A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 172 The Concept of Betrayer

The family can always break through the cognition time and time again.

Tong Huoyang did not describe the emotion and tragedy in detail, but even if there was no emotional resonance in these few words, just thinking about it deeply, the murderous intention could not help but surge up.

It's really not surprising that Tong Huoyang had amazing evil aura when he was twelve years old. This was the Tong family's training strategy.

In other words, the training strategy of most aristocratic families.

Resources are limited.

Even if it is a noble family, it will only train a very small number of people, and all the remaining resources will be provided to the strongest in the family.

The reason why the Ji family and the Liu family are strong is because they broke through their shackles and gave birth to multiple realms of law.

When other aristocratic families are born in Dharma Realm, they will inevitably lose the soil for growth in the next few hundred years, just like the Chao family.

There is only one road to immortality. If you cultivate your strength but not your mind, this will inevitably lead to this situation!

When the Dharma Realm reaches its final stage, how much glory it once brought to the family will now bring about much ruin.

"There is no extraordinary world. Power and inertia can maintain extremely long-term stability. No matter how rotten the family is, a unified dynasty will have a lifespan of at least one or two hundred years."

"But if you have an extraordinary world and lag behind, it will be a world of difference. If you can't always be strong and plunder all the resources, once the enemy has a peerless genius, annihilation will be the inevitable outcome..."

"So, in the extraordinary world, a region must be dominated by one family or force, and everything else is insignificant and completely subdued, without any means or opportunity to resist."

Yun Ye said.

Tong Huoyang, who was next to him, looked confused: "Why do you say that suddenly? Do you want to say that this is why those aristocratic families established a cruel system? To screen out geniuses?"

"No, I want to say that the malice of the family is probably stronger than you imagine."

"Under the Ji family's Taoist order, the aristocratic family is just a tool. It can neither surpass the Ji family nor annex other aristocratic families. They have no reason to cultivate too many monks."

"Don't you think it's funny? No matter how many mortal monks there are, how much role can they play in a catastrophe?"

Yun Ye stood up and blocked one side of the sun.

"Mortal realm monks are only used to solve troublesome problems, right?"

"Really powerful monsters should be dealt with by the commanders and even the judges."

Tong Huoyang said.

Yun Ye shook his head.

He used to think so too.

But after interrogating Chao Zi Zhong, the truth was revealed.

"The last catastrophe lasted for more than five years, maybe even ten years. Do you still think that the mortal monks played a role in extending the time to this length?"

"In the face of such a long catastrophe, it is useless even to double the number of monks, let alone add some monks. It is far better to set up a killing array and ask the spiritual monks to take turns to preside over it and strangle the demons coming from all over the place."

Tong Huoyang frowned and asked, "Then why does the aristocratic family cruelly select and train more monks in the mortal realm?"

"With so much information, it's actually not difficult to understand... Along the way, you stepped on the bones of other people to get to the top, and you were stained with countless blood. In the eyes of the ordinary people of Baishi Town, you are a "betrayer", so Come on, can you understand?" Yun Ye turned around and looked at Tong Huoyang's eyes.

When the two of them came out and retreated, their eyes were black and bottomless.

Tong Huoyang and Yun Ye looked at each other, and she was keenly aware of the emotions. She thought in her heart, and after a while, her pupils shrank suddenly, and she almost lost her voice: "Tao weapon! Does Baishi Town want to use us to reduce the power of the catastrophe? "

The catastrophe is the aggregation of thousands of years of blood feud between the people at the bottom. This is a fact that all members of the Tomorrow Society know.

This is also what they are about!

And who do the people at the bottom want to seek revenge?

Those with vested interests!

Those civilian geniuses who flock to the ruling class are especially hateful and are traitors who should be killed by a thousand swords!

These geniuses are stepping on the bones of people at the bottom to reach high positions. They seem to be still being exploited, but the ruling group has actually given them status and benefits that completely surpass those at the bottom. What does this mean?

They have joined the superior system of Baishi Town!

"The reason why more mortal monks are needed is because... we can reduce the power of the catastrophe?"

Tong Huoyang's expression was extremely ugly, and he even felt like vomiting.

It's like eating a fly and finding an unknown substance lying around.

This feeling of being used from beginning to end made her feel physically sick and unbearable.

"Yes, this is the unforgivable sin of the family. Not only do they squeeze the monks to resist the demons, but they also sacrifice their heads to reduce the power of the catastrophe. Your various massacre missions are just to increase the original sin so that your weight can catch up. Rulers, die instead of rulers.”

"Even if this was not done before the Great Tribulation, it must be done after the Great Tribulation. Therefore... after the Great Tribulation began, a massacre was carried out to ensure that all spiritual practitioners possess original sin, which can greatly eliminate the effects of the thousand-year blood feud."

"This is a loophole in human nature, and they have indeed made good use of it. They are watering their future with our blood. I am afraid that all aristocratic families are the same. It is not enough for these existences to just exterminate their clans."

Yun Ye sat down again with a faint look in his eyes, "Huoyang, we will need more power tomorrow!"

"Otherwise, how can the overthrow of Baishi Town only rely on me?"


After hearing all this, Tong Huoyang understood many points that he had not understood before.

She looked up at the young man in front of her, nodded after a while, and said silently: "I understand, I will try my best, for tomorrow... leave the women and children in the secret realm to me!"

"It seems that all the hard work was not in vain, I leave it to you!"

Yun Ye smiled and nodded.

Yun Ye released all the women and children.

When returning to Tomorrow Village, it needs to be hidden in a secret realm, but releasing it in the barrier is equivalent to appearing out of thin air. Unless the magic of Baishi Town is very unnatural, it cannot be captured.

However, brain testing was not advisable, so Yun Ye set up another layer of barrier before releasing these women and children.

This time, the barrier was set up in the form of divine magic. It had no effect on blocking people, but only hindered the detection of divine magic.

After the double insurance, Yun Ye felt relieved. Apart from educating Yue Xin personally, he spent all the rest of his time practicing Samadhi True Fire.

He has been studying spirituality, and his progress in practice has lagged behind all the higher-ups.

The full set of seven kinds of spiritual methods, physical methods, and five elements have been handed over to tomorrow meeting, and they can be learned as long as the spiritual root recovery is completed.

Others prefer practicing Dharma to cultivating spirituality, and their progress exceeds that of Yun Ye.

After all, to practice spirituality, you first need enough spiritual power.

Practice the method to increase your own energy circulation, and sharpen your sword without losing sight of the woodcutter.

And because Yun Ye cannot carry his energy system to the next life, he pays more attention to spiritual cultivation, even if it takes a very long time to grow even a little bit.

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