A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 169 Guidance and Development

"Earth, wind, water, and fire should be in solid, gas, liquid, and plasma states. Compared with the first three states, the plasma state has more stringent requirements. For example, while the flame needs to reach a certain temperature, the material can still burn, so that flame can be produced. ”

"Fire spiritual roots essentially use spiritual power to simulate these states. Higher temperatures, faster temperature propagation speeds, can cause materials to burn and metamorphose, and have a wider range of influence. These are the four elements of fire spirituality."

"The so-called ultimate spirituality is to deflect the elements of spiritual power simulation to three, two or even one after understanding these essences."

Yun Ye raised his hand, and invisible flames appeared in his hands, easily melting steel, "The fire of the sky, the invisible high-temperature fire."

The black flames fell and the soil burned, "an inextinguishable fire, an extremely flammable fire that can ignite all things."

The fire lotus rose into the air and exploded. "Aerial fire, a flame with explosive characteristics, has the largest attack range and attack speed."

Under everyone's dumbfounded gaze, Yun Ye concluded: "This is the ultimate spirituality. The five elements all have similar phenomena. If you master the secrets, you can master the ultimate spirituality and change the power of your own flames."

"Fire: transfer energy and create flames."

"Gold: Gathering matter to make metal."

"Wood element: gives vitality and accelerates growth."

"Earth Element: Manipulate matter and create solids."

"Water Element: Create liquids, lower temperatures."

"I cannot exhaust the mystery of the Five Elements. I can only provide a direction for you to research on your own."

"As long as you understand that you don't need to use spiritual roots completely according to reality, you can more or less obtain a part of the ultimate spirituality, which is enough to increase your strength. You can try it now."

The clouds dispersed in the night and the water and fire disappeared.

"Master, let me come first!"

Tian Jing was the first to stand up and respond. After Yun Ye nodded, he chose not to extinguish the fire as his first goal.

"Instill all other spiritual elements into the burning element..."

Tian Jing thought silently in his mind, imagining the shape of flames.

Black flames often rise from his hands, but outsiders can see that they are unstable to the naked eye!

For several minutes, the flame in Tian Jing's hand failed to stabilize and finally exploded.

"Sorry, I don't know why, I couldn't control it for a while!"

Tian Jing showed a look of shame. He tried again, but the result was the same, still extremely unstable.

"What is the reason?"

Yang Shu and the others frowned and said, this flame shape has taken shape, but it is unstable and cannot be maintained?

"Practice more. Although I have recognized the flame, it is still difficult for a right-handed person to write with his left hand. It took me a month to adapt. With Tian Jing's talent, a few days will be enough. ”

Yun Ye was not surprised.

The most difficult thing to overcome in achieving ultimate spirituality is spiritual cognition. Once you understand it, simple practice makes perfect.

"Let's try it too. The former chief used this method to achieve an effect similar to natural spiritual fire. I can't even break it. Obviously every kind of ultimate spirituality has quite a magical effect!"

Tong Huoyang recalled the first battle, and a light appeared in his eyes.

Every time she thought about the invisible fire, she felt extremely powerless.

Now, she can also control the same power, how can this not make her happy!

If it were placed in the Tong family, even if there were perfect confidentiality measures, it would be impossible to teach this top secret skill to outsiders, and even the direct bloodline might not teach it. It is very likely that only the heirs of the family would be qualified to learn it!

This kind of thing that goes against common sense can only be done by the Tomorrow Society!

Tong Huoyang's recognition of Tomorrow Meeting and Yun Ye increased again.

This successor is indeed gradually practicing his own way!

If you continue to monopolize knowledge and power, even if you succeed in challenging Baishi Town, it will only be a different family.

As long as the strongest Yun Ye starts a bloodbath, Tomorrow Society will immediately become another spiritual magic team and black armor army.

But after sharing the knowledge and power, it is not up to the leader to decide whether he wants to take the road of tomorrow!

Once you deviate from the road, there are plenty of people to fight against!

