A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 193 Heavy fog and misty sky

The gathering of people tomorrow did not attract the attention of many Dharma realms.

Although spiritual consciousness can sense, it is too far away, and only Ji Qing and Zhuo Qilian can cover the battlefield.

Second, as the offensive party, if Tomorrow Club cannot block the magic, it will be difficult to take action.

For this purpose, everyone prepared a total of two formations.

One is the eight-sided extreme cold battle for attack.

The second is a mobile blocking barrier for concealment.

Before setting off, everyone used this mobile formation to cover up their actions, which could interfere with the detection of divine magic to a certain extent.

Because it is a mobile formation, this formation is only a small formation. In theory, it is far less powerful than a large, fixed formation. If the priest is more cautious, he is very likely to find clues.

But the problem is that Ji Qing needs to be wary of celestial attacks, and focuses more on prevention rather than searching.

Using spiritual consciousness to conduct large-scale scanning will lead to scattered accuracy, making both defense and search efficiency extremely low.

This is the effect Yun Ye needs. Everyone in Baishi Town resorted to rat weapons because of the celestial phenomena.

In this case, the possibility of Ji Qing discovering an abnormality in the mobile formation is only about 5%. Even if Ji Qing and others have magic that exceeds Yun Ye's calculations, the chance of being discovered will be increased to 17% at most.

This probability is enough to make a gamble tomorrow.

And this is Ji Qing.

Another person who may have noticed something unusual is Zhuo Qilian.

As an official of divine law whose divine power far exceeds that of Ji Qing, Zhuo Qilian's strength is the same as that of Ji Qing. There are a lot of unknowns and it is difficult to speculate.

But the blow just now gave Yun Ye a rough idea of ​​its normal level. She found that the chance of meeting tomorrow was about 30%. If powerful magic or other trump cards were used, the chance could rise to 100%. of.

But this is paper data.

Yun Ye has met Zhuo Qilian several times, and has already described his character and temperament.

She is extremely special. She is obviously in Baishi Town and cannot help herself. She should not be able to break free, but she maintains a certain degree of independence and does not completely fall in line with Baishi Town.

Even the workplace is an inconspicuous corner of the school.

Yun Ye's judgment in the reverse state was that Zhuo Qilian and Bai Shizhen were not from the same group, and it was almost impossible to attack with all their strength. Even if they discovered the Tomorrow Meeting, they would most likely make contact instead of directly killing them.

Of course, it would be best if there was no conflict. If there was a conflict, it would be part of the plan.

From the beginning, Tomorrow's Association has regarded the entire Baishi Town as an imaginary enemy, without taking into account the discord between the legal realms, various interest entanglements, and other factors that would weaken the strength of Baishi Town.

Only by preparing for the worst-case scenario from the beginning can you be able to face emergencies with ease when they arise.

Thirty-five people from the Tomorrow Meeting advanced silently, and almost all the spiritual practitioners came out in full force.

Each of the thirty-five people was divided into a team of twelve, led by Yang Shu, Tong Huoyang, and Tian Jing respectively.

Now not only Tian Jing is missing, but also Yun Ye as the center is missing. The formation is actually incomplete and needs to be reunited as soon as possible. Both sides are moving closer to a fixed location.

It's just that one party is advancing in the material world.

But Yun Ye and Tian Jing were advancing in the netherworld.

"Master, it seems like this place will corrode the spirit?"

Tian Jing noticed an ominous trend. The cold breath continued to invade his body, and part of his body had frozen.

Their physical bodies are now spiritual bodies, and their spiritual bodies are frozen. This is too bad. Mental injuries are more difficult to treat than injuries to their spiritual origin.

What's more, they have already been injured by divine magic. If they continue, they may damage their spiritual origin!

"This is the price of power...go!"

Yun Ye grabbed Tian Jing and suddenly jumped out of the black hole and fell into a forest.

Under the rays of sunlight, the coldness of the soul is quickly removed.

The next second.

Yun Ye entered the netherworld again.


In the blink of an eye, the wind gun that penetrated the sky and the earth fell, shattering the area.

"Empty! Space magic... is really difficult to deal with!"

Liu Jianxin looked ugly.

If their attack distance is extended, the power will be greatly weakened, and they will be less likely to hit anyone.

But that is compared to the legal realm!

Even in the spiritual realm, it is difficult to avoid their attacks even though they are hundreds of miles apart. The only problem is how to find them.

After Zhuo Qilian pointed out the specific location, the difficulty of tracking them dropped significantly.

Even if you escape into space, you will only search around this point.

If this is the case, Liu Quan and Ji Qing can barely do it.

But the problem comes again...

not enough time.

Although they were able to find Yun Ye quickly with their spiritual thoughts after he appeared, it still took time.

By the time the attack came, Yun Ye had already disappeared again.

This is a dead end!

"A mere mortal realm..."

All Dharma realms whisper in their hearts.

It's just that it's different from looking down in the past. This time, they are afraid and fearful.

How ridiculous it is that someone in the mortal realm can actually snipe and kill the dharma realm.

Where is the sanctity of power and realm?

"Please Dafa Ji take action!"

Everyone looked solemn and asked for instructions from the real master of Baishi Town.

In the dead silence of Baishi Town.

Ji Chongtian stood on the city wall with a stern face and watched all this with cold eyes.

In this world, even if he is as strong as he is, he is still afraid of many things.

Not everything can be overcome with force, at least not if the force is not enough.

If there is no other legal environment to test.

He directly launched the Great Law, trying to forcefully wipe out the disaster, but the result was probably a reversal of cause and effect, and he was eventually severely injured by his own move.

This is the importance of intelligence.

In the extraordinary world, you can be indifferent to everything, but you must be in awe of power!

So what if he is in the Mortal Realm?

The power he possesses is enough to kill the Dharma Realm, so he is the Dharma Realm, and he deserves his serious attention!

This is the power that can allow a mere Mortal Realm to cross two realms and kill the Dharma Realm. If there is a follow-up, how should he deal with it?

If he doesn't solve this problem, he can't take the risk himself.

He recalled everything he saw.

As an old man who has lived for two hundred years, even if he is confined to Baishi Town, he has experienced countless storms, and all kinds of experience and knowledge have not been forgotten by him.

From standing out from his family when he was young, to worshipping Yuntian Lingzong, and fighting against Lingze Monster Tide for ten years, he has come to the present day and has become the strongest in Baishi Town, and the reason for this is his keen intuition about fighting.

Seizing the smallest opportunity to break the situation is something that is difficult to learn even after experiencing life and death.

And he, Ji Chongtian, was born with this talent.

The current crisis is just one of his countless crises, and he will definitely be able to continue sweeping.

Put your hands together.

Ji Chongtian said coldly:

"Magic spell - foggy sky!"

As soon as he finished speaking.

The fog was filled with fog for dozens of miles, and you couldn't see your hand in front of you.

This is not a great method, nor does it have a strong power. It can simply block the field of vision.

If you have to say what is special about it, it is that it is like a natural scene, and the interference range is extremely large.

The entire battlefield was shrouded!

"Kill the disaster with all your strength!"

Ji Chongtian took off and officially joined the battle.

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