, to be precise, it was blood water, and there were even stumps floating on it.

Everyone here is working mechanically, which is not only simple numbness, but also out of control.

Because in addition to the bronze tripod, there is also a gray spiritual bead here. This bead is constantly diffusing some kind of magic. From the moment Yun Ye entered it, he felt that the bead was constantly trying to control him.

However, Yun Ye used divine magic to block it, but ordinary people here could not do this and could only be controlled by it and continue to repeat the tasks that had been set long ago.

In addition, Yun Ye saw countless corpses in the open space. They were all scattered aside and allowed to fly and swarm around...

It can be imagined that they continued to slaughter family members and friends under the control of the spirit beads, and then poured the blood, water and spiritual bones into the bronze cauldron, and abandoned the rest casually aside, allowing them to rot and grow maggots.

How miserable...

"What is this... Chao Zi Chong? Is this made by Chao Zi Chong?"

Yun Ye pressed his head and felt dizzy.

This was not weakness, but anger. The anger caused by seeing all this was more overwhelming than the massacre in front of Baishi Town. He was even a little unsteady for a moment!

Massacre is just an instant death, no long-term torture.

The scene in front of me was ten thousand times more terrifying than the massacre?

Like a walking zombie, unable to control itself at all, living in a hell-like environment, and then slaughtering parents, children, and friends with his own hands. In the end, he himself is also slaughtered by others, without any room for resistance...

How desperate is this?

"Wake up!"

Under the roar.

Yun Ye stepped forward angrily, and the water in his hand surged, turning into a spiral water-colored spear.


A long blue light flashed past.

The one-meter area where the gray spirit bead was located exploded to pieces, and the entire area was shrouded in blue tornadoes and shattered cleanly.

I'm in really good shape. Being able to write 6,000 words every day is a breakthrough. The beginning of this chapter is a turning point. I've developed enough and officially started the hell difficulty.

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