A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 174 Grain Yield and the First Celestial Phenomenon

Yue Xin didn't care, she held the book and looked at it with relish.

She has learned to write long ago and can understand most of the knowledge by herself.

All Yun Ye had to do was answer her questions from time to time and assign homework for testing.

It can be said that there is basically no need to worry about anything.

Moreover, Yue Xin is extremely different from ordinary people. She loves the unknown very much. Learning is happiness to her, not torture.

This difference allows her to learn extremely quickly. She learned common words in two months, and now she has begun to learn various words and idioms. She is just around the corner to become a talented person.

Yun Ye lowered his head and took out various documents to process.

Unlike normal people who understand the situation, Yun Ye does not need to use his eyes to see. He just scans with his consciousness and imprints all the words into his mind.

In terms of the efficiency of processing files, spiritual consciousness is at least a hundred times that of the eyes. The stronger the calculation power and understanding, the faster the processing speed.

The organizational order set by Yun Ye is also for this reason. Government affairs processing actually only requires a very small number of professionals, and most of the time will be spent on discussions rather than approval and reading.

Ideally, the person who can become the top decision-maker should have wisdom and foresight that surpasses everyone else, and as a Taoist envoy, he will never betray the concept of tomorrow. In this way, the decision-making efficiency of the entire organization will be improved to an unprecedented level. situation, and often moving in a good direction.

Yun Ye quickly learned about the situation in Tomorrow Village through documents.

The current Tomorrow Village has about 5,000 acres of cultivated land, and the entire valley has been fully developed.

Half a year ago, he joined the crop research team to guide the optimization and improvement of seeds, and within one month he achieved the requirement of exceeding one thousand kilograms per mu.

If all these 5,000 acres of land were planted with rice, that would be 4 million kilograms of grain. Even if it were all made into spiritual grade quality food, it would still be 40,000 kilograms, which could feed almost 15 people throughout the year. Food is still three meals a day.

According to Yun Ye's calculations, even a person with extremely poor qualifications and low proficiency in Qi nourishing techniques would only need to eat spiritual grade premium food for half a year to fully nourish Qi and awaken his spiritual roots independently.

What this means is already extremely clear.

In just one year, Tomorrow Village will be able to have at least thirty more spiritual root resuscitators.

Those who revive their spiritual roots will further increase land production, forming a positive cycle and accelerating the speed at which others awaken their spiritual roots.

It is for this reason that Yun Ye puts improved seeds at the forefront, which is of great significance to Tomorrow Club.

Half a year later, it was time for the first batch of rice to mature.

Not all of these cultivated lands are planted with rice, but some fruits and vegetables are also planted to ensure the nutritional balance of the human body, so the statistical output is...

Three million pounds!

This is a very astonishing number.

All kinds of supplies are extremely scarce in Baishi Town.

Because of the demons, there is very little arable land available in the entire region. Three million kilograms is often enough for multiple villages to produce. The food a family can obtain every year will not exceed this number much.

What’s more, a large number of areas are planted with special plants, which will further reduce yields.

For example, the material source of many spiritual weapons is Mingzhu.

This food is the basis for the operation of the entire family of thousands or even thousands of people, but it is actually quite scarce.

What's more, major aristocratic families have not mastered the technology of spiritual-level superior food. Making high-level superior food would not only cost far more than Yun Ye, but the effect would also be far inferior.

This is the decisive reason why Baishi Town cannot cultivate too many spiritual root resuscitators. They don't have enough for themselves, and naturally they won't give alms to outsiders.

If these outsiders could not help them with chores or even be used as sacrifices to reduce the power of the catastrophe, the room for improvement would definitely be completely cut off. This is almost inevitable.

The last major disaster is proof!

The sacrifices last time were too few and they felt the pain, so this time they opened more entrances and cultivated more sacrifices.

The remaining traces of many systems can be seen in Baishi Town's past attitude towards its residents.

For example, when Yun Ye was a serf in his first life, he was not even allowed to leave the fields and would be cut down directly.

With a little thought, you can understand that since there is such a system, no one would come to each village to recruit talented people in the past.

There are as many cannon fodders as needed in Baishi Town. Why should a dignified judge go to some small villages to recruit them?

However, it makes sense to regard these children from small villages as "betrayers".

Your ancestors have been oppressed by me for generations, but if I throw a dog bone at random and you come to chew it, you can't blame me. It's you who are born so mean. If I don't sacrifice you, who should I sacrifice?

This is a natural trap.

No one can escape.

Because if you can't become a spiritual root resuscitator, there is no hope of changing the status quo.

And since you want to gain benefits and get rid of the identity of the exploited, you must become an exploiter.

Then, he was used and sacrificed by the senior officials of Baishi Town.

Immortal cultivators lived for hundreds of years, enough time to cultivate successors.

This is much scarier than the ancient earth. There is only a very small chance that the monks who can become successors here are idiots.

When the ruler makes no mistakes, it is extremely difficult for the weak and powerless to resist and comeback. They often become pawns without even realizing it.

Even someone as different as Yun Ye, who keeps cheating, can barely find a way to survive, and is still under the threat of destruction at any time.

"The catastrophe will last for another year or two. This is my development time..."

Yun Ye keeps making new plans.

As a divine law practitioner, Yun Ye quickly completed the instructions, and then someone came and took the documents away.

At present, the food in Tomorrow Village is almost enough, and the difficulty of continuing to study to increase production has exceeded the past, so there is no need to invest a lot of resources to continue for the time being.

Formation, this is the subsequent research direction.

He must gather the wisdom of everyone and build the formation initially within two years. This is the most urgent thing.

The catastrophe has a time limit. Once it is exceeded, the power of reverse liberation will disappear.

It is hard to say what will happen at that time. It is possible that the catastrophe will directly become the Heavenly Sword Mark of Tomorrow.

With the Heavenly Sword Mark, this is absolutely unstoppable and is a permanent injury.

Yun Ye must try to avoid it.

He looked at the four black lightning marks on his right hand and murmured to himself with regret: "It's a pity that reverse liberation can only be used when facing Baishi Town. Otherwise, I might be able to use reverse liberation to create spiritual methods with all my strength and merge the spiritual roots to create... At worst, completing the formation is not bad."

But there is no if.

With Yun Ye's personality, he couldn't risk looking for someone in Baishi Town to trigger the reversed liberation state.

Therefore, he could only accumulate strength. As more and more spiritualists came to Mingri Village, more and more materials could be collected. In the past six months, he had already made the first celestial phenomenon.

In this life, his basic strength is much stronger. His spirituality is at the beginning of the third level, and his spiritual root completeness and spiritual root zodiac sign have all surpassed his previous life.

Naturally, the power of his celestial phenomenon has far surpassed his previous life, and will continue to improve.

In addition to basic strength, Yun Ye now has other additional powers.

For example, when he made the celestial phenomenon in his previous life, he did not practice the secret art of turning fire and the method of Samadhi True Fire, and he did not know about the sublimation of spiritual roots, the burning of spiritual roots, and the destruction and liberation of magic tools.

In his previous life, he did not have water spiritual roots!

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