A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 187 Catastrophe: Fire Kite


The air vibrates.

Red lights collide with red lights.

The battle between the Dharma Realm and the Great Disaster only emits light and heat, and the battle process is completely unclear.

But Yun Ye, who is far away, can also feel the air vibrating.

Another clear cry spreads.

The red light belonging to the Zhu family ancestor dims and falls to the ground. At the same time, several dazzling lights light up.

Four Dharma Realms attack at the same time to surround and kill the red bird that defeated the Zhu family ancestor.

Whether it is Baishi Town or Tomorrow Village.

Everyone is looking up at this battle. This is a rare scene, and the battle situation is closely related to everyone.

"The Great Disaster is born directly like the Disaster? Where is the environment?"

Yun Ye rushed out of the barrier and ran towards the nearest mountain.

Tian Jinggang came out and noticed this scene, and hurriedly followed.

The two quickly crossed various obstacles and reached the top of the mountain, gaining a clear enough view.


As Yun Ye's anxious voice fell, Tomorrow understood and took Yun Ye into a special vision of Daoqi.

The veins between heaven and earth appeared in an instant.

The red bird flying in the sky was also connected to these veins, so it showed its own footsteps.

"Fire Fate Kite?"

Yun Ye got its real name and origin.

——Fire Fate Kite, projected at the bottom of the fortune, likes to eat fate, is born with the character of fire fate, is invulnerable to all fires, can change the destiny of heaven with a thought, soars in the sea of ​​cause and effect, once ■■■■■■■, lived as long as heaven and earth, and ranked among the masters of the manifest world.

"Soaring in the sea of ​​cause and effect, living as long as heaven and earth, the master of the manifest world?"

Yun Ye was infinitely shocked.

This was the second time he saw the word "manifest world". Through the vision of Daoqi, Yun Ye knew that this was a realm.

It was a realm unique to demons, far superior to the great disaster!

The former flying zombie only had the possibility of returning to the position of the manifest world, and needed to go through countless disasters.

But the current Fire Fate Flying Kite is a genuine master of the Manifestation Realm. Could it be that he is conscious?

Why would such a terrifying thing come because of a disaster in a small place?

"Master, this great disaster was surrounded and killed by four Dharma Realms and they all had the absolute upper hand!"

Tian Jing said in shock.

In the distance, another light dimmed and landed on the ground, with blood spilling, accompanied by a roar.

Another Dharma Realm was seriously injured and withdrew from the battlefield, and even died on the spot!

It was different from the Spirit Realm suppressing the disaster.

The great disaster did not correspond to the Dharma Realm. In terms of the power of Baishi Town, it would take more than five Dharma Realms to join forces, or the head of the Ji family to take action personally, in order to be able to kill.

And the Fire Flying Kite obviously cannot be judged as an ordinary great disaster. The Fire Flying Kite who masters the art of numerology kills the Dharma Realm like killing a dog.

Even if multiple Dharma Realms echo each other, one will be seriously injured and leave the field if he is not careful.

Maybe the strength of the Dharma Realm is not so bad, but these Dharma Realms come from different families in Baishi Town.

They were on guard against each other, hiding all their trump cards, and were unable to exert their full strength.

"Two realms of law have left so quickly, Baishi Town has encountered an invincible disaster!"

"Master, our chance has come!"

Tian Jing was excited, almost dancing with joy.

With the two realms of law leaving, this disaster can obviously fight again, and maybe kill a few realms of law.

Isn't this relieving their pressure?

They can even try to use celestial phenomena to sneak attack, with the power of celestial phenomena, they can kill the realms of law!

Yun Ye and Tian Jing thought exactly the same.

There are too many realms of law in Baishi Town, he can't take advantage of it, and cooperating with Huo Ming Yuan to maximize the killing of Baishi Town's living forces is the right choice.

This thought only lasted for a moment, and three black holes suddenly opened in the convergence of black cracks.

Three celestial phenomena emerged, and the spiritual patterns were activated, entering the launch state.

Huge spiritual energy began to gather continuously and accumulate power.

Yun Ye didn't know how long the battle would last. To be conservative, he only deployed three celestial powers to store power.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is limited. If too many are activated at the same time, the activation time will be greatly delayed, and there is a risk of missing the opportunity!

"Master! Are you going to take action too?"

Tian Jing's face changed slightly. It's easy to say that he will take action directly, but it also represents a huge risk.

Once he can't win, the next thing will be a disaster for the tomorrow meeting!

Even Tian Jing is just thinking about it. If he really wants to take action, he will wait until he is sure of it!

"We have to take action. After the catastrophe, Baishi Town will be free, and we will definitely be discovered..."

Yun Ye shook his head slowly.

After a long time of thinking, even if it is exhaustive, most of the situations have been taken into consideration.

If the tomorrow meeting continues to develop, it is indeed possible to gain stronger strength.

But it is more likely that Baishi Town will come to the door and be forced to fight against Baishi Town in its heyday.

This situation is actually very bad. It is better to seize the initiative than to be forced to fight.

Now that there is a great disaster to contain the high-level combat power of Baishi Town, it is already a perfect opportunity.

If he missed it, he would not only have to face various accidents, but the mark of the catastrophe that raised Yun Ye's strength to EX level would also disappear, and even backfire on the Tomorrow Dao weapon.

During this period of time, he must take action!

Yun Ye activated the Eye of Invisible Light to the extreme, and his pupils completely turned into flames, shrouded in blazing light and fire. This vision penetrated a hundred miles and tried his best to capture the opportunity.

Tian Jing on the side also mastered the Eye of Invisible Light, but the more he looked, the more surprised he was, and his mood began to become anxious.

Because the magic realm was so strong that he couldn't even capture the opponent's movements. How could he make a sneak attack?

Yun Ye has repeatedly praised him for being better than his master. At least in terms of capturing movements, he is indeed much better than his master!

But even so, he was completely unsure of how to lock on at a super long distance and hit such an existence!

Once it fails, it will be a shocking thing!

"Look and listen."

"The evening bell of Baishi Town must ring."

Yun Ye saw Tian Jing's uneasiness, and he told Tian Jing to feel more relieved and not to worry about the final result.

Among the rolling mountains.

The fighting stopped for a moment.

The three Dharma realm monks frowned and looked at the eagle-shaped red bird standing on the top of the mountain in the distance, preening its feathers.

Among them, Chao Shanhe said: "You two, do you know what this beast is doing? The battle just now... was too weird. If we can't understand the reason, we will restrain our hands, otherwise we will very likely make the same mistake again!"

"Indeed, although Ji Xuan was severely injured, he has recovered now and his combat power has not been weakened too much. Under our siege, this catastrophic beast was able to strangely injure Ji Xuan. If we don't understand the reason, it will be difficult to exert our full strength. "Ji Yan said, he didn't know what Huomingyuan was doing.

"Liu Dafa, you are very good at observing various details. Didn't you find any problems?" Chao Shanhe looked at the last of the three Dharma realms.

This is a very old man, even older than Chao Shanhe, but his aura far exceeds that of Chao Shanhe, and he is a strong man who cannot be underestimated.

Liu Jianxin.

Another Dharma Realm of the Liu family is an old man with a rigid and majestic face. He is hidden in the cyan aura, and it is difficult to distinguish his true location.

The old man also shook his head and sounded indifferently.

"I also can't understand that although Adjutant Ji Xuan's power hit the demon, it eventually turned around and hit Adjutant Ji Xuan himself instead. This may be some kind of fusion magical power, not the five elements' magical power."

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