A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 182 The new Taoist user (Part 2)

It takes time to understand the effects of one's own Taoist tools.

In other words, you need to practice your own path before you can gradually understand that this is a trial.

Yun Ye possesses the Book of Reincarnation, which is also the original Taoist tool, and is accompanied by the personality of Tomorrow.

Just because he can tell the real name at a glance doesn't mean that others can too.

"Experience it for yourself."

There were beads of sweat dripping from Yun Ye's forehead. Maintaining his liberated form was not without burden.

His palms began to tremble, and the flag was showing signs of falling out of his hands!

The liberation of tomorrow's form is not only about awakening Taoist tools, but also represents inspiring momentum, increasing courage and wisdom, and can also use this state to gather the power of those who identify with it.

Even if he doesn't fight now and Yun Ye hasn't gathered his strength, the burden is still huge and difficult to sustain for a long time.

He doesn't even have a spirit body now, which is completely incomparable with his previous life.

Although there were more than two hundred people present, bathed in light, no one was transformed into red.

Even Yang Shu, Ning Xiao and others in the upper echelons are only more than half qualified, and it is difficult to make a complete weapon.

"It seems that this is the end for today."

Yun Ye no longer held on forcibly, and the flag in his hand came out. A large number of red lines floated away, turning into flames and reorganizing.

Just like this, a hazy phantom of a black-haired little girl appeared under Tian Jing's gaze.

Tomorrow floated down on Yun Ye's shoulder and sat down, looking at Tian Jing and Tong Huoyang with his eyes closed very happily.

Her companions have increased!

"Master, am I hallucinating? I seem to have seen a little girl in red clothes!"

Tian Jing was stunned. Although it was unreal and very blurry, it was definitely not an illusion. He did see it.

However, what was even more shocking was that this "illusion" actually spoke. She was very surprised and said: "Master, why is your disciple so stupid? Can't you even recognize him tomorrow?"

"She, she really exists?" Tian Jing was completely shocked.

"I just got the Taoist weapon, so it's normal to not get used to it."

Yun Ye looked tired, "Tian Jing, you have just obtained the Taoist tool and can't see her figure clearly, but she is not an illusion, but the personality embodiment of the Tao of tomorrow. You can understand it as the spirit of the Taoist tool, named " "Tomorrow" represents the course of our journey."

"The spirit of the Taoist weapon? Could it be that all Taoist weapon users can see the Taoist spirit?" Tian Jing asked quickly.

Tomorrow smiled and said, "Of course not. Only powerful Taoist users and companions who agree with the way of tomorrow can see tomorrow! As for the weak Taoist users and companions who do not fully understand the way of tomorrow, they can only see tomorrow." To the hazy tomorrow!”

"Changed because of cognition? How can it be like this? Divine law seems to be completely unable to do similar things..." Tian Jing felt that his brain was not enough.

"I am a concept of Tao, not a substantial thing. No matter how you look at it with your eyes, you can't see it. You should have seen a trace before, right? Now, it is clearer, because you awaken the Tao weapon, Clarify your own path," said Tomorrow.

"A trace from before? It turned out that you assisted the master?" Tian Jing also remembered it at this time. Before the Taoist weapon turned into a flag, a hazy red phantom seemed to appear on the master's body.

"Of course, without Tomorrow, the master would not be able to help so many of you awaken the Taoist tools." Tomorrow smiled happily.

"Is it difficult to wake up the Taoist weapon?"

"You can see for yourself."

Tian Jing subconsciously lowered his head and looked down the stage. At this time, he discovered the problem. Everyone was sitting slumped in their chairs, as if they had fallen asleep.

"Awakening a Taoist weapon requires very strong spiritual beliefs, and if you want to inspire these beliefs to turn into a Taoist weapon, it naturally requires a lot of mental energy. Successfully awakening it is not bad, it is equivalent to fixing the mind."

"But if not, this part of the mental energy will overflow, causing a strong sense of fatigue. This is the same for the master. He needs to bear the "weight" of everyone. Without my help, your total mental capacity will be lost once Too much and it can overwhelm the ritual and cause serious injury to the owner.”

Explain tomorrow.

In other words, if it is not the original Taoist tool, it will not be able to awaken people with stronger spiritual power than itself.

In fact, the ceremony cannot awaken too many people at one time, because the more chaotic the energy, the greater the burden. Just a small amount does not mean there is no problem.

"It's so difficult to wake up the Taoist weapon? Master, are you okay?"

Tian Jing asked quickly.

"It's okay, I just need to rest for a few days."

Yun Ye shook his head.

Two hundred people is far from tomorrow's limit, so his losses are very small and he can recover in a day or two at most.

"Dao, is this what I mean by using your power? I can feel those special rules."

Tong Huoyang opened his eyes, and the reverberation power of the scale in his hand was much stronger than before.

"The interference range of a single Dao weapon is limited, so you need to share the burden, so that even if you are separated by two places, you can borrow my power to exert the power of Dao."

"However, the true name is a unique effect of Taoist tools. Borrowing power can only enhance the true name, and the true names of other Taoist tools cannot be used."

Yun Ye said.

"That's enough. The principles of the contract and the principles of demon slaying. These two alone are amazing! The contract makes us completely trust each other, and the demon slaying brings our strength to a higher level. The next step should be to continue to strengthen it. Demon-slaying principles, right?”

Tong Huoyang said.

"The current contract principles are sufficient, and the focus will indeed be on enhancing the demon-slaying principles."

Yun Ye nodded.

"Good! Very good! I have eliminated the demons and gained strength at the same time. Kill two birds with one stone!"

Tong Huoyang praised him repeatedly.

"Ah, Master, Four Seats, what are you talking about?"

Tian Jing on the side looked confused. He had only entered the land of Taoist tools for a short time and had not yet borrowed power.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, you will understand when you borrow power..."

Yun Ye and Tong Huoyang looked at each other and laughed.

"Ah this?"

Tian Jing scratched his head.

Off stage.

Everyone woke up faintly, all with complicated expressions, some even shed tears.

To awaken the Taoist weapon, one needs to be clear about their nature. Looking back on everything in the past, they probably thought of sad things.

Those who join the Tomorrow Party are all poor people. Who is not sad?

Not everyone has a strong heart like Tian Jing, who can set a goal and move forward without any hesitation.

Even Yun Ye only reached this point after growing up life after life.

To a certain extent, Tian Jing does have a heroic appearance.

"It failed..."

Yang Shu sat on the chair and sighed. He knew that this was his limitation.

Taoist tools require the will to carry out everything.

Although he is not afraid of death, he is restrained by various factors. He has been in a high position for a long time and does not need to be involved in danger. His will has long been weakened and is not enough to support a substantial Taoist weapon.

In front of others, you can deceive through force, but in front of yourself, how to deceive?

The awakening of the Taoist weapon is like a mirror looking into the demon. Whether you fully believe in the Tao of tomorrow, whether you have the corresponding courage and courage, you will know by looking at it!

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