A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 179 Hui’s birthday tomorrow

"The catastrophe is about to begin. Time is running out. Within a month or two at most, a life that gathers the power of the entire catastrophe will be born..."

Yun Ye was thinking whether he should take the opportunity to launch a general attack or continue to wait.

This year, he has completed his practice and reached perfection, and his strength has greatly improved.

Now he has begun to practice the physical method and the spiritual method.

The refining level of the Yingyue Baohuan has also been increased to 20%, and its power has reached a new level.

But after 20% progress, the speed of the sacrifice began to slow down, or stopped completely.

Yun Ye felt a clear "boundary".

Treasure weapons are spiritual weapons, magic weapons, and fourth-level spiritual weapons above magical weapons.

Yun Ye didn't know it well before the weapon refining, but after mastering the weapon refining, he gradually understood.

It is impossible for low-level spiritual monks to refine high-level spiritual weapons.

The two stages of spiritual weapons and magic weapons are still objects in nature, so anyone can use them.

But when it comes to the stage of magic weapons and treasure weapons, the spiritual magic weapons already have their own characteristics, and can spontaneously resist, and even spontaneously revive, and kill the monks who want to get involved with them.

The magic weapon may not be as exaggerated as independent recovery, but the magic weapon already has this ability.

Yingyue Baohuan agrees with Yun Ye just because he is the heir of Yingyue Tianmen, and he is in compliance with the rules of taking it.

However, Yun Ye's strength is too weak, not even in the spiritual realm.

Only by becoming a spiritual monk can one begin the path to immortality. The restrictions that come with the Yingyue Baohuan prevent Yun Ye from becoming its master, and he needs the corresponding strength to break through.

20% is the dividing line.

Breaking through this line, Yunye can control more of the power of the Yingyue Treasure Ring, and even can open the Yingyue Secret Realm without 100%.

Should he keep waiting?

Wait until he reaches the spiritual realm and fully masters the Yingyue Baohuan?

No one can answer this question.

Take a deep breath.

Yun Ye stood up and walked to the center of Tomorrow Village, the podium!

Counting the time, it has been four years since the establishment of Tomorrow Club!

Over the years, everyone has worked together to build Tomorrow Village to this point, and they are all full of hope for the future.

It's time to awaken a new Taoist user!

They have reached the peak period of understanding the way of tomorrow. If they wait any longer, there may be changes!

To be honest, Yun Ye didn't know what choice he would make when the catastrophic demon appeared, or where this choice would lead to the future.

But he knew that he could not be the only Taoist user of the Tomorrow Society, otherwise once he died, the potential of the entire Tomorrow Society would be cut in half, and even if he mastered the ultimate spirituality, it would be difficult to make a comeback.

The human heart is the scariest thing, and Tomorrow's Taoist Instrument can make people surrender, and Tomorrow Society's stable development to this day is indispensable to Tomorrow's Taoist Instrument.

The cloud night has arrived.

Everyone in Tomorrow Village is here.

Everyone held tables, chairs and benches and sat in a dense circle around the podium, even holding their own children. They were all full of expectations, laughing and discussing, mostly about the theory of tomorrow.


Yue Xin grew up a lot, and was held up by Tong Huoyang and waved to Yun Ye.

Yun Ye smiled and nodded, then hugged her and sat down next to her.

"Everyone, this is already the fourth year since the establishment of the Tomorrow Club. We have been building the Tomorrow Village for three full years. The results of these three years are already before our eyes! Those aristocratic families are the ones that prevent us from living a good life. The culprit of the day!"

As Yang Shu came to the stage to give a speech.

The celebration officially began.

Everyone expressed their opinions and started a lively discussion to explore the foundation of the existence of the cultivating family and the powerful landlords.

Everyone has different ideas, and they are constantly checking and filling in the gaps. The more we discuss, the clearer the theory becomes.

After a full day, three consensuses were summarized.

"First, the Spiritual Law Family has monopolized knowledge and resources, and has Dao weapons hanging in the air. It has become their accomplice and the source of all suffering. If we want to have dignity and live well in this world, we must eradicate them. !”

"This road is long and arduous and requires countless sacrifices. We must not be afraid of it."

"Second, the spiritual law family that rules everyone with power will never be reasonable. They think that their own way is the law of heaven and the law of the world, so we can only use force against force to force the change!"

"So, we need to unite all the forces that can be united and gather all the wisdom and strength that can be gathered to reverse the strong and weak and defeat the spiritual family."

"Third, don't take chances or compromise. We can influence individual Taoist friends in the family, but we must not join them and think about the so-called defeat from within, or for the sake of the overall situation... a revolution that cannot be destroyed. , will only usher in destruction and assimilation!”

"It will only lose its justice!"

"Oh oh oh oh! Justice! Justice! Justice!"

Everyone roared in response to these three consensuses.


It was Yun Ye's turn to appear.

His expression was very serious. He first looked over one by one and read everyone's names in his heart, and then said: "Everyone, four years ago today, our organization was established. It was named by Chief Yang Shi. "tomorrow"!"

As soon as he spoke, the entire venue suddenly became quiet.

There was only solemnity on everyone's faces.

The reason is simple. Today is the day when the Tomorrow Society was established, and it is also the death anniversary of the pioneer Yang Shi.

April 30th.

This was originally summer, but due to the catastrophe, the weather was abnormal and there was heavy snowfall.

This is an extremely important time for tomorrow's meeting.

Every year, the Tomorrow Club will give speeches on this day and bring joy to everyone. It is an important shared memory.

This time, after discussion, Taoist weapon awakening was added to the celebration, which once again increased the importance of this time.

However, Yun Ye had not expected that the final disaster would begin in advance.

It happened to be today, which was too much of a coincidence.

Is it the function of calamity?

Yun Ye doesn’t know.

Undeterred, he continued his mission.

"The former chief had lived a hard life since he was a child, and it was extremely difficult to survive. So he has always been confused. Is it so difficult to eat enough rice and live an ordinary life?"

"This doubt has always been kept in the mind of the former chief, and he still remembered it after he was recruited into Baishi Zhenxian Academy, so he practiced while investigating, and began to dig out the reasons. He wanted to understand why ordinary people live like this difficult."

"Then the former chief found out, could it be due to demons? In this world where demons are raging, there is too little land that can be cultivated. Without the protection of spiritual practitioners, there may be no harvest at any time."

"Is it because cultivating a spiritual practitioner consumes too much food, so ordinary people like us are starving?"

"In this case, it doesn't seem unacceptable?"

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