Yun Ye tried to destroy the bronze tripod.

As a result, he was instantly blown away, making his bones creak. If he hadn't activated the fire in his heart instantly, he would have been seriously injured.

This was the work of the Dharma Realm. The Spirit Realm could not keep the power in the outside world, and it was so powerful.

"Eight-way Extreme Cold Formation, rise!"

Yun Ye ignored the warning, set up the formation, and directly destroyed it by force.

Black and white colors accumulated quickly and infected this space.

To be conservative, Yun Ye did not erode the bronze tripod immediately, but continued to accumulate power.

When it reached its peak and even the Eight-way Extreme Cold Formation could not control it, Yun Ye let go of the control.

Black and white eroded the bronze tripod the moment he let go of the control, and some blood turned into black and white.

The four talismans were triggered by this, and a dazzling light burst out, showing part of the power of the Dharma Realm.

This power is like a sudden explosion in a small space, extremely repressed and powerful, wanting to shine and sweep away the power of silence of all things!

But the result was very different. Although the power of the realm was strong, it was still not enough in front of the power of silence that had accumulated to the limit. It was directly pressed down, and it became a bright light solidified in black and white. Even if it was just black and white, it was full of beauty.

Yun Ye had no regrets, and froze it together with the longevity pill, turning it into a black and white landscape.

Then he shook the silent world, and the entire black and white world turned into ice slag in the cracks, and no trace of the original could be seen.

The flames swept over, and Yun Ye completely covered up the traces. The ice zodiac sign was a trump card, and it was worth hiding.

Finally, Yun Ye still had to face the most complicated problem.

How to place these more than 300 people?

This is a competition between the road and reality.

If he wants to stick to the road, Yun Ye should take these people away immediately, take them to Tomorrow Village, and then start from scratch and try to awaken their self-awareness.

But the reality is that once Yun Ye chooses to do this, the Chao Family Patriarch will definitely come to Tomorrow Village and bring great disaster to Tomorrow Village. Even if the Chao Family Patriarch is stupid and does not come, the resources of Tomorrow Village are far from enough for these 300 people to consume. They need to risk opening up more fields and search for resources from the outside world more frequently.

These are all huge crises.

Tomorrow Village obviously can't bear it.

"Is this a choice? Is this reality? Is this... deep despair?"

Even with power far beyond that of ordinary people, Yun Ye can still feel powerless. His power may be enough for him to be free and easy, but it is far from enough for him to ignore everything and force himself to achieve what he wants.

He understands why there is such a saying that kindness cannot command the army. It's a consideration of reality and the road...

Yun Ye stood up, waved his hand, and the teleportation moon disk opened. Then the magic was activated. The pregnant women in the crowd walked into the moon disk one by one, a total of thirteen people, followed by the children, a total of twenty people.


The moon disk slowly closed.

This is his choice.

Yun Ye has never been a hero who can accomplish miracles. He represents the middleman between reality and ideals.

He is not stupid. How can he do something that is absolutely impossible to accomplish? That would only kill everyone.

As a leader, he can die calmly, but he must never ignore the difference between reality and fantasy.

Yun Ye took a step and planned to leave.

But halfway through, he stopped, turned his back to these stupid people, and started talking.

These people probably didn't understand what he was saying, but Yun Ye still wanted to tell them about it.

"I can't save you, and you probably never thought that someone should save you. After all, from ancient times to the present, you seem to be not human, but some kind of livestock..."

"But this mistake will not be eternal. The truth has always been there, but it lacks an executor. I will definitely repay your blood feud a hundredfold to Baishi Town, whether it is for you, for me, or for the future!"

"This is my promise!"


The void seemed to have thundered, and black lightning suddenly struck Yun Ye. The Dao Sword with water and fire bands suddenly appeared. It was struck by the black lightning, and the lightning spread and enveloped it.

Tomorrow appeared silently. She looked at the black lightning on the Dao Sword and was very surprised.

After a while, she said: "Master, what have you done again? Such a huge echo... Such amazing resentment... Is this a catastrophe coming?"

Yun Ye shook his head.

Countless noises echoed.


"Kill us!"

"Revenge for us... This hatred..."

"Ten thousand years!"

It was very wonderful.

Yun Ye seemed to travel through time and space and saw many scenes.

How this blood and flesh medicine factory was established and what it experienced flashed in the picture.

But every time, there were countless close-ups of death, announcing the blood and tears contained in this place.

What Yun Ye couldn't imagine was that this place had been operating for a full fifty years.

Every ten years, a longevity blood pill can be born.

The longevity blood pill he just froze was the fifth one that was about to be completed. It was a life-extending item that the Chao family ancestor valued very much. Even if the catastrophe came, it was not allowed to stop making it.

Yun Ye ruined the Chao family ancestor's big plan, and he was bound to face this "great cultivator" in the realm of law.

And this was just one of them.

As a user of Gu magic, Chao Zizhong also had his hands stained with countless lives.

The blood magic spirit body he wants to cultivate requires ninety-nine water spirit roots that contain great resentment, and this resentment refers to negative energy, not simple resentment. Generally speaking, babies have the most, followed by pregnant women.

Its cruelty is beyond words...

Before Chao Zizhong died, he had already gathered eighty-seven people. Maybe God wanted him to die immediately, so he happened to choose his left hand tomorrow.

"In a world where people are treated like pigs and sheep without power, dying is actually liberation?"

Yun Ye turned around and looked at the group of stupid people in front of him, without any sense of self-awareness.

He knew that if he didn't kill them now, they would be greeted by a more desperate hell.

This is their prayer of blood and tears for fifty years.

"Don't let us... continue to be nutrients..."

" take revenge!"

The residual sound echoed.

Yun Ye could no longer hesitate.

As he clenched his fists, the flames gathered and engulfed his eyes overwhelmingly.

With Yun Ye's strength, it really only takes an instant to kill an ordinary person, and even the bones are instantly reduced to ashes.

Judging from the results, Yun Ye was undoubtedly massacred.

However, the Taoist weapon sounded.

Part of the black lightning was integrated into the Taoist weapon. In this sword that reflected the sky and illuminated the earth, some figures appeared at some point. Although it was hazy and hard to see clearly, there was no doubt that they were figures of some people.

"Master, the echoes have increased again. So this can be considered practicing our path?!"

Tomorrow said.

"This is a reckoning. Nothing can gain their approval more than revenge and complaint. Even if they don't know about tomorrow's theory, it doesn't matter..."

"This is human nature!"

Yun Ye said.

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