A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 178 The seven aristocratic families...gave their heads!

"Master, the catastrophe marks have indeed begun to move and are spreading to other places."

Emerge tomorrow.

She crossed her chest and was confused: "Does this feeling mean that the final disaster is about to happen?"

"The final disaster?" Yun Ye's eyes moved.

As a Taoist user, Yun Ye can see the general situation of the catastrophe through tomorrow.

However, the more detailed things can only be understood tomorrow.

And due to the fact that the current Way of Tomorrow is too weak, this feeling is still vague, and it is impossible to tell the true situation.

"It should be the last disaster except for the master. After all, the curtain has fallen, and all the disasters are gathering. What is born this time may be related to fate..." Tomorrow said.

"What did you say, fate? Is it the fate I thought it was?" Yun Ye's pupils shrank.

In the cultivation system of this world.

Fate refers to the destiny of wealth and life destined at birth. It is something that cannot be changed and is basically just a concept.

But fate is different.

Destiny is destiny.

Luck changes.

The combination of the two is the past and the future.

To control destiny is to control the changes in time and space.

Among the three heavenly paths, it is not that there are no techniques to control destiny.

For example, in ancient mythology, there was an unparalleled and invincible person who overshadowed the geniuses at that time and was born with the "divine magic of the future".

From the moment he was born, he saw through the direction of the entire world and possessed infinite wisdom.

No matter what plots, tricks, or secret techniques, they are meaningless in his eyes and can be broken easily.

Finally, when he was two hundred years old, he became the most powerful person in the world, and then swept the entire world and established a unified immortal dynasty.

Three thousand years after the establishment of the Immortal Dynasty, this man suddenly realized the Great Dao and became an Immortal.

This is the last recorded person who became an immortal. It may have been tens of thousands of years ago, but the specific time is unknown...

The world calls this true immortal the True Immortal of Heavenly Law, the future Taoist Lord, and the one sitting on the other side.

Using these true names as spells, you can even borrow the power of this true immortal to peer into your destiny, which is proof of its existence.

Of course, borrowing power requires offering sacrifices. The more sacrifices you make, the stronger the power you get, but this is completely different from the spiritual system.

Yun Ye also used things like paper kites before, which was also borrowing the power of these true immortals.

Although it looks ordinary, the essence shown makes Yun Ye awe-inspiring.

Because the power of a true immortal is everywhere and can be borrowed no matter where you are...

This is also the reason why Yun Ye never shows any abnormality from the beginning to the end.

There really are immortals in this world.

Moreover, it is stronger than normal!

The future Taoist king who has not yet become an immortal can break through all kinds of desperate blockades by controlling the power of destiny. After becoming an immortal, what kind of power will be there?

Maybe, I have already seen his future, but "Dao" has not yet succeeded, so it is not worth mentioning.

In the face of this kind of monster, no matter how hard the Immortal Dynasty Holy Sect blocks knowledge and resources, it is powerless.

The world is too big and it is impossible for everyone to be a dragon, but there is no problem in letting a fish that slips through the net jump over the dragon gate!

This is still one of the powers of fate that this person only controls, namely "luck".

If it is a complete destiny...

"The curtain has fallen on one side of fate, and there may be a catastrophe that controls a little power of fate. However, tomorrow is uncertain. It may or may not happen."

A full answer cannot be given tomorrow.

She looked into the distance with some loneliness and said: "Just now, it seems that many people died again, the calamity..."

"It's increasing again!"


White Rock Town.

An hour before talking to Yun Ye tomorrow.

One order after another was issued from the government and conveyed to the All Spirit Magic Team and the Black Armor Army.

A team of hundreds of people left the city, almost in full force, to fight against the difficult monsters nearby.


Under the watchful eyes of Yu Wen and other commanders, they were "successfully killed" by the troubled demons and turned into pieces of flesh.

The man with the spiritual magic collapsed and wanted to escape and ask for help from Yu Wen and others.

However, Ji Ming'e's smile was too lethal.

That's literally what it means...

The moment they saw Ji Ming'e's smile, these spiritual practitioners all changed from collapse and madness, and killed the troubled demon with a smile.

