A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 194 My Life Comes First

When Yun Ye appeared for the second time, he had already exited the reverse liberation state. This state could not be maintained for a minute. It seemed that the power of this great calamity mark also came with a powerful price.

"Did you read that correctly..."

Yun Ye confirmed the existence of heavy fog.

In the Netherworld, he saw the fog through the Moon Reflection Ring.

However, until the outside world truly confirmed the fog, he could not help but feel lucky.

This is such a simple way to deal with it.

Can be biased.

He's really useful.

Although celestial phenomena do not rely on eyes for positioning, the principle is the same, they rely on light.

Now the road is directly blocked, even if the halo fire can be transformed into the only halo fire, gaining extremely strong penetration.

But this is a heavy fog created by the law. When the spiritual power levels are too far apart, it is impossible to take effect. It is equivalent to directly sealing the celestial phenomena.

This is the limitation of a single force. It cannot be positioned, and no matter how powerful the weapon is, it is meaningless.

Yun Ye knew before the attack that sooner or later these magic realms would discover the attack principle of the celestial phenomenon.

Only after killing the second one did I realize that the result was not bad.

Dharma realm is not a weed, it can be found everywhere.

Yun Ye continued to pull Tian Jing to escape into the netherworld.

This time there was no attack, because the entire battle in Baishi Town was devoted to killing Huoming Yuan.


The Fire Kite kept splattering blood, its strength was consumed rapidly, and it didn't have much power to fight back.

Because of Ji Yan's death, its tail feathers grew from five to seven, but in just seven seconds, it consumed one again.

Killing it is no longer difficult.

And in this short period of time, Yun Ye had already successfully reunited with everyone holding the Moon Reflection Ring, and appeared directly in the formation out of thin air.

In the Nether Hell, it is too easy to accelerate, and you can ignore the terrain and shuttle quickly.

The speed is so fast that it cannot be compared in the material world.

"Dao! Tian Jing! You are here!"

Yang Shu and others were alert for a moment, but immediately relaxed.

"Are you ready?"

Yun Ye said.


Yang Shu, Tong Huoyang, Ning Xiao and others nodded. Tian Jing, who came with Yun Ye, took over the formation flag and silently integrated into the formation.

Yun Ye glanced at the thirty-six people present and saw quite a few young faces.

There is still too little time for the development of tomorrow's meeting. These thirty-six people are all those who can fight.

They have been working together for more than a year, fully familiar with the formation, and devoted almost all their time to it.

For this reason, all researches have stalled, and only the formation is slowly advancing.

For the Tomorrow Society, which is extremely short of manpower, even Tong Huoyang and Tian Jing who have Taoist weapons must join the battle, otherwise the formation will not have sufficiently skilled hosts.

Most of the members participating in the formation have only awakened their spiritual roots for a year, and are not proficient in mastering spiritual power, let alone become the host of the formation.

Yang Shu, Tong Huoyang, and Ning Xiao all have at least five years of experience. This is their biggest advantage. If they are allowed to preside over the formation, they can barely guarantee the operation of the formation.

The only exception was Tian Jing. His ability to learn was too fast and he quickly caught up with Huo Yang and the others. He was appointed by Yun Ye as the third leader of the formation, while Ning Xiao and other old people were substitutes.

"Everyone, under normal circumstances, I should let a Taoist user leave and keep it as a kindling, but I thought about it for a long time and gave up."

"We are blazing a trail forward. No one is particularly important during this period, not even Taoist wielders. Only when leaders lead the way can followers be fearless."

Yun Ye was not one to encourage people. He just said loudly, "So, I decided to decide the outcome in a battle. I just sent the younger members to other places, or they would die..."

"Or die!"

Everyone responded in unison.

All the young faces were full of determination.

Young teacher, Xiao Yu.

The man who discussed a lot of weapon refining issues with Yun Ye was Qu Wang.

And a large number of living people.

They were just mortals who had just awakened their spiritual roots. Compared to Baishi Town, they were as fragile as tissue paper, but they still stood up and wanted to fight for the future of the Tomorrow Society.

Yun Ye nodded heavily. There was no doubt about the correctness of Tomorrow's concept. Even if it was counterintuitive and difficult to understand for a while, after a long period of study, the rewards would be huge.

Their faith is strong because they believe it, which is good. In terms of starting from the beginning, this is very good.

And what Yun Ye needs to do is to preserve this belief!

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted!

Continuous failures will make this belief die. Even if it is not Baishi Town, there will be a battle in any town. Only in this way can the theory of Tomorrow Society be truly separated from fantasy and enter the practical stage.

(It’s just such a pity... I am not smart enough to see this future, so I should not choose the period of great tribulation. This is a trap that seems perfect but is actually fatal.)

(To this day, all I can do is receive the "inheritance" in advance!)

Yun Ye closed and opened his eyes, completely clearing away distracting thoughts. He raised the formation disk, and the Samadhi True Fire spread, turning into a dim light that enveloped everyone, and everyone entered the bizarre netherworld.

"Set off!"

Ji Chongtian, Ji Qing, Liu Quan, and Liu Jianxin stood in the sky. The killing array was activated at these four corners, showing countless cutting lines, leaving Huoming Yuan with almost nowhere to escape and being killed continuously.

But with the magical power of destiny, a temporary failure is nothing. Huomingyuan can come back countless times.

Although the killing array was extremely effective, it happened to be restrained by Huoming Yuan.

If it were other catastrophic disasters with resurrection or regeneration abilities, they would probably be wiped out by their sharp energy. This is a killing array specifically aimed at monsters' resurrection or regeneration abilities.

During the battle, Huomingyuan grew again. Ji Yan's death allowed it to swallow more lives and reach the basic conditions.

This time Huomingyuan did not change the fate of Ji Chongtian and others, but changed himself...

It is destined to be innately deficient!

It was divided into five great tribulation marks by Yun Ye, and its projection was only destined to have one magical power.

Although the fire immunity has not disappeared due to his natural constitution, the most critical fire magical power cannot be used.

During this period of battle, it fought entirely with the power of disaster, without any zodiac signs.

Going from having no zodiac signs to having zodiac signs is equivalent to going from mortal to extraordinary. It is the first qualitative change in the use of energy. If there is no catastrophe, 90% of the power will disappear out of thin air!

The Fire Kite was flying around, but in the eyes of Ji Chongtian and others, it was just a death struggle without end.

But in fact, at the level of cause and effect, Huomingyuan has completed the closed loop, excluding other possibilities from its own "cause and effect".

Three of the remaining six tail feathers were broken.

"not good!"

Everyone's expression changed. Changing one's fate against the will of God only cost one tail feather. Three tail feathers were broken in one breath. What are you trying to do? !

However, they couldn't stop it.

Some kind of catastrophic magical power.

Just start it.

Huoming Yuan made no sound, but everyone, including Tomorrow Hui and others in the formation, suddenly heard a sound. To be precise... this cannot be said to be a sound, because the sound has no characteristics and no real feeling.

This is the voice emerging from the bottom of my heart, the voice echoing on the avenue!

"My life comes first!"

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