A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 183 Strength EX Level

Time passed in celebration and various discussions.

Yun Ye held Yue Xin in his arms, and the book of reincarnation in front of him turned page by page without wind.

Looking at the constantly changing information on his panel, Yun Ye pondered and thought about the final decision.

The book of reincarnation has a column of "strength", which allows him to know how strong he is.

After the practice was completed, his strength evaluation has risen to A+ level, which is described as second only to the Dharma Realm.

In other words, all the spiritual realm cultivators in Baishi Town are no longer his opponents.

And this A+ strength is just the normal state, not including the ability to burn life and the mark of the great calamity.

And the peak state of the normal state is when the Eight Directions Extreme Cold Formation is laid.

With the help of the optimized formation and magic tools, the spiritual realm of Baishi Town has entered the formation and it is basically impossible to survive.

But for the Dharma Realm, there is a high probability that the formation will be destroyed in one move, and it is impossible to effectively resist.

Yun Ye thought about it and added the sublimation of the spirit root to the strength component, and then looked at the evaluation.

As a result, A+ became A++ but not S, which means that it is still unable to fight against the realm of law.

"There should be no A++ rating. Is the gap between the spiritual realm and the realm of law too big?"

Yun Ye shook his head and added the element of "Ultimate".

With the three methods activated, he can already use the ultimate, but he has no spirit body and will die after using it.

Now A++ has finally changed to S-, and the ultimate disorder can barely allow Yun Ye to cross to the level of the realm of law.

However, the ultimate that only lasts for a few seconds is impossible to play a role, so it is only S-, and there is no possibility of fighting and killing the realm of law in Baishi Town.

Yun Ye continued to add "Celestial Phenomenon Type 1" on the basis of launching the ultimate. "Celestial Phenomenon Type 1" is the kind that Yun Ye used in the Yingyue Secret Realm. It relies entirely on kinetic energy to hurt people, and the speed can reach more than 20,000 meters per second.

In theory, "Celestial Phenomenon" is his strongest attack method, even the ultimate is far inferior.

But unfortunately, S- did not change to S.

In other words, the original Celestial Phenomenon Type 1 could not defeat the strong with the weak and defeat the judge. At most, it would be seriously injured.

Even after these judges are alerted, it will be difficult to injure them with consecutive hits.

The essence of life of cultivators in every realm is undergoing great changes, and their reaction speed and even their perception of danger are evolving rapidly. Unless the pure speed attack of the celestial phenomenon is incredibly fast, it is indeed difficult to work.

Yun Ye continued to join the "Celestial Phenomenon Type 2".

Type 2 is an evolution of Type 1. The spiritual pattern of Type 1 is very rough and cannot be finely modulated. It is purely based on his own exploration.

But Type 2 is different. It draws on the Samadhi True Fire Method and forms a weapon pattern similar to the Great Spirit Method.

In short, the spiritual power of Type 2 is more than ten times that of Type 1, and the power increase is far more than ten times - if there are more advanced materials, the effect should be even better.

At the current speed attack, even the extraordinary materials of the disaster demons will be burned almost instantly.

The speed can continue to increase, but most of the power must protect the materials, and the power cannot be increased explosively.

With the addition of Type 2, Yun Ye's strength rating finally changed to S-level, which means that he may be able to kill the realm of law, but a lot of conditions need to be met, such as the opponent is in the range of disorder and is not alert.

Then there is "Celestial Phenomenon Type 3". "Type 3" is completely different from the previous two types. It no longer relies on the strength of the material itself, but adds the silence of all things.

The reason why the carrier material of the celestial artifact evaporates is that the temperature caused by frictional heat is too high. Yun Ye considered using water spirit law to form a layer of film protection, but the spiritual law carried by the material is limited. If there are more water spirit laws, the fire spirit law will be reduced, resulting in a decrease in power.

Yun Ye simply went all the way and used the combined spirit law Silence of All Things. As an ultra-low temperature spirit law, Silence of All Things only needs to occupy a very small part of the position to achieve the same effect as the water spirit law.

The only bad thing is that the difficulty of refining has also increased explosively. If Yun Ye is not engraving the spirit pattern, but directly infusing his own spirit law into it, he will hardly be able to succeed in refining.

The performance of the celestial phenomenon type 3 born under this situation has obviously been improved by leaps and bounds.

After Yun Ye finished making it, he didn't even do the experiment, fearing that the noise would be too loud and attract people from Baishi Town.

After Yun Ye added Celestial Phenomenon Type III to the strength rating, the rating jumped directly from S to S+.

Ordinary realms of law would not be opponents of this move!

Yun Ye raised his eyebrows, "Celestial Phenomenon Type III still can't reach the strongest? Is it because of the Taoist weapon? Or does the Ji family's realm of law have various secrets that can offset the lethality of Celestial Phenomenon Type III?"

The last step is to add the Great Tribulation Mark, which is his last resort.

And the Great Tribulation Mark did not disappoint everyone.

For the first time, Yun Ye had a value that reached the EX level, reaching the strongest in Baishi Town.

In other words, no matter how strong the realm of law in Baishi Town is, as long as it is a single target, Yun Ye can suppress it in a short time, and if it exceeds enough, there is even a chance to kill it.

The reversed liberation form can obtain unparalleled invincible talent, and the calculation power is naturally included in it, and it is highly likely to achieve the effect of "Celestial Phenomenon" face-to-face output.

There is no means of death, basically it is killed at the first sight, which requires grasping the timing of use.

Night fell amidst the noise and laughter.

All the senior executives discussed the Dao weapon issue for a while, and their moods were generally low. Not being able to awaken the Dao weapon was too depressing. No matter how much they were comforted, they could not hide their disappointment.

Yun Ye shook his head and said nothing more.

This is an incentive for them to make more progress and pursue their beliefs. If they are stumped by such small things, they will not be able to move forward on this road.

"Tian Jing, Huo Yang, please show us the power of Taoist tools. Your power is different from mine and has a wide range of applicability."

"Master, I'll go first!"

Tian Jing waved his hand, a red cloud tornado appeared, and a fire pattern sword rose up and was held by him.

But at this point, Tian Jing froze. By the way... what is the effect of his Taoist weapon?

I tried to chop twice, but a cloud of red mist floated around. It looked like an ordinary sword.

Even when Tian Jing cuts a dead object, he will pass directly through it. This sword has no entity?

"Ning Xiao, you use spiritual methods to attack Tian Jing."

Yun Ye reminded him directly.

"This weapon is only effective for spiritual magic? Tian Jing, I'm here, don't let it work and get hurt."

Ning Xiao responded with a smile.

"I don't know, but...it feels like it can work!"

Tian Jing held the sword and watched Ning Xiao make a move with keen interest.

As soon as Ning Xiao stretched out his hand, golden light spread in the air, forming a steel sword, and then he slashed directly towards Tian Jing.

The latter also raised his hand and greeted him with the sword in his hand.

Under everyone's gaze, the two swords collided, and then the sword body created by Ning Xiao using the golden spirit method broke directly.

No, I should say smash.

The contact position completely disappeared!

Ning Xiao couldn't help but was stunned and said: "It's interesting. This feeling doesn't seem to be consumed by spiritual magic, but more like disappearing into thin air?"

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