As each member of the spiritual team died in battle, the sky falling in the distance was torn apart, with fine cracks appearing.

Of course, just a small crack does not hinder its full power.

What is supposed to come will still come.

It will just be weakened.

With the last member of the spiritual team dead, it was the turn of the Black Armored Army.

First the civilians.

Then there are the small family members.

Immediately afterwards, members of the seven major families did not escape.

Not a single one was left, and all died "heroically".

It's just that compared to civilians, these members of the aristocratic families all died calmly. This was an outcome they had known for a long time.

In the end, only spiritual realm monks such as Ji Ming'e, Yu Wen, Liu Yuxian and Liu Wujing were left in this area.

And that's not all.

Perhaps during the great tribulation in the past, spiritual monks basically did not have to die.

But that was an ordinary catastrophe, and now it is a catastrophe that is a hundred times more terrifying. Every family needs to sacrifice their heads!

Liu family, Zhu family, Chao family.

This is the family with legal status among the seven great families.

The ancestors of their three clans were ordered by Ji Chongtian to be the main person responsible for this catastrophe.

Therefore, they used their magic power to prop up the barrier to prevent disasters from happening inside White Rock Town.

But this is only the most basic requirement, and it is far from complete. You still need to offer the head of a spiritual person!

Two members of the Chao family have died in the spirit realm. No matter what the reason is, as long as they die, it is considered that they have sacrificed their heads.

In the same way as the Zhu family, there was also a spiritual realm that offered its head.

Now, only the Liu family is left.

Liu Yuxian looked at Liu Wujing and said, "You should know what to do, Liu Wujing...or do you want to fight me?"

Liu Wujing glanced at Liu Yuxian coldly, didn't even bother to answer, and turned around to walk towards the troubled demon.

A fight with Liu Yuxian is a joke.

Now that the three clans' legal realms are watching here, even if he wins the battle, it is impossible to change his situation.

When the catastrophe comes, his head should be sacrificed. Who gives him hope of becoming the next Dharma Realm...

But he must die!


The storm spreads.

Liu Wujing entered the group of demons and vented his madness, almost completely losing all his power.

"Spiritual roots are burning!!"

Liu Wujing knew that he was bound to die, so he was not stingy with his strength.

In an instant, there seemed to be a pillar stretching straight to the sky. It was entirely made of storm wind, strangulating and attracting everything nearby.

This power made all the spiritual masters present change their expressions, to the point...

Look up!

The power of the second zodiac sign is really too strong, and it is qualitatively different from ordinary spiritual roots!

Even though their single spiritual roots are already extremely strong, they are still far behind Liu Wujing.

Even if Liu Wujing is not from the same family and has not obtained various secret techniques, their strength is still different from Liu Wujing.

But this was Liu Wujing's method of death.

It is really terrifying to be born with wind spirit roots. Once he grows up, the Ji family will also feel afraid.

The Liu family can master the secret technique of dual attribute fusion, but they can never master the blood inheritance of the natural wind spirit root!

"Please go die, Liu Wujing."

"You alone are comparable to the Dharma Realm!"

All the spiritual realms present echoed with the sound of a retreat.


It rained heavily.

Liu Wujing's figure slowly fell, and the surrounding area was in a mess. The landscape had been completely changed by his destruction.

In the distance, a floating demon of chaos condensed a large number of compressed water guns, and suddenly shot out overwhelmingly, completely covering the area where Liu Wujing was.

There was no doubt that Liu Wujing could avoid it, but he shook his head and did not move.

The next second, countless sounds of flesh and blood tearing were heard.

Liu Wujing was penetrated and torn apart by more than a dozen water guns. His arms disappeared, his chest disappeared, and his head disappeared...

In the end, only bits and pieces of meat were left scattered.

As Liu Wujing died, huge spiritual power spread from his body to the world, and the power of nearby demons increased steadily, as if they had taken some miraculous medicine.

With Liu Wujing's death, the entire dark curtain in the sky was finally loosened and torn off abruptly.

The final disaster started early.

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