A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 180 The new Taoist user (Part 1)

"We use our best intentions to speculate on the noble families and bet on their kindness. Will they respond to us in this way?"

"Obviously, it is impossible, because this is the evil of human nature. In addition to the noble families, there are also extremely harsh taxes, landlords who don't want you to sell your children for loans, rampant hooligans, and the reality that even if demons attack, you still need to pay for people again."

"All this shows that things are not that simple."

Of course it is not that simple, otherwise how could the noble families build a thousand-year foundation?

Except for the children, everyone in the audience has experienced all of the above. There is no difference whether in the town or outside the town. They will not stop until they exploit people to the extreme.

"In the past, because of the environment and cognition, everyone always believed that the exchange between them and the government was equal. The land, resources, and even the air belonged to that very few people, so it was natural for us to farm for them and pay them money."

"So, even if they didn't do any labor, they could exploit us, making the land we worked hard to cultivate, the clothes we made, and the houses we built all belong to them, and none of them belonged to us."

"We ordinary people will tell ourselves that this is the foundation laid by their ancestors, and it is what they deserve. They also trained spiritualists to protect our safety. Without them, we don't even have a chance to survive."

"But if you argue with the members of the spiritual family, they won't even look at you, they will just chop off your head directly... There is power in "Is the reason important? It's not important. This is just the comfort we weaklings give ourselves, so that we don't live so painfully."

"Let's not talk about where their foundation comes from. Even if it's true, why don't they kill all the untouchables and leave the land for themselves? Are we... willing to be born on this land?"

"The reason is simple. They are the superiors. How can they do those dirty and tiring work? They must have slaves to serve them."

"For this reason, even if they ignore our existence and don't regard us as the same kind, they will still let us reproduce."

"Let us become something that can be killed and played with at will, inexhaustible and inexhaustible..."


"You know, even ants are greedy for life!"

Yun Ye's chest was burning with anger, "So The first priority of life is to survive, and we humans are no exception. They regard us as beasts, killing us at will, and even designing sacrifices to the catastrophe, so that we can kill each other..."

"All of this does not need any reason or empty words to prove its irrationality."

"We must resist! We will definitely resist! We must resist!"

"This is the fundamental contradiction between us and these spiritual families!"

"The resistance in the past was forcibly suppressed by them. We mortals have no knowledge, no resources, and no talent. We have nothing. What can we use to fight against the spiritual families?"

"Under normal circumstances, our powerlessness should last for countless years, and this kind of power order should remain unchanged forever..."

"However, there will always be someone who has gathered all the elements of knowledge, resources, and talent, and And they are willing to stand up, fight for it, and create a correct world. "

"And this is the origin of our tomorrow's meeting. Chief Yang Shi can fight against the realm of law, so it is not difficult for him to join it, but even if he dies, he still firmly believes in his beliefs and roars as a mortal. "

"This is our hope!"

Yun Ye raised his voice and looked at everyone, "Chief Yang Shi gave us all his wisdom and strength, allowing us to develop safely and gain unimaginable power for mortals. In some aspects, we have even surpassed Baishi Town and gained the hope of defeating the spiritual family of Baishi Town!"

"This road is indeed difficult, and it can even be said that it is a life-and-death struggle. But someone should stand up and create a fair and just world for future generations and our descendants, without the oppression of these high-ranking people."

"This is my philosophy, this is my way, I will do everything I can to open up the right world, everyone..."

"Can you lend me a hand? ”

Everyone in the audience stood up, women put down their children, men took off their hats, and the children also showed seriousness.

They crossed their hands, with the left hand outside and the right hand inside, and bowed to the young man on the stage:

"Rice, we should follow closely behind!"

"Rice, we should follow closely behind!"

Two consecutive sounds echoed throughout the venue.

Yun Ye smiled and nodded, and the sky was full of flames and water splashes. Under the gaze of everyone, the strangeness of the sky and the earth showed its true shape and emitted warm light.

The Tao contained in it was directly reflected in everyone's heart.

"Tomorrow and tomorrow, how many tomorrows there are."

"Only by cutting off the spiritual family in our era, our descendants, and our future can be extended!"

"Today I will awaken the Tao instrument for everyone! Tao is an extension of ideals and the echo of the heart. Only when you are determined to thoroughly implement your ideals, can the Tao instrument be awakened. I don't know the difficulty of awakening the Tao instrument in Baishi Town, but the Tao of tomorrow..."

"It's very, very, very difficult! ”

“The path to tomorrow requires a strong heart that can face despair head-on, but this is not something that comes naturally.”

“It requires tempering, practice, and development step by step.”

"Don't be discouraged because you can't awaken the Taoist weapon. If you haven't practiced enough, then practice. As long as you don't stop, one day you will have the opportunity to implement your own path!"

"I'll understand later!"

Everyone responded in unison.

Whether it is Yang Shi, Ning Xiao, Tong Huoyang, Tian Jing, Tian Yu, Tian Shi, or even Yue Xin.

They are all looking forward to this moment!

This is the moment for their ideas, their wisdom, their courage to respond!

Yun Ye closed his eyes and carefully felt the Taoist weapon of tomorrow.

The rhythm is diverging.

The echoes of his co-construction with the Tomorrow Society are emerging one after another.


As Yun Ye opened his eyes, Tomorrow appeared in the flames and water, sitting on his shoulders, holding his neck with his hands, and the light strips overflowed from Tomorrow's body.

This scene is very gorgeous.

Many people in the audience seemed to have seen some phantom and wiped their eyes, but it was still hazy and they couldn't see clearly, and they couldn't help but feel strange.

"Tomorrow comes tomorrow!"

"Form liberation!"

Yun Ye read out his real name.

At this moment, the fluttering fire ribbons of the Dao sword spread into countless silk threads wrapped around the sword body, and then extended downward to form a red cylinder, which seemed to be a scabbard.

When Yun Ye held it, he couldn't help but wave the Taoist weapon that was nearly two meters long——

The red flag unfolds and flutters in the wind!

The Taoist weapon suddenly turned into a flag!

As Yun Ye hit the ground hard with the flagpole, red was spreading, and countless red streamers spread, covering the entire venue, and even stretched out, decorating the houses in red.

"Is this... a Taoist weapon?"

Everyone was shocked. Looking at the young man on the high platform, holding a flag and changing the world in an instant, deep amazement echoed in their hearts.

So pure!

So grand!

This is the path they will take tomorrow!

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