It's just dawn.

Yun Ye exited the cultivation state, summoned the Yingyue Baohuan, and checked the situation in the secret realm.

Six months ago, there were fifteen Yang Ganoderma plants reaching their limit, with a total spiritual energy of 25,000.

This number happens to be the acceleration multiple, which is 25,000 times. One day equals sixty-eight years. Almost every seven days, a Yang Ganoderma can reach the limit of five hundred years.

After that, each new extreme-year Yang Ganoderma can provide 1,000 spiritual energy.

It has been six months now. The concentration of the spiritual energy in the secret realm continues to increase, and the elixir grows faster and faster. Logically speaking, there should be about seventy plants. However, Yun Ye used about ten plants in order to practice the secret technique of turning fire, so the income is sharp. It was reduced to fifty plants.

The current concentration of spiritual energy in the secret realm can already produce a 500-year-old Yang Ganoderma in four days. As long as Yun Ye waits patiently, the follow-up will definitely become faster and faster.

However, increasing spiritual energy is not the main goal, it is to complete the practice as soon as possible.

After completing the practice, Yun Ye can quickly refine the Yingyue Treasure Ring and open the Yingyue Secret Realm.

The Yingyue Secret Realm is much stronger than the small secret realm of the Yingyue Treasure Ring. There are thousands of elixirs, and there are even high-grade elixirs and top-level elixirs. In comparison, the benefits of sticking to the small secret realm are too small.

"One Yang Lingzhi plant can complete almost one-third of the energy meridians. So as long as I accumulate 600 plants, I can reach perfection in one go."

Yun Ye pondered.

Six hundred plants is not much, but it is actually not much. According to the increase rate of spiritual energy concentration, it can be done in two years at most, which is much faster than his own cultivation.

However, although this speed was very fast, it did not satisfy Yun Ye.

The flame in Yun Ye's hand burned for a moment, and spiritual patterns flashed through the air, creating the appearance of an alchemy furnace.

This is the alchemy knowledge that Yun Ye obtained from Chao Zhong, the "Pure Yang Refining Furnace".

With this method and the fire spirit root, you can make elixirs even if you don't have an alchemy furnace and earth fire.

If there is an alchemy furnace and earth fire, the rate of elixir formation can be increased.

Yun Ye was in the state of reverse liberation and had mastered this alchemy art to an entry-level level.

With a little practice, there is no problem in refining Yang Ganoderma into elixir.

The elixir is undoubtedly more effective than the elixir.

According to the knowledge of alchemy in this world, if the elixir is eaten raw, it can only absorb about 30% of its potency, and the remaining 70% will be lost due to impurities, poor absorption, or incomplete stimulation.

And most importantly, these impurities can form poisons and cause permanent damage to the body.

In Yun Ye's second life, all three Dharmas were perfected. Logically speaking, he should have a vague sense of the path to heaven. However, due to too many poisons, Yun Ye's path to heaven has been cut off and he will never be able to go further in his life, so he can't even feel it.

Alchemy is the solution to this shortcoming, and its purpose is to remove impurities from elixirs.

About 70% of the impurities are contained. Even if it is simply extracted, the effect of the elixir will be greatly increased.

Yun Ye calculated that even if he extracted it completely according to the knowledge of the Pure Yang Refining Furnace, the number of Yang Ganoderma he needed could drop to four hundred.

If some auxiliary medicines can be added to make a low-grade elixir, the number can be reduced to 300 or 200 plants.

From here we can see how powerful alchemy is. A low-grade elixir can be worth three elixirs of the same level, and it is less poisonous. The middle-grade, high-grade and even top-grade elixirs are higher than the low-grade elixirs. Where's Dan?

Yun Ye's current level is not good enough, so let's not talk about it for now. The five levels of alchemy are the same as martial arts.

They are all entry, proficiency, small success, great success, and perfection.

Even if Yun Ye mastered alchemy with Reversal Liberation, he was only at an entry-level level. It was difficult to refine low-grade elixirs perfectly, let alone higher-level ones.

Yun Ye glanced at the women and children in the secret realm, exhaled, stood up and left the yard.

Tomorrow Village currently has two main research directions.

One is how to increase crop yields.

The second is how to increase poultry production.

It’s all about eating.

But even so, the manpower is insufficient, and Tian Yu, who is only seven years old, has to assist in research.

Fortunately, the spiritual root resuscitators in this world are enough to cheat. They don't need any scientific research level or professional knowledge. As long as they think of it, they can do it - they can ripen the animals and plants they want to ripen in a short time for verification. !

In modern times, this is simply a scientific research artifact. I don’t know how much time it can save!

Thanks to this, even if Yun Ye only said a few bits and pieces, the yield of crops has increased dramatically in the past year.

"The original yield per mu was two hundred catties, but now it has stabilized at five hundred catties. If we take good care of it, it will be no problem to jump to six or seven hundred catties. We will probably only need the last year to meet your requirements."

"The yield per mu exceeds one thousand kilograms!"

The researcher reported, his eyes full of excitement.

The more food there is, the more people can practice, and assisting in completing such an important research is also a big contribution to the Tomorrow Society, which can allow the researcher himself or his descendants to obtain a certain amount of resources!

Apart from anything else in tomorrow's meeting, fairness must be achieved. The more work you do, the more capable you will get. Even Tian Jing and Tian Yu have to patrol, perform various tasks, and assist in research to increase production.

"Yes, show me the record."

Yun Ye looked through this year's records, then quickly summarized and pointed out some of the problems. After the researcher thanked him repeatedly, Yun Ye returned the experimental record data to him and said: "I have a holiday today, relax for a day, and I will plan for tomorrow. Experiment and achieve production breakthrough as soon as possible.”

"I actually bothered Master Dao to personally control the research. Thank you so much, Master!" the researcher was pleasantly surprised.

The basic idea of ​​​​the experiment was provided by Yun Ye, and he also gave them intensive training for a few days. Originally, most of the credit for the experiment belonged to Yun Ye. Now that Yun Ye joins the research to complete the breakthrough as soon as possible, it will only benefit them and not harm them!



Yun Ye left and came to the school.

Many new buildings were added to the originally dilapidated school, and the scope was expanded. Tian Jing was training Ultimate Fire in the expanded open space and did not even notice Yun Ye's arrival.

Yun Ye did not disturb him, but walked into the school and searched all the way there.

This school has been expanded and is still very small.

There are only four classrooms inside.

Teach different knowledge and children of different ages respectively.

Yun Ye looked over in turn and saw a strange teacher in the first classroom.

This is a young girl, dressed very simply, imparting various general knowledge with great energy.

She has a small degree of success in nourishing energy, but her spiritual roots are still a little short of awakening. When the food production reaches a breakthrough, she should be the first batch of people to receive resource tilt.

Yun Ye smiled and looked at it for a while, then left. There were only two teachers in the entire school.

One is Tong Huoyang.

The other one is her, she is only sixteen years old, her name is Xiao Yu, she has no last name.

Originally, the plot of Huo Yang only existed in the fourth life. Since everyone complained about my lack of details and my level has dropped drastically, I will slow down. I have already predicted that you will say that I am weak and rebound, eh, useless, ~ (  ̄▽ ̄~)~

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