A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 185 Huo Yang's Dao Weapon

After Tian Jing showed off the Taoist tools, it was Tong Huoyang's turn.

Just like Yun Ye mentioned.

Tong Huoyang's Taoist tools are related to justice.

"Taoist weapon: Judgment scale." 』

"Scope: Baishi Town. 』

"Rating: E-level. 』

"Response: 0. 』

"Rules: Not set. 』

"True Name·Judgment: When facing the scale of judgment, you cannot lie. You must either tell the truth or remain silent." The effectiveness has nothing to do with strength, as long as the conditions are met, it can be activated.

Condition 1: The person being interrogated needs to violate public order, good customs or the law.

Condition 2: The person being interrogated needs to be in a judicial location designated by the Tomorrow Meeting.

When the conditions are met and the interrogation is carried out, all actions will be stopped and all violence will be invalidated until the answer is completed and the verdict is pronounced, and the verdict has the force of the rules. 』

"Introduction: Laws and regulations that treat everyone equally are worth abiding by. 』

Under the influence of Taoist tools.

Tong Huoyang will be a perfect interrogator. When she is present, the suspect can only tell the truth or remain silent.

Generally speaking, the innocent person will definitely speak out and absolve himself of the crime, and the guilty person will definitely remain silent and not admit guilt.

Based on the absolute measurement of Taoist instruments, silence can be directly regarded as guilt, which is enough to successfully complete 99% of cases.

As for the remaining 1%, there may be silent scapegoating and half-truth.

Absolute fairness is difficult to achieve. Yun Ye only pursues fairness as much as possible and does not want to get into trouble.

In this case, Tong Huoyang's Taoist weapon is perfect enough and worthy of becoming the ace of the Tomorrow Club.

The conditions for the use of real names have been completed.

The test begins.

Everyone tried it in the meeting hall.

Due to special considerations, Yun Ye participated in the experiment this time and did not let anyone else take his place.

The two sat down, and Tong Huoyang asked as instructed: "Name?"

Yun Ye pondered for a while: "Tong Huoyang."


"It seems that the council chamber cannot be used as a judicial venue."

Tong Huoyang said a little speechlessly.

Yun Ye did not agree with this. He did not feel that he could not speak, but this may be because of his specialness.

Yun Ye and Ning Xiao changed places and asked again.


Tong Huoyang asked with a sigh.

"Tong Huoyang?"

Ning Xiao also said tentatively.

"It seems that it really doesn't work..."

Everyone stood up.

After leaving the meeting hall, everyone discussed it, verbally designated a room as the judicial venue, and conducted another experiment.

Everyone repeated the previous questions and answers.

However, the Taoist weapon still had no intention of triggering.

"It seems that judicial venues must be formal enough. Does it need legal confirmation? The current laws of our Tomorrow Association are indeed extremely rough. They all rely on feelings to resolve disputes. It doesn't matter when the number of people is small, but when it is no longer limited to one village, the problem will be exposed.”

Yun Ye said.


Everyone was lost in thought, and they were greatly surprised.

Due to the background of the world, the concept of law is not clear in their minds, and they rely more on public order and good customs to make judgments. In this case, ten people may have ten different outcomes of the case, and it is difficult to say that it is objective and fair.

What's more, people's cognition is affected by education and environment, and they may be unconsciously limited by their cognition, leading to huge "errors" in the outcome of the case.

"Without being able to designate judicial venues as desired, Huoyang's Taoist tools cannot be used in actual combat. However, as a simple judgment tool, it has sufficient deterrence."

Yun Ye felt a little pity, but he continued, "Huo Yang, you can take on the additional position of No. 6 from now on. When the law is perfected, your Taoist weapon will be able to work."

After hearing this, everyone was a little silent.

Number 3 is legislative, and number 6 is judicial. This is a position that offends people very much and also has great power.

The current Tomorrow Club already has a framework, we just need to fill it with things.

Even if it is not used now, it does not prevent everyone from knowing its deterrent power.

In particular, it is the Taoist envoys who hold corresponding positions.

There is no room for accommodation.


Tong Huoyang nodded.

She awakened the corresponding Taoist tools, naturally hoping to safeguard the existence of the Tomorrow Society with justice.

"Then, the next step is to improve the law, which will completely determine the nature, direction, and program of the Tomorrow Party. It is impossible for the Tomorrow Party to always operate according to personal will."

Yun Ye said slowly.

In the next few months, the most discussed topic among senior leaders of Tomorrow Club was the law.

The establishment of various detailed legal boundaries has greatly changed the perception of the entire Tomorrow Club.

After actually confirming the law, they discovered that these problems that were solved casually in daily life actually had so many details. It could even be said that the set they conceived based on common sense was completely inconsistent with the theory of tomorrow. It doesn't reflect fairness and justice at all.

As this first law was only the result of a few months, and was the result of Yun Ye drawing on a large amount of legal knowledge from his previous life, it was only designated as a draft and was implemented in a transitional manner, leaving huge room for change.

The first draft contains a large amount of content and is a combination of the Constitution, criminal law, and civil law. The most important content is not the detailed laws, but the general outline.

The general outline completely determines the nature and direction of tomorrow's meeting.

The ultimate goal of the Tomorrow Society is to benefit the people and create a fair enough society, and all laws and regulations are established for this purpose.

To achieve this in the extraordinary world, you first need to submit power to fairness and law.

Based on actual experience, it is obvious that the Spiritual Law Family will not abide by these rules that restrict themselves.

To this end, the Tomorrow Society needs to proceed from reality, pursue its own power, and suppress forces that do not obey order.

This is a clear development line.

If you want to change, strength is the key.

Without power, everything is empty talk.

It was precisely because Yun Ye did not have the corresponding strength that he relied on the power of the group to change the gap between strength and weakness.

During the months of discussions, Yun Ye did not forget to practice and kept trying to find his own way to heaven.

But unfortunately, perhaps the time to reach perfection was too short, and Yun Ye didn't have the slightest clue.

He can only cast a spiritual body to achieve the second requirement of breaking into the spiritual realm.

Spiritual method, physical method, divine method.

As the three heavenly roads of spiritual practice, each road can be penetrated independently without relying on other methods.

The same is true for spirits.

There are three steps for spiritual monks to advance to the spiritual realm. After completing their practice, they step onto the path to heaven and create a spiritual body.

The last step of creating a spiritual body is not actually a physical method, but a step common to the three heavenly paths.

The body method practices the circulation of life force, uses life force to create life meridians, and uses life force to transform the Yang spirit body.

The spiritual consciousness method practices the circulation of spiritual consciousness, uses spiritual consciousness to create spiritual meridians, and uses spiritual consciousness to transform the Yin spirit body.

Similarly, the law of spiritual roots is to use spiritual methods to transform the five-element spirit body or the spirit body without attributes. There is no essential difference between the three ways.

The spiritual law is the five elements, and the spirit and body are yin and yang.

Yin and Yang are also spiritual attributes, and the body of Yin and Yang is naturally a spiritual body.

Yun Ye can't find the way to heaven at present, so he can only try to create a spirit body first.

After being baptized by the Nine Marrow Spirit Body, Yun Ye had finally touched the edge.

The spirit body is nothing more than baptizing itself with spiritual energy to separate the physical body from the mortal world. As long as there is enough spiritual power, every cell can be transformed.

After this attempt, Yun Ye discovered something was wrong.

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