A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 200 Art is explosion


"Absolutely ridiculous!"

"We are destined by fate, how dare we try to subvert it? Even if you really defeat me, Baishi Town, the Luo Dynasty will suppress you in an instant. You are asking for your own death!"

"You should go die!"

It is precisely because it is impossible to achieve that the Dharma Realms feel that they have been fooled.

Facing life and death for such a ridiculous reason is simply a joke.

Liu Jianxin and others were filled with unspeakable anger, and they all attacked more fiercely, gathering a large amount of spiritual energy for attack.

After using Dafa many times, most of their mana has actually been consumed.

Turning to the use of spiritual energy, it can not only seal the formation of the extremely cold earth evil, but also have time to recover mana.

Their power is so terrifying that countless mortals cannot even imagine it, but only feel deep fear.

"They will die. If they anger the official family or the noble family, they will definitely die."

"It's best not to involve us, we've suffered enough already!"

Someone in White Rock whispered.

This is the most intuitive feeling of ordinary people. For thousands of years, this result has never changed. They cannot imagine this possibility that has never happened.

"Having mastered so many secret techniques and formations, it is so irrational to challenge the Ji family. If it were me, I would definitely join Baishi Town and concentrate on development until I can truly fight against Baishi Town!"

The members of the Lingfa family shook their heads, thinking that tomorrow would be extremely unwise.

If you really have an idea, wouldn't it be nice to try it out slowly?


this will not work.

The senior officials of the seven major families who truly knew about the Dao artifacts and the dispute over the Dao artifacts all watched all this with cold eyes.

This is a dispute over different paths. How can it be hidden, how can it be compromised?

Once they are willing to stay under the Ji family, the opponent's Taoist weapon will no longer be able to be awakened. This is already a victory for Baishi Town, and the resisters have been wiped out silently.

"With so many secrets and trump cards in hand, will this be the end of the Ji family?"

"While the Hongshan Sword Formation is charging up, can we reverse the victory tomorrow?"

As the top leaders of the seven major families, they are well aware of the power of the Ji family.

However, they also know that there is a broader sky outside.

Countless forces stand in this world, and there are countless powerful ones.

Tomorrow will be clearly an outsider.

Could it be that the dragon crossed the river?

This possibility is not small!

Faced with all this, there will be no disturbance tomorrow. They will just maintain the large formation for confrontation and will not activate the celestial phenomena immediately.

Wearing red and blue clothes, you can tell at a glance that the different young man spoke, it was Yun Ye.

He said to Dharma Realm: "Is it difficult? Your essence is just insects. It is natural for you not to take action because of difficulties."

“But those who stand with me are warriors before whom difficulties cannot stand in the way, not sin.”

The loser does not lose the formation.

Nothing starts from scratch, and the same goes for the way to tomorrow.

Even if the success rate is indeed infinitely close to zero, this path must start, otherwise it will always be zero.

Yun Ye couldn't hide behind and let others open the way for him. What he could do was to be the first to stand up.

Before he dies, he will do everything he can to fight and protect.


The corner of Digital Dharma Realm's mouth twitched, becoming more and more angry.

But just like the nature of insects, they are afraid of the celestial phenomena that have already started.

Although he is angry, he will not expose himself to deadly weapons.

After using various means to hide themselves, they can still induce spiritual energy to attack, but they are unable to affect the formation at all and are easily frozen by the silence of all things.

"It seems that what I said is correct. You are afraid of power and the weapon that can take your lives - anyone can hold this weapon. What's so special about you guys in the Dharma Realm!"

Yun Ye spread his arms and swore: "Indeed, you insects have occupied high positions and have been hindering everyone's pursuit of happiness. Anyone who is not in line with you will die, and those who are your enemies will perish eternally! You have allowed this darkness to cover the earth for thousands of years, order Forever!"

"However, even if you have been distorting common sense for thousands of years, this mistake will never become correct! Someone will always stand up. A few years ago it was my master Yang Shi, and today it is our many soldiers tomorrow!"

"You treat me like a pig or a sheep? I just want to use my mortal power to slaughter you high-ranking monks!"


Yun Ye pointed his finger impressively, and the only activated celestial phenomenon took off into the sky. At this moment, the expressions of all the Dharma realms changed drastically, as if they were facing a powerful enemy!

"Let me see how thick the thousand-year barrier is. I have a weapon called Celestial Phenomenon!"

"Yes! Change! New Heaven!"

Yun Ye raised his hand, and a large amount of black energy and chains spread, entering a state of reverse liberation.

Under countless gazes, Yun Ye was inflicted with great calamity, put on black Taoist robