A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 195 The Heavenly Road to Sublimation (please vote for me)

"My life comes first!"

Accompanied by the faint sound coming from between heaven and earth.

This moment.

The entire battlefield seemed to have frozen in time.

Everyone, including Ji Chongtian, could not move and watched the extremely shocking scene from beginning to end.

The Fire Kite soared straight into the sky, and the killing formation was completely unstoppable and was easily broken through.

During this process, the flames entangled and intertwined, completely wrapping it, and an astonishing aura emerged.

What's even more strange is that everyone's eyes were forcibly diverted. Yun Ye and others, who were walking through the forest and could theoretically not see the sky at all, also watched this sublimation in a way that was beyond common sense.

Not to mention penetrating the thick fog and ignoring the huge height difference, even if Yun Ye lowered his head, he could still see it, it was just like...

Evolution close-up!

"Real body magical power, or some other ability?"

Yun Ye was deeply puzzled.

He really couldn't understand it.

Why does the process of this Fire Kite's upgrade itself force people in this area to watch the ceremony?

What's the point?

Or is this a necessary ritual?

Yun Ye didn't know why and was very eager to know the reason.

However, facing Huoming Yuan and watching Huoming Yuan's upgrade, the people in the Baishi Town Dharma Realm could only feel extremely gloomy.

As a Dharma Realm, they were actually not small figures in the entire Luo Dynasty, so it was impossible for them not to be aware of this phenomenon.

"The Celestial Sublimation... The demons who can achieve the Celestial Sublimation are at least the direct bloodline of the demons who destroyed the country."

Liu Jianxin's voice was hoarse and unimaginably heavy.

Of course.

Different from Feitian Zombie, although Feitian Zombie is inherited from the manifest realm level that is far beyond the country-destroying level, it is born in response to the calamity of heaven and earth. To reach the manifest realm position, it requires endless experience and cannot be invincible immediately.

But the direct lineage of the Huoming Yuan refers to the conventional power of fertility transmission. It is unusually close to the father's generation at birth, requiring the father's generation to expend a lot of original energy in gestation.

As for the sublimation of the Heavenly Road, it means that the demon covers itself with the blood of its fathers burned on the Heavenly Road, allowing its own life form to evolve.

The leap of life form is not much different from the improvement of realm. They are both the ultimate sublimation of power.

Since humans can also ascend in heaven, you can immediately feel the weight of it by comparing it.

Because the spiritual family that can do this is called the "Holy Clan", and the sect that can do this is called the "Holy Sect" and "Holy Land", even the entire Luo Dynasty is a giant-level existence.

Facing this level of power, Baishi Town instantly became as small as sand.


When the Fire Kite appeared again, surrounded by bright red flames, the body returned from a crystal-like color to a flesh and blood body, with red feathers covering the body, slender and elegant.

All the causal patterns have also disappeared, only the tail feathers still retain the characteristics, and the focus has shifted from destiny to other directions.

When everyone could move again, the Fire Kite was already spreading its wings in the sky, staring at the four major realms of Baishi Town with cold eyes.

Although the Huoming Kite is only about six or seven meters in length, it is far from the life in the distance that is suspected of being a catastrophe.

But its power makes the four major realms dare not underestimate it, even if the head of the Ji family is among them.

"It is regaining its power... Now, it has officially reached the level of catastrophe. Its strength is far beyond what it was before. If you want to kill it again, it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky!"

Ji Chongtian frowned, originally it would not have developed so far.

But the two Dharma Realms who died in succession greatly expanded the power of this disaster. It shouldn't be like this!

He muttered to himself: "Yang Shi? The remnants are still there. Who is plotting against us?"

After experiencing the storm, Ji Chongtian did not lose control of his emotions because of this, but looked for the reason.

He didn't think that a person with an ordinary background and ordinary talent could achieve this on his own.

There must be someone behind the scenes who wants to take action against Baishi Town.

In other words, take action against the Ji family.

The Luo Dynasty was not all peaceful. There would always be strong men leaving the rich land to seek control of other areas. Over the past thousand years, whenever the Taoist family fell, it was basically because of this reason.

The taboos derived from this situation even led to two purge wars that affected the entire Luo Dynasty.

The reason why taboos are taboos is that they are things that the top rulers will never allow to happen.

The Luo people launched two cleaning wars, and even one of the holy places was destroyed.

This is the core right to rule, and the Luo people will never let go of this aspect and will use their inner strength to suppress it forcefully.

However, that is a derivative taboo, and it is not violated only by seeking regional control.

The general town-level forces only have three Dharma realms at most, but in Baishi Town, two Dharma realms have died just after the final tribulation started. This is too serious. Some people covet the Yingyue Secret Realm and are eyeing the Ji family.

This has already endangered his survival. After deducing in his mind, Ji Chongtian directly changed his strategy: "Liu Quan, let's deduce the blessings and misfortunes. Find the person in the dark and kill him first. Excluding external troubles, the possibility of accidents is too high. ”

Liu Quan shook his head: "This demon has officially been upgraded to a catastrophe. I can no longer deduce it. As a catastrophe with the power of destiny, fate will be deflected towards it."

"This is the territory of my Ji family... Destiny? Let's deduce it. It's just a big disaster, and it can't interfere with you." Ji Chongtian raised his hand, and a golden light cracked in the sky, and a simple bronze tripod was born in the golden light.

This bronze tripod is full of traces of time and has complicated and mysterious patterns. This is proof that the Ji family has survived the catastrophe for thousands of years. These are the scratches of the heavenly sword. It is said that the more scratches, the older it is. The stronger.

After Liu Quan saw the bronze tripod, he nodded silently, activated the jade mirror, and concentrated on deducing the divine method.

Taoist tools.

Your Majesty the Cauldron of Order!

This is the most powerful treasure of the Ji family, which divides the order of Baishi Town. Even their legal realms are restricted!

The area where Taoist artifacts exist can indeed be understood as the territory of the Ji family. If you want to interfere with the ruler's divine law deduction in this area, a catastrophe will not do it.

The Huoming Kite complied with its fate and launched an attack. The bright red flames burned through all the obstacles in an instant.

Whether it's the wind element's blockade or the killing array, they all tend to be at a disadvantage compared to this bright red flame.

But in the end, Ji Chongtian intercepted and Huomingyuan was in a stalemate with him.

Ji Chongtian's power is simple and unpretentious, just invincible.

One shot.

Surrounded by nine rings of stars, strange phenomena are appearing everywhere in the sky and earth, clouds are rolling and relaxing, and there is electricity without clouds.

This is a vision and a drastic change in the weather. It is a power controlled by very few people in the Dharma Realm. Only when the body method reaches an extremely high level can it be born. Once the vision appears, heaven and earth will work together.

Ji Chongtian practiced the three methods at the same time, and with the help of visions, the sublimated Huomingyuan was unable to break through the killing formation he presided over and was firmly restrained.

As a result, Liu Quan was able to deduce safely.

After a long time.

He opened his eyes gloomily: "Can't deduce? How is this possible?"

There are still more than ten chapters to the end of the third life, and the next step is to talk about Lingzong. The environment of Lingzong is relatively open, and the story can have more directions. For example, Zhuo Qilian and Ji Chongtian both worshiped Yuntian Lingzong!

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