A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 156 Regaining the Nether Fire

Towards the family land.

There was dead silence in Mingpai Hall.

The three guards looked at the life card placed in the highest position, with confusion, disbelief, and horror flashing through their eyes.

"Lord Zizhong, he died?!"

"There must be something wrong..."

"How could something go wrong? Please inform the head of the family!"

After some delay, the news was sent to the current head of the Chao family.

After hearing the news, Chao Zizhong's first reaction was disbelief.

Although Chao Zizhong is not as good as him, he is still in the Great Spiritual Realm, and he has mastered some weird Gu techniques. His strength is definitely not weak. Even if he cannot defeat a strong enemy, can't he still escape?

Unless he encounters a catastrophic demon and is instantly killed, he can definitely escape.

As for the current situation, the birth of a catastrophic demon is still far away, and it is impossible for Chao Zizhong to encounter it!

For a moment, Chao Zizhong doubted whether the fortune card was wrong.

"Master, Mr. Chao Zizhong is going to prepare the forbidden area formation today. Could it be that someone is attacking the forbidden area?"

"What? Do you know what you said... Chao Zizhong went to the forbidden area?"

Chao Zizhong's expression changed drastically. He was frightened to death on the spot, and his heart even stopped.

He directly grabbed the subordinate and yelled: "Why didn't you tell me earlier? This is a forbidden area. Do you want all of us to die? Ahhhh!"


This subordinate was thrown directly by Chao Zizhong, smashed into the wall, and flew out for an unknown distance. He was seen crawling in the ruins. He didn't stand up for a long time, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

But Chao Zizhong was no longer in the mood to pay attention. He rushed out of Chao's house and walked to the city gate. He also sent out several messages to mobilize his connections and quickly obtain permission to leave the city.

But even though he was the head of the Chao family, he still waited for dozens of minutes before leaving the city, and he did not dare to rush out directly.

This is during the Great Tribulation...

Why doesn't anyone from the big family dare to leave?

Wouldn't it be possible to avoid disaster by going to Luoyun Town?

Are they just so generous and willing to stay and fight to the death?

of course not!

There is no way they can leave!

The Taoist tools in Baishi Town are not for nothing!

Your Majesty the Bronze Dao Cauldron...

Is this kind of coercive force used to restrain mortals?

of course not!

One spiritual magician is enough to suppress everything!

All Taoist weapons are meant to restrain powerful monks. Only by restraining the monks can one's rule be considered stable!

At least this is the case in Baishi Town. The Taoist tools in Baishi Town are used to rule.

During the great catastrophe, if someone dared to abandon the city and escape, then they would have to die and share the dividends of the Ji family's rule of Baishi Town. Do you want to just escape without paying anything?

This is a dream!


If a spiritual monk leaves the city without authorization, he is also suspected of running away.

The moment he passes through the barrier, the judge in the city has the right to kill this person!

So no matter how anxious he is, Chao Zhong has to wait. He must wait for permission before he can leave, otherwise he will die!

Finally, Chao Zizhong got permission and went out to Baishi Town to investigate the matter in person.

He had to pay attention!

This is no joke!

The old immortal of the Chao family has reached the end of his life, and he doesn't want to die, he wants to live longer, and he wants to continue to struggle to live... At this moment, he has become the biggest darkness of the Chao family!

If he loses the longevity pill, he may really die!

There is nothing that the crazy old immortal can't do. It is entirely possible to eat him to save his own life!

In order to prevent this from happening, he had no choice but to investigate it himself!

"No matter who you are, it's best that you don't do such a thing. This is unforgivable..."

Chao Zizhong's eyes were fierce and bloodshot.

Chao Zizhong can die, but the Longevity Pill cannot be destroyed!

Within the phantom array.

The evil spirit gives birth to demons.

This was also the first time Yun Ye saw the process of giving birth to demons from calamity energy.

Completely formed from the void, a large amount of negative emotions were condensed, and finally transformed into form and gained life.

Yun Ye could feel that it contained the ultimate principles of yin and yang. It was not like the rules of a Taoist weapon, but was completely created out of nothing.

It should be understood that the calamity qi is a kind of ultimate Yin principle.


Finally appearing in front of Yun Ye was an expressionless spirit zombie, whose aura was clearly chaotic.

The zombie's eyes were burning with blue flames, and it was killing Yun Ye, and its power was about to explode.

Yun Yefu reaches his heart, burning blue flames in his hands. He activates "Fire in the Heart" and "Flowing Water Fine-tuning" at the same time, instantly increasing his speed to the extreme. He blasts Ling Zhan's head with one punch, completely covering Ling Zhan with blue flames.

Finally, the life crystal appeared, with a wisp of netherworld fire burning inside.

"You must use Cang Yan to kill the Nether Fire when it is not fully used and is still in your eyes, otherwise you cannot save the Nether Fire..."

Yun Ye understood clearly in his heart and crushed the crystal. The huge life energy was directly absorbed by Yun Ye, and along with it, there was a wisp of invisible nether fire.

Netherworld Fire, return!

After leaving the illusion formation, Yun Ye fled all the way to the border.

It was impossible for him to return to Tomorrow Village knowing that he was being pursued.

What's more, the pursuer may be a big shot in the legal realm, which he has absolutely no chance of defeating now.

Even if there is Netherworld Fire, it will be the same.

The difference in speed and power is too big.

In the second life, Yun Ye was able to defeat the judge because he relied on Profound Art and Discord to catch him by surprise.

When facing the prepared Ji Yan, Discord and Tianxiang used them at the same time, but neither of them worked. In the end, he sacrificed his life to launch the two-point cutting power, which only shattered the opponent's Taoist weapon, but still failed to kill him.

For him now, even if all things are silent, it won't work. If he can't hit anyone, it means nothing.

Moreover, even if it hits, there is a high probability that it will not be effective. Even Chao Zizhong can break the silence of all things, which means that this move can reach the limit of two levels (before entering the mortal realm → the great spiritual realm), and it is impossible to cross the third level. .

In terms of realm, Yun Ye is too far behind.

The level of the mortal realm depends on the progress of the practice.

There are five stages in total: entry, foundation, completion, culmination, and consummation.

Yun Ye has not practiced Samadhi True Fire Technique, which means he is not even at the entry level.

If you want to cross such a huge gap in realm and challenge the realm of law, that would be ridiculously cheating.

Let’s talk about it after the feng shui of his marriage becomes popular...

"By burying these poor people, I got about twenty more responses, which can be used to increase the restraint effectiveness of the Taoist tools. This is the beginning of training members of the Tomorrow Society."

"Then, the revenge against the Chao family has temporarily entangled more than a hundred echoes. These will not be used for the time being to avoid incurring 'debts'."

"It's just an aristocratic family..."

In addition to the Chao family, there are two other aristocratic families who have done a lot of things, and even they themselves think that they may increase the power of the catastrophe.

These are still the three aristocratic families where judges exist. What about the other four aristocratic families?

Didn't they really do something?

Yun Ye doesn’t know these things, and it’s best not to know, just go and clean everything...

Even if they don’t know, there is no reason to spare them!

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