A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 157 Chao family’s pursuit

"Ahhhh! You deserve to die!!"

Chao Zizhong almost vomited blood when he arrived at the magic array.

The destruction was too complete.

Everything about the phantom formation has been almost wiped away, leaving nothing behind. What a beast this is!

"I will cut you to death with a thousand knives, and your bloodline will be cast into hell forever for generations to come!"

Chao Zizhong roared, raised his hands, and an earthy yellow light enveloped the venue.

Everything is recovering.

Footprints, figures, actions...

Although it was very vague and could not be completely reproduced, it was not difficult for Chao Zhong to discover something through this.

"Escape...I want to see how you escape...kill Chao Zizhong and take away the longevity pill. I will kill you!"

Chao Zizhong chased after him directly.

Outside of White Rock Town, there are countless types of terrain.

Forests, mountains, and plains are all large amounts of undeveloped land, making it difficult to search.

As the head of the Chao family, Chao Zizhong can learn almost all the knowledge in the clan, and naturally also masters the method of tracking.

However, it is not a divine method, but an earth-moving spiritual method, which is a supporting technique of the clan's "thick earth manifests the true method".

In fact, the name Xingfa is just an abbreviation. To be precise, it should be Earth Xingling Lingfa.

Basic spiritual arts and magic-level spiritual arts are not considered "laws" at all. They should be called basic spiritual power use and spiritual arts.

Only at the Dharma level can one be qualified to be called a spiritual master.

The higher sutras and scriptures will not be called sutra-level spiritual methods, but Dharma Sutras, True Sutras and even Immortal Sutras.

This depends on the specific level.

The Thousand Earth Manifestation Method mastered by the Chao family is the core of the clan, so a large number of supporting spiritual techniques have also been developed.

Tracking is just one of them.

Chao Zi Zhong has far more strength than Chao Zi Zhong, has countless trump cards, and is confident that he can solve the trouble directly.

Even if it doesn't work, he can still call his ancestor. This short distance of a few hundred kilometers is not an obstacle at all for the Dharma realm where he can fly into the sky and escape from the earth.

But when the time comes, he will also be under a lot of pressure.

If the opponent takes the longevity elixir and it is not digested, it is okay. You can refine the human body elixir and forcibly extract it. Although some of the medicinal properties will be lost, the body in the spiritual realm can more than make up for it.

But if it is completely digested, then the Chao family may have to undergo a major blood exchange. He cannot let himself be damaged. He can only invest in the blood of the clan and forcibly refine the longevity pill, otherwise the ancestor who is approaching the end of his life will definitely go crazy!

There is a way to immortality, seek it through madness!

"You're still running away? And it's not in the direction of the town, but in the increasingly dangerous place of demons?"

"It's useless! It's useless no matter where you run away today!"

Chao Zizhong was furious, ignored him, and followed him into the land of demons.

Under the Baishi Town's Taoist weapon, the demons in the sudden change area are the weakest. The further away from Baishi Town, the higher the chance of terrifying demons appearing.

Not to mention catastrophes, they may occur even in troubled times!

The demon that has been approaching Baishi Town can be determined to be at least a chaos-level demon!

"It's close, right in front of you!"

After traveling hundreds of miles, Chaozi Zhong finally caught up with the traces, and the dust projection became clearer and clearer.

You can even see the original appearance. Except for the color, it is absolutely perfect!

"Where is the person? Disappeared?"

Chao Zizhong scanned the area with his consciousness and began to search the area, but no one was found for a while.

He was sure that the escapees were nearby and the traces of the projection were interrupted here, but why was there no one there?


Chao Zizhong turned around and looked behind several big trees with a frown.

With divine consciousness, the tree cannot block his perception.

However, what appeared there was puzzling to him——



This feeling is hard to describe. Usually when I use my spiritual sense to explore, all kinds of information will come to mind, and eventually form images and various perceptions. Even the taste can be detected through my spiritual sense.

But just now, he felt spiritual energy overflowing out of thin air, but when he scanned the source, it was like a mud cow drowning in the sea, and there was no response at all. This feeling was so strange that he became vigilant for a moment.

Armor appears on the outer layer of the body, which is completely different from black armor. This is a more advanced thing. It is a magic weapon rather than a spiritual weapon. It is the inherited treasure of the imperial family and is very powerful.

The next moment, Chao Zizhong "saw" a human form, first a hand, then a leg.

Next came half a body.

This was extremely terrifying, because from his perspective, this person was completely decomposed and completed bit by bit, as if a person was born out of thin air!

So weird...

"No! This is the door to the secret realm, and someone is passing through the secret realm!"

Only then did Chao Zizhong react. He immediately waved his right hand and the earth flipped. The giant earth dragon leaped into the sky. Everything in front of him was lifted up. Naturally, it was impossible to block his sight.

And everything appeared here. A young man crossed the rippled moon disk and looked at him... with a chilling smile.

Obviously, it is too late to stop it at this time!

But why does Chao Zi Zhong care about this at this time?

He stared intently at the closing moon disk behind Yun Ye. It was true... this was a real secret realm!

How ecstatic was Chao Zizhong at this moment?

What is a secret realm?

That is an independent space created by ancient sages and powerful beings. It has independent and complex rules and can be self-sufficient!

From the Yingyue Secret Realm, we can see how effective a secret realm controlled by someone can be!

White Rock Town?

Ji family?


"Hand over the treasure of the secret realm, and I will let you die painlessly...otherwise, you will know what it means to live but not to die!!!"

Chao Zizhong roared, his whole body exuded a thick khaki halo, and the texture on his forehead bloomed instantly, densely covering his forehead and spreading towards his neck, forming an extremely mysterious texture.

The secret technique of spiritual root sublimation!

Although Chao Zizhong shouted loudly, for people like him, it was most customary to take it for himself!

Under the power of sublimation of spiritual roots, the earth dragon cracked open, revealing a body that looked like a real dragon inside.

"The thick soil reveals the true practice and reveals the true dragon!"


This earth dragon is dark yellow in color, with black texture and earthy yellow background intertwined. The entire body is shining with light. It is a complete energy form and almost gives up all physical attacks!

When it took off, Yun Ye felt that it was difficult to move even an inch and was being crushed by the mountain.

However, Yun Ye is also used to facing stronger enemies. The red and blue marks revive and their power boils to fight against them.

"Follow the flow!"

The suppressive force was pushed away, like flowing water, flowing away from both sides of Yun Ye.

"Only one is angry!"

Resuming action, the eight formation flags in his hands were filled with power, and flew out impressively, inserting into the earth and sky.

"The extreme cold formation in all directions!"


"Combined spiritual method·All things are silent!"

The extremely cold jade plate was sacrificed and rotated in front of Yun Ye. The power of silence of all things was released first, competing with the earth-moving true dragon.


The silence of all things was rapidly cracking, and the black and white world was knocked open. The frozen area was equivalent to a vacuum, and a large amount of air flow poured in, making it difficult to see clearly for a while.

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