A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 173 Formation Logic

Yun Ye set up a table and chairs under the shade of a tree and was carving spiritual patterns on metal rods.

Outside the shade of the trees is the school playground.

Tian Jingzheng and Ning Xiao, who had grown a lot taller, tried to combine spiritual methods.

The two used various spiritual powers to try to combine to increase their power.

In addition to them, Tong Huoyang, Chai Xin and others, as well as some new generation spiritual practitioners, were also there. Not including Yun Ye, there were twelve spiritual practitioners.

This situation has been going on for a long time.

If we want to defeat Baishi Town with the strength of the Tomorrow Society, we cannot take the route of individual strength.

Therefore, the senior leaders of the Tomorrow Club unanimously approved the rally route.

Gathering the power of everyone through formations is the truly promising path!

This is also the route that Yun Ye believes has the best chance of winning.

The power of the formation is not 1+1=2, the real effect is far greater.

Tomorrow, he will master the ultimate spirituality and arrange the formation to be more powerful. It is impossible to say that he will really have the opportunity to gather the strength of everyone to face the law.

But the question is, how to create a formation to maximize its power?

After Yun Ye finished carving the last stroke, he put down his tools and looked at everyone, lost in thought.

"The formation is different from the weapon refining. The weapon refining has fixed spiritual patterns, but the formation changes all the time. How to deal with the changes perfectly is the reason why the formation is powerful."

"With each additional person, the difficulty of controlling the formation will increase a lot. If the control is not good, the only choice is to reduce the power, increase the stability, and create a fool-proof formation similar to "Input Energy → Concentrate Energy → Explode Energy" ”

Yun Ye shook his head.

This loses the essence of the formation.

The formation is powerful because it can integrate various energies to form a tight field, and exert one energy to produce three or even more effects.

Just gathering energy means that it cannot have "spirituality" and "zodiac sign", and the final power is really far behind.

"Everyone's spiritual power is different. Even if they are of the same zodiac sign, they cannot be combined without adjustment, let alone different zodiac signs. The more people, the higher the difficulty."

"In this case, generally the same zodiac sign will be chosen to form the formation, which can minimize the difference. However, this method is generally used, but it is far from enough to reverse the realm gap."

"Baishi Town's knowledge is that in order for these alien energies to be effective, they must be transformed before use to reduce the difference. The more top-level formations, the faster this aspect will be processed, but at the same time, the impact on the main formation will be The requirements are higher.”

Formation master is not just a title, but also a real state.

Some formations must be used by a formation master, otherwise they will lose their power.

Formation masters are generally divine magic cultivators.

If the weapons of spiritual monks are various spiritual weapons, then the weapons of divine monks are formations.

In this world, powerful magical weapons are too rare. If they are weak, they might as well be arranged randomly.

You must know that the requirements for using the formation are "calculation power" and "divine consciousness", which is naturally suitable for divine magic monks.

The reason why Yun Ye was distressed was because there was no leader among them who could not share this calculation for them.

A powerful leader can completely increase the power of the formation to an exaggerated level.

And Yun Ye was in a hurry to set up the formation by himself, so naturally he couldn't be the leader of the formation.

Think of this.

Yun Ye took out a pen and made a note in the notebook.

"If you don't have computing talent, you can only optimize the calculation method..."

"But this also requires a super genius!"

Yun Ye was halfway through memorizing it, feeling like he was about to send it!

It may sound simple.

Optimization, everything can be optimized, there are so many spiritual methods created, it seems that understanding has no effect on creation, why is my crotch stretched now?


How big is the difference between using a piece of knowledge directly and creating it on your own? !

Optimizing the calculation method is simple to say, but the difficulty will be clear at once by giving an example.

There are eight rows of shelves, and eight apples are placed on each row of shelves.

There is no calculation method, just use a stupid method to count the numbers, 1+1+1 all the way to 64, which requires a total of 63 calculations...

But with the nine-nine multiplication, you only need to count eight times horizontally and eight times vertically, and then you can directly get sixty-four through the formula.

What Yun Ye was still mumbling about when he was setting up the formation was actually the Xianxia version of the Nine-nine Multiplication, which could assist in calculations and complete the formation control directly through oral formulas and hand formulas.

It's okay for Yun Ye to create a nine-nine formula, but then the perimeter, area, volume of various objects, and then the basic Pythagorean theorem, tangent theorem, sine theorem...

Just thinking about the subsequent development of these formulas and theorems gave Yun Ye a headache.

Is this something a mortal can create?

Not to mention pioneering.

Just use it, how many people can use it well?

For example, the elixir in Yun Ye's secret realm, how many extreme years of elixir can be grown in one year? It seems that the problem is very simple, but once the formula is listed, Yun Ye becomes confused. This formula is placed in front of him. He doesn't know how to solve it, so he can only use a calculator to calculate...

(I have just been lazy for 7 days/2*50 plants=6 months. The number is definitely not accurate.)

In other words, even if you know various formulas, there is still a question of whether you can use them.

This is very real.

Spirit patterns are better than formations and are a fixed process, so Yun Ye just memorizes them by rote and practice makes perfect.

But the formation relies entirely on talent. If it works, it works, and if it doesn't, it doesn't work.

Does Yun Ye seem to be the type full of wisdom?

Not really.

In the reversal of liberation form, Yun Ye complained about his own brain, which was really at the level of ordinary people.

He can use modern knowledge to deconstruct the knowledge of immortality and create sparks from it, but it is impossible to create it.

"It's difficult. It seems we can only wait for Yue Xin to grow up... But even so, it's not enough."

Yun Ye sighed a little and glanced at the grass aside.

Yue Xin, who is already half a year old, is building various buildings out of squares. She is very happy and creative.

Yue Xin's understanding is A-level, and her growth rate is much faster than that of her peers.

However, even so, she would not have achieved much before she was ten years old. She was only an A-level talent in Baishi Town, with S-level talents and EX-level talents on top.

"Master? Do you want to play together?"

She happened to look over and immediately waved cutely.

Yue Xin is a very lively child, but probably because of the special way of birth, her hair and pupils are pure white, as clear as the moonlight. In the environment where most people in Tomorrow Society have black hair and black pupils, she is very Recognition.

Yun Ye chose the name Yuexin in reference to her characteristics.

After staring at Yuexin for a long time, Yun Ye was thoughtful.

"Master, master? Don't you want to play?"

Yue Xin shouted again.

"Yue Xin, you are in such good spirits. It seems you have had enough rest. Come over and start studying... What is our slogan?"

Yun Ye immediately stretched out his paws, lifted the little girl and placed her on the seat beside her.

"Reading to rise tomorrow?"

Yue Xin tilted her head.

"That's right!"

"So work hard!"

With a bang, a large number of books fell in front of Yue Xin.

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