Tong Huoyang glanced at the young man who had been guiding everyone, and admiration emerged in his heart: "Perhaps Dao was not sure whether he would rot after success, so he simply cut off his retreat. If he wanted to spoil, he would have to weigh other people. idea!”

The reason why I admire her is because she knows that she absolutely cannot do it.

The same choice is placed in front of her. Her selfishness will allow her to completely monopolize this subversive knowledge. Even if she dies because of it, she will never let outsiders benefit.

This kind of knowledge is not worthy of being possessed by a small place like Baishi Town. Only those fairy dynasties with profound knowledge can master it.

But obviously, those fairy dynasties would never allow knowledge to spread, let alone pass it on to outsiders.

Such a powerful force is like this, let alone her? !

There is no blood relationship between them, they are purely "fellow Taoists".

The mind of a person who can make such a decision is unimaginable.

Perhaps, this is the so-called hero and hero!

"I think the Ultimate Fire can be used with special spiritual weapons! After removing the flaws, the power of the Ultimate Fire is simply unimaginable!"

Tong Huoyang took a step forward and joined the discussion.

Seeing this scene, Yun Ye secretly nodded with pleasure and gave many pointers.

Except for the B-level spiritual root attributes of Tong Huoyang, the rest are all D-level, which is very average. It is really difficult to understand immediately.

However, after Yun Ye reminded her many times, she still made great progress.

"To use ultimate spirituality, you actually need to find the right direction. For example, your spiritual root is more focused on spiritual energy control. At the same weight, your spiritual power is not very powerful. In this case, what ultimate spiritual power do you think is more suitable for you? Fire?" Yun Ye asked.

Tong Huoyang showed a smile and said: "It takes more time for me to use spiritual techniques to achieve the same power as others. In this case, I am more suitable for charge-type large-scale attack moves, right?"

She stood out in the Tong family, how could she not be aware of her own flaws, the Great Spiritual Technique was prepared for this.

"That's right. Although the amount of spiritual power will strengthen the spiritual method, the volume will also increase accordingly, which does not completely enhance the power. In this case, if you choose to compress the power, the effect may not be good even if you add a large amount of spiritual power."

"If you know your shortcomings, you should use your strengths and avoid weaknesses. You are more suitable for aerial fire, and use this to build a corresponding combat system. The sky fire and other spiritual fires only need to be used as reserves." Yun Ye nodded.

Understand the meaninglessness, the key is how to make good use of air fire.

Only by perfectly matching spiritual weapons, formations, and even talismans, could she barely challenge the weakest spiritual realm.

And if you want to be effective, the spiritual realm is the minimum requirement.

Just maintain the previous level, but you will be eliminated.

"Ultimate spirituality is just the beginning. How to build a subsequent combat system is really difficult. You need to maximize the explosive performance of aerial fire..."

This kind of guidance lasts a whole day.

In the evening, everyone was hungry, and Yang Shu clapped his hands: "Okay, don't hang around the rice all the time. Sharpen the knife and don't miss the woodcutter. Let's eat first and be energetic before continuing! Don't worry, everyone, today's harvest is so big, we must Let’s celebrate, we still have some chickens and ducks!”

"It's true! I've been craving for these chickens and ducks for a long time, but the people over there have been trying to shirk the need to experiment. What good experiments are there with chickens and ducks? Now I can finally taste them. I have to chew all the bones." !" Chai Xin was overjoyed.

Everyone laughed, and Tong Huoyang also showed a smile.

The entire Tomorrow Village was suddenly brightly lit, and smoke billowed out, disappearing into thin air as it rose into the sky.

After Yun Ye mastered a lot of knowledge, for the sake of safety, he used the extremely spiritual fire, halo fire, extremely spiritual water, and ever-changing fog to set up an optical illusion array. From the outside, it looked like an ordinary forest.

The phantom array is very simple, but the chance of being discovered is indeed greatly reduced.

In addition, the magic array also has the effect of absorbing and purifying smoke. Once the smoke falls on it, it will be taken away by the flowing water mist. There is no need to worry about the smoke being exposed tomorrow.

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