A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 181 The new Taoist user (Part 2)

"Taoist weapon, the echo of the heart!"

"The way of tomorrow should be the way of courage that leads the people!"

A heavy echo resounded in everyone's hearts, hitting their hearts hard.

Immediately, countless rays of light from the heart covered their bodies, blooming in varying shades of light under the clear sky!

This is the Taoist weapon awakening.

When the power of the true name of Tomorrow and Tomorrow reaches its extreme and enters a state of liberation, it can awaken other people's Tao tools. This is also applicable to other Tao tools.

However, similar Taoist tools can only awaken similar Taoist tools.

Unlike the Yingyue Tianmen, it is a real Dao weapon awakening array, a tool for the heart. No matter what kind of Dao you have, as long as you have the will to follow it through, you can awaken it.


In Yun Ye's field of vision, there seemed to be thunder across the darkness, and a ray of light turned from white to red, showing a strong sense of presence.

The young man with wheat-colored skin widened his eyes and stared at his chest.

The metal hilt extended from his chest. The hilt was surrounded by fire clouds and even extended into the air, forming a floating red cloud.

"Is Tian Jing the first Taoist weapon user?"

Yun Ye was not surprised.

As far as he felt, Tian Jing was indeed the member of the Tomorrow Club with the most mature mind and the strongest fire of courage.

He was the first to awaken the Taoist weapon, of course.


The style is obviously different from Yun Ye, there are differences.

"Humanity Red Cloud Sword!"

In the end, the sword completely emerged, and Yun Ye, as its source, directly saw the sword's ability.

"Taoist weapon: Humanity Red Cloud Sword." 』

"Scope: Baishi Town. 』

"Rating: E-level. 』

"Response: 0. 』

"Rules: Not set. 』

"True name: Humanity Hongyun: The team you lead is invincible and extraordinary. 』

"Introduction: The way of man is not to lose enough but to be rewarded with more than enough." The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is excess damage. 』

"Forbidden extraordinary Taoist tools...Is this to fight against the way of man and enter the way of heaven?"

Yun Ye was also moved.

These two sentences of introduction come from the Tao Te Ching. The two sentences in the original text state that the way of heaven comes first and the way of man comes behind.

But here in Tianjing, the way of man comes first and the way of heaven comes behind.

The way of heaven is the way of balance. Everything in the world is in a cycle. When there are more clouds and fog, rain will form a lake. When there are fewer clouds, the sun will evaporate and turn into fog again. The excess will always be naturally adjusted to the less place.

The way of human beings is completely opposite. Often the poor give everything to the rich. Even though it is already insufficient, they still want to sacrifice this deficiency and offer more than enough.

Replacing the way of man with the way of heaven is an explanation of the theory of tomorrow. Because it is against human nature, it is particularly difficult. Having such an idea is already a great courage.

Yun Ye nodded approvingly.

Even if the current Humanity Hongyun Sword doesn't respond at all, it's still a trump card!

The Red Cloud Sword of Humanity is a Taoist weapon of the future. It has the function of gathering people's hearts and turning them into power.

The only difference from Yun Ye is that Tian Jing no longer has the power to lead and simply uses ready-made power.

He is suitable as a general, not a leader... On the other hand, it actually means that his ideas are unrealistic. This path is unworkable and has been practiced in modern times.

Yun Ye follows the concept of using people instead of fighting them, even when he has invincible power.

The Humane Red Cloud Sword was completely pulled out.

This is a simple sword wrapped in a faint red mist. The hilt and blade are very suitable for fighting. It is not like Yun Ye, but more like a symbolic ceremonial sword.

Everyone's Taoist tools are related to their mental images. Tian Jing only wanted to kill all enemies and had no intention of becoming a leader, so his Taoist tools also took on the form he wanted.

"Master, I'm done waking up!"

After Tian Jing took hold of the Taoist tool, he completely understood the situation. He couldn't help but cheered and was extremely excited.

