A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 163 The only extremely spiritual two-level spiritual method (detailed settings)

The Taoist weapon has no echo, so it is really difficult to exert much effect.

Yun Ye only paid attention to it for a while and then turned away.

"I just killed two great spiritual realms of the Chao family. Although I don't know how much power the Chao family has hidden, the loss of the two spiritual realms is probably huge, not to mention there is a family leader among them."

"When Nachao Shanhe retreats, he will definitely find a way to deduce my life and death and check for my traces. In this case, I am afraid it is the safest to stay in the secret realm. After all, it is separated by a space, and there are traces of Eternal Silence cleaning up. It should be It can’t be detected anyway.”

After Yun Ye made his decision, he took out a large number of space magic weapons and began to sort out what he had obtained.

Needless to say, there is no need to talk about food, it must be enough for him to last in the secret realm for a long time.

What's really worth mentioning are the various talismans, magic weapons, and the various secret techniques collected by Chao Zi Zhong.

To be honest, Yun Ye was still frightened when he recalled the battle not long ago.

If he hadn't calculated the best plan in an instant, he would never have been able to escape so perfectly.

In the state of reverse liberation, Yun Ye had already figured out most of the situation.

For example, if Chao Shanhe knew that he possessed the secret treasure, it was most likely that Chao Zizhong passed on the information before his death.

Another example is that the real function of the White Stone Taoist Tool is to restrain the strong, so it is impossible for Chaoshanhe to stay outside for a long time, and there is no condition to conduct a large-scale search of Yunye.

But even so, there are still dangers.

If Chaoshanhe was not sure about Yun Ye's life or death, he would definitely find every opportunity to conduct a search. There would be about a 10% chance of being found in Tomorrow Village by then. This chance was too high, and Yun Ye was not going to gamble.

Therefore, he used eternal silence to create the illusion of dying together, and escaped into the secret space.

To be on the safe side, Yun Ye decided to stay in the secret realm for a few months.

Judging from the available information, the divine method is at least ten times more difficult than the spiritual method.

Only Liu Quan and Zhuo Qilian should be able to master the magical realm, and Chao Shanhe himself would most likely not be able to do so.

In this case, asking Liu Quan and the two of them to continue to deduce it. In addition to being very suspicious, he might not be able to pay the price.

Therefore, Yun Ye believed that as long as he stayed in the secret realm for a few months, there would be a high probability that there would be no problem.

This is a strategy determined by reversing the state of liberation.

Yun Ye didn't hesitate.


Yun Ye sat cross-legged on the futon, with many women and children crawling around, laughing and joking.

A month had passed, and Yun Ye was very surprised that after he continued to use magical methods to hypnotize them, these people gradually forgot the past and became reborn.

Although everything has to be learned from scratch, even language, etc., due to years of imprisonment and oppression, I can only understand but not speak, but this is hope and a great progress.

Yun Ye felt that it wouldn't take at most a year before these people would return to normal. At least they would be able to understand commands and do some ordinary things. They would just learn slowly in the future, but Yun Ye was not in a hurry.

In addition to the gratifying changes in their spirits, Yun Ye himself has also changed greatly.

This month, Yun Ye has begun to practice the method. After all, after achieving a small level of proficiency, the practice speed has increased by more than three times. There is already hope for improvement. It will generally only take less than seven years to complete it.

As for why it obviously took forty or fifty years before promotion, but it only takes seven years to improve three times instead of more than ten years.

To put it simply, building an energy circuit is the most difficult in the early stage, but it becomes easier and easier in the later stage. The speed of cultivation is not a straight line, but increases upwards.

Yun Ye seemed to have only improved three times, but in actual performance, he quickly surpassed the early accumulation and entered the mid-term acceleration stage. The real increase in cultivation speed was far more than three times.

In the first month, Yun Ye only completed the first energy meridian, and the power of the spiritual method increased by about 10%.

This is a start, there is much more to be done.

There are fifteen cycles in total of the Samadhi True Fire Method, and each cycle has about a dozen energy meridians.

Beginning, laying the foundation, completing, completing, and completing.

Each stage, exactly three cycles.

The final and perfect state of Samadhi True Fire Method requires the casting of a total of 195 energy meridians.

Yun Ye only created one energy meridian, which was not even an entry point.

However, the number of energy meridians determines the power of the method.

Each increase of about 10% adds up to 20 times, which is indeed a huge improvement in strength.

If Yun Ye reaches full cultivation, he will even have the confidence to use Eternal Silence to directly kill the Dharma Realm cultivator instantly.

"It's a pity... Although I know the principle of Eternal Silence and remember all the structures, I can't use it."

Yun Ye opened his eyes, full of regret.

In a month, Yun Ye tried countless times to recreate Eternal Silence, but all ended in failure. There was not even a sign. The hardware was completely substandard.

Whether it's control, stability, or proficiency, they are all not enough. Let alone use it as freely as the reverse liberation state, he can't even produce a spark.

But what pleased him was that this time it was not without gain.

At least the Silence of All Things has advanced from proficiency to minor achievement, and its power and proficiency have increased again.

Although the silence of all things is not as good as eternal silence, it is also an extremely powerful trump card, which can make his mortal realm better than the spiritual realm.

This is already a huge profit, not to mention that this is not all he gained!

Even though he can't use Yongji now, Yongji's combination method, spiritual pattern structure and other elements have been completely engraved in his mind. All he lacks is "hands", or hardware.

When his spiritual realm reaches the middle of the third level, or even the late third level, he may be able to use it.

And the power of eternal silence... it is truly unprecedented!

Ever since Yun Ye had the water spirit root, he had organized the system and came up with the ultimate spiritual concept.

The so-called ultimate spirituality refers to something that is extremely spiritual, such as the fire in the heart and the fire in the heart.

It's just that the eternal fire, the fire in the heart, etc. refer specifically to flames, while the ultimate spirituality can be used at all levels of yin and yang and the five elements.

And the only ultimate spirituality is something even more extreme than ultimate spirituality.

Simply put, the ultimate spirituality of Inextinguishable Fire is burning. Everything is flammable, even stones and air. This is the origin of the name Inextinguishable Fire.

The only inextinguishable fire means that the inextinguishable fire concentrates all the burning characteristics into one object, such as a stone, such as aura, such as a specific magic weapon, or... space!

This is the only fire that cannot be extinguished. Although it has no effect on other things, it can reach a deeper perfection in a certain item.

Eternal silence is the only unquenchable fire, and the only flowing union.

It can swallow up space and erase everything around it.

Of course, Eternal Silence actually does not swallow up the space, at least not yet in the mortal realm, but it is enough to cause the space to vibrate and erase everything. Even the legal realm cannot resist this move.

This is the power of the only extremely spiritual two-level spiritual method, a power that is so powerful that it cannot be added!

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