A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 164 The secret technique of spiritual root sublimation

Yun Ye completely memorized the entire composition of Eternal Silence, and only needed to meet the hardware conditions to activate it.

This was the biggest gain this time. Although it could not be withdrawn for the time being, it gave Yun Ye a very strong "feel", allowing Yun Ye to use the spiritual methods below his level with ease.

This is an excellent bonus.

The spiritual method has a huge bonus to the strength of the cultivator. Yun Ye's leapfrog battles basically rely on the qualitative change of the spiritual method.

The more proficient in the use of spiritual methods, the stronger the upper limit of Yun Ye's combat power.

When he recovers the realm of perfect practice, killing the law realm of Bai Shizhen again, it will be killing dogs.

He is looking forward to such a day.

But now, first accumulate strength, improve the spiritual realm, energy realm, and even the realm of divine law and life force.

Yun Ye closed his eyes again and practiced, but this time he practiced divine law.

The total amount of spiritual energy in the entire secret space is limited. If he absorbs it, the spiritual medicine will be gone.

In terms of the feeling of this month, it is more efficient to take spiritual medicine directly.

Spiritual medicine is a collection of spiritual energy, which is a high-concentration energy in itself. It can be directly converted into energy meridians and will not leak out much.

However, he needs to condense it himself, and needs to be constantly refined and constructed. Before an energy meridian is completed, it is constantly disintegrating. This is a huge loss, which is why it takes decades to build.

Spiritual medicine has no spilling process, and its efficiency is far higher than his own practice. This is why he finally chose to wait for the spiritual medicine.

"Then there are secret techniques such as spiritual root sublimation and spiritual root burning... This time the harvest is really too big."

Yun Ye muttered to himself.

The secret technique of spiritual root sublimation is definitely the most important and most hidden secret technique of the major families.

There is only one reason. This secret technique can be used by any cultivator, and it can increase their own combat power exponentially. To describe it, it is an evolved version of spiritual root recovery.

The principle of spiritual root recovery is to show one's own spiritual roots, let the spiritual roots extend to the surface of the body, directly control the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and infuse these spiritual energy of heaven and earth into the whole body, and increase the effects of spirit, body, and total amount of spiritual energy by more than ten times.

However, this kind of improvement has its limits, according to the various families.

If mortals can definitely improve tenfold, then the spiritual realm can only improve fourfold, a drop of more than half.

When it comes to the realm of law, the drop is even more obvious, probably only doubling, or even less than doubling.

The reason for this is that the utilization rate of spiritual energy in each realm is different, so the effect of spiritual root recovery also decreases accordingly.

And in order to deal with this attenuation, I don’t know who has created a new method of application...

This is the sublimation of spiritual roots!

The spiritual root is a real organ in the human body. The resurgence of the spiritual root is just a resurgence, and there is no complete development of the magical use of the spiritual root.

The sublimation of the spiritual root is a secret technique that allows the spiritual root to take root and sprout, and grow to the whole body. The external manifestation is that the spiritual root texture starts from the forehead and extends to the face, neck and even the whole body.

In the state of spiritual root sublimation, the amount of spiritual energy controlled increases again, and the increase is based on the resurgence of the spiritual root, ranging from two to ten times.

In addition, even the ability to control spiritual energy will be greatly enhanced, and more complex spiritual patterns can be used. In this state, the great spiritual method can be used at will... Of course, the price is a more drastic loss of vitality.

In theory, this is a secret technique belonging to the spiritual realm, and only the spiritual realm can barely use it.

In principle, it is not that the mortal realm cannot use it, but if the spiritual root sublimation is used in the mortal realm, the speed of vitality evaporation will be more than a hundred times that of the spiritual root recovery, and it is purely exchanging life for combat power.

Spiritual root sublimation is also a secret technique that requires long-term practice. It requires controlling one's own spiritual roots little by little, and then actively letting the spiritual roots "grow" and spread all over the body.

Initially spreading to the face, it is the entry level, and the increase is about two times.

Spreading to the neck, it is the proficient level, and the increase is about four times.

The clavicle and chest are in the small success level, and the increase is about six times.

The upper body and arms are fully covered, which is the great success level, and the increase is about eight times.

Covering the whole body is perfect, and there will be a ten-fold increase!

The perfect spiritual root sublimation is the second spiritual root revival, which will increase all attributes by a hundred times under normal conditions. This is the basic zodiac sign, and all kinds of increases are based on this core increase!

Even if you reach the spiritual realm, the increase is reduced, but it is still a terrifying leap in combat power.

There are two levels of spiritual root sublimation and no spiritual root sublimation!

And after the battle of Yongji, Yun Ye directly reached the spiritual root sublimation realm, how outrageous...

Although Yongji evaporated Yun Ye's life for twenty years, it was totally worth it!

With the secret technique of spiritual root sublimation, after this, the spiritual realm is already a pig and dog. As long as Yun Ye is willing to consume his life, he can be killed in an instant. As for the law realm... At least in the law realm of Chao Shanhe, Yun Ye has a way to escape.

He has recovered most of the strength of the second life, but this strength requires consumption of vitality.

This is enough. It is fortunate to have the power to resist. What's more, he still has four marks. He remembers the power of the reversal moment clearly!

Four marks!

Even if it was a realm of law, he would have a chance to drag them down with him!

He didn't believe that all the realms of law in Baishi Town were willing to risk their lives in a battle.

Of course, it might not be possible to threaten the realms of law that were bound by the rules of Dao weapons, but at least it could deter the Ji family, right?

Since he can command other realms, he doesn't need to take risks himself. Isn't this a division of power?

A large number of Dharma realms are shot at the same time, which is completely different from one or two Dharma realms. What's more, the Ji family Dharma realm is still the strongest Dharma realm in Baishi Town. It is an excellent result to be able to temporarily differentiate!

At the same time, the spiritual roots are not sublimated enough, and there are still spiritual roots burning...

Yun Ye had used the spiritual root burning secret technique in his second life, but it was only an extremely inferior burning secret technique.

It is completely different from the spiritual level burning secret technique mastered by Chao Shanhe.

For example, the burning of spiritual roots in the second life is actually just a simple "burning" of the reserved spiritual roots, and it is completely unnecessary to burn one's own spiritual roots.

It seems that this is better than spiritual root burning. After all, you can choose independently, right?

But this is inferior usage.

Just "burning" will not bring out the power of the spiritual root at all. It is just a waste of natural resources. About eight or nine of the ten powers will be wasted!

The real burning of spiritual roots is to let the spiritual roots decompose and evaporate into the air to form an innate spiritual field...

This is the terrifying thing about burning spiritual roots. The improvement in spiritual power control is simply unimaginable.

Chao Zi Zhong, who is only in the spiritual realm, can actually escape from a blow from the treasure weapon, all because of this secret technique of burning spiritual roots!

This secret technique, to be precise, should be the boiling of spiritual roots, which allows one's own spiritual roots to decompose and turn into something like air currents to cover the space and form an innate spiritual field. Although it only lasts for an instant, the power of the explosion is extremely brilliant!

This corresponds to the secret technique of the legal realm. If used in the spiritual realm, the spiritual roots will be permanently reduced, and the evaporation of vitality will be even more terrifying.

Yun Ye didn't dare to use this move, because he would die in an instant and might not even have time to use this power.

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