"Come on stage. You are the first to awaken the Taoist weapon. Not bad."

Yun Ye nodded.

Tian Jing hurriedly came on stage, stood next to Yun Ye and smiled stupidly, feeling the infinite honor.

The first one to awaken the Taoist weapon shows that he has the strongest will and the deepest understanding of the way of tomorrow!

How can you not be proud of this?

He couldn't put it down holding the Taoist weapon, and couldn't wait to study the strangeness of his own Taoist tool.

"Tian Jing, feel the Taoist tools carefully. This is a reflection of your heart. If you talk with your heart, you should be able to detect something."

Yun Ye said without looking back.


Tian Jing's expression immediately became solemn, he closed his eyes and began to have a spiritual dialogue with the Taoist instrument.

He has fully opened the three major methods. After completing the spiritual method, he began to practice the spiritual method and the physical method.

It is not difficult for him to gather his spirit and have a conversation.

And after closing my eyes and meditating for a short time, the whole world immediately turned dark, as if it was being pulled down.

Tian Jing didn't struggle and let everything happen.

As darkness swallowed him completely.

Little bits of starlight also lit up.

Tian Jing's consciousness opened his eyes, and what he saw was not the material world, but a vast starry sky.

The starry sky was deep and dark, with only two faint lights. The light closest to him made Tian Jing feel familiar and realized that he could control it.

The light in the distance made him feel trust and warmth, but it was uncontrollable.

"Are these my Taoist tools and my master's Taoist tools?"

Tian Jing quickly understood the situation.

He turned around and looked at the lightless part of this dark land. Almost instantly, the deep darkness almost swallowed him up - in the darkness, there seemed to be countless eyes staring at him, and a sense of fear arose spontaneously!

"What is this!"

Tian Jing couldn't help but take a step back, approaching the light source of the Taoist artifact, and his fear was immediately dispelled.

He held his chest, feeling a little stuffy, but he didn't understand why.

Finally, he shook his head: "There is great terror in this darkness. We cannot act without authorization. We will wait until we go out and ask the master."

He calmed down his mind, raised his Taoist weapon, and guided himself with light, hoping to exit this state.

But before his vision became blurry, and before he was about to leave, he saw another light appear in the darkness.

The second Taoist envoy? who is it?

When Tian Jing opened his eyes, he saw a woman in a white dress walking onto the stage, with a silver scale floating beside her.

Judging from the feel, it is the new Taoist weapon of tomorrow.

"Master Si Xi, congratulations!"

Tian Jing saluted quickly.

"You are number one. You are much better than me. It's very good. Dao's vision is really unique."

Tong Huoyang smiled.

Tian Jing thanked him repeatedly, with a touch of pride on his face, which said "Who is the master? Of course".

Yun Ye couldn't help but smile and said to Tong Huoyang: "Talk quietly to the Taoist weapon. Although your Taoist weapon has nothing to do with combat, it is still very important. Try to borrow my power."

"Okay." Tong Huoyang nodded lightly, and went directly into a state of meditation without asking any more questions.

"Master, I just entered a dark place. What is that? I seem to feel great terror!" Tian Jing took the opportunity to ask.

"That's where the Taoist tools exist. In addition to us, there are countless Taoist tools that have disintegrated. If you leave the protection of the Taoist tools, your soul will be directly destroyed by the ideas of these Taoist tools. However, the Taoist tools will follow you. , as long as you don’t force the separation of the Dao Device, it’s okay.”

Yun Ye said, "I let you enter the land of Tao tools because I want you to try to borrow my power. Tao tools need echo and recognition. Tao tools without echo are too weak. Your Tao tools can only To deal with spiritual practitioners in the mortal realm, but if you can borrow my power, you may be able to interfere with the spiritual realm.”

"Master, do you know what power my Taoist weapon has? I don't seem to understand it myself." Tian Jing scratched his head.

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