A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 186 The Secret of the Spiritual Body and the Beginning of the Final Catastrophe

"There seems to be a deviation. Why is my lifespan decreasing?"

"This did not happen when the Nine Marrow Spirit Body was created!"

Yun Ye frowned.

In his last life, he directly ate the Nine Marrow Spiritual Grass to obtain a spiritual body, and did not get a glimpse of all the secrets of the spiritual body.

However, the most basic thing is that creating a spirit body will not reduce your lifespan.

Otherwise, the massive amount of spiritual power would wash away the body, and it would be corroded and die before it could be formed into a spiritual body!

There is no doubt that the aristocratic family does not have this situation. They just introduce spirits into the body. The richer the external spiritual energy, the faster they can create the spirit body, and their life span will not be reduced at all.

To talk about the difference between Yun Ye and the children of the aristocratic family...


Yun Ye's expression gradually became ugly.

There are three steps from the mortal realm to the spiritual realm. The first step is to perfect the practice, the second step is to ascend to heaven, and the third step is to build a spiritual body and enter the spiritual realm!

The most special thing about ascending the bloodline is that the natural path to heaven is opened, and you can directly skip the second step!

Could it be that it is impossible to create a spiritual body without stepping into the heavenly path?

Yun Ye suddenly felt his scalp numb.

This road to heaven is extremely vague even among aristocratic families, and Yun Ye has no corresponding concept until now.

When interrogating Chao Zi Zhong, he couldn't explain why.

In Chaozi Zhongkou, he could feel that he was standing on the stairs to heaven and which step he was on.

But when asked how he climbed the stairs and what he had encountered, Chao Zizhong said he had no idea at all.

What happened on the pilgrimage will be forgotten directly after leaving, leaving only some feelings.

For example, it’s impossible to climb, just a little bit worse, there’s big terror, etc…

It's all a vague feeling and completely inaccurate.

Even if Chao Zizhong has crossed the basic tenth level and reached the thirteenth level, he still doesn't know what happened.

According to his own statement, he felt that he could not continue on the later levels, so he stopped at the thirteenth level.

Failure on the road to heaven will have serious backlash. If you try casually, the road will be cut off.

Even, direct death.

Zhuo Qilian once said that people who overestimate their own abilities will die because of it.

In addition to the dangers in cultivation, the most important thing is actually climbing the heavenly road.

There is no self-knowledge on the road to heaven, and it is no empty talk that death is not far away.

Yun Ye is not afraid of danger, but the question is where is the way to heaven?

How does he get on the road to heaven?

As far as reality is concerned.

He could find no trace of the road.

This kind of mysterious and mysterious thing is not suitable for him.

"It seems that I can only study how to make the spirit body harmless? Add life force to neutralize it?"

Yun Ye fell into deep thought.

Spiritual body casting, among the various methods of the aristocratic family, is simply the accumulation of spiritual power, with almost no skill involved.

It can be understood that the more times the spiritual power cleanses the physical body, the higher the final strength of the spiritual body will be.

The spirit body can increase spiritual power, reduce the erosion of spiritual power on the body, and even possess various magical powers.

Just say that the simple increase in spiritual power can start from one time and can jump to nine times or even more. The gap between genius and mediocrity is so huge that it is unimaginable.

And this kind of refining, according to the family, also has a reason. It does not mean that you can refining it as many times as you want. It follows certain rules.

For example, the more steps you take on the Pilgrim Road, the more times your body can endure.

For another example, the stronger the three methods, the more times the body can withstand training.

Yun Ye is not sure whether Tianlu will really increase the number of training times.

But when he was practicing, he did feel that his own spiritual energy cycle had a stabilizing effect, which greatly reduced the damage of spiritual energy to the body. If it was a more advanced practice, it should be able to minimize the damage and increase the change of direction. Number of washes.

Only by completing this can it be possible to create a five-element spirit body.


The main reason why Yun Ye does not use Yang spirit power to neutralize is because once neutralized, the spirit body formed is Yang attribute spiritual power + non-attribute spiritual energy = Yang attribute spirit body.

To advance to the spiritual realm through spiritual methods, you must be a five-element spirit body, or a spirit body without attributes...

That's the problem.

Is it necessary for Yun Ye to turn to the physical training method?

Moreover, the physical method only looks simple, but actually requires a lot of natural resources and earthly treasures. The difficulty of cultivation is not just to sit down and run the method, but also to train the body countless times to consolidate the foundation.

The road to Yun Ye's second life was cut off, not only due to poison, but also for this reason.

Whether it was the physical method, the spiritual consciousness method or the spiritual root method, he was too aggressive. He took drugs in a few days and his foundation was very unstable. It was strange that he could advance to the spiritual realm in this situation.

The issue of the Heavenly Path and the Spiritual Body really stumped Yun Ye. Without a clue, Yun Ye had to turn to the physical method and the Spiritual Consciousness Method in order not to waste time, and did not delve into the Heavenly Path issue any further.

For two months, Yun Ye remained as he was and continued to practice one elixir a week.

Since he had been practicing for part of the time before, in the past two months, Yun Ye's physical body method and spiritual consciousness method have completed three cycles, advancing from the entry level to the second realm, laying the foundation.

The reason why the second realm is called foundation is that it is similar to the Qi Nourishing Technique. It is a stage that connects the past and the future. Mainly because after three cycles, the collapse speed of the energy meridians will be greatly reduced, which will have a great impact on subsequent practice.

These two methods laid the foundation and enhanced the basic quality, which significantly increased Yun Ye's combat power.

Not only are the spiritual techniques easier to use, the physical body can bear more burdens, and the maximum burst limit has been greatly increased.

But there is one thing to say, compared with the second life with a spiritual body, there is still a gap.

In this life, Yun Ye will definitely not be able to compete directly with the Dharma Realm physically. He will mainly have to rely on formations and various spiritual weapons.

As for the preparations at this stage, although they are still far behind, they are completely unable to meet Yun Ye's vision of crushing Baishi Town...

However, the time has come.

"The great disaster was born."

One day at noon, Ming Ming suddenly appeared and informed Yun Ye of the big news.

And it didn't take long for her to remind.

Everyone looked at the sky in the distance. A faint red spread suddenly, covering the entire sky, like a closed red crown, too conspicuous to ignore.

And the source of it all.

In the mountains a hundred miles away from Baishi Town.


A red bird similar to a phoenix spread its wings from the remaining red, and its clear chirping echoed for hundreds of miles.

With its birth, the spiritual energy of the entire world was plundered and swallowed up by it.

This process is extremely fast, so fast that it completely defies common sense.

Even if the Baishi Zhenfa Realm took action immediately, it still couldn't stop it.

This is calamity.

Once you're stuck in it, you can't break free.

There may even be reverse assistance...

"The true method of Samadhi, the divine bird type!"

The magic realm of the attack was that of the ancestor of the Zhu family. The fierce flames condensed, and a bird-shaped flame struck from the air.

This flame soared into the sky, as if it wanted to compete with the red bird, but as soon as it got close to the red bird, the bird-shaped flame began to twist, and then turned into a line of fire, which was swallowed into the aura field, and was about to become the power of the red bird.


The ancestor of the Zhu family also discovered the problem in an instant and directly detonated the divine bird type without letting the red bird swallow too much.

The flames that exploded were like fire from heaven. Once they fell, large areas turned into magma, which was close to a natural disaster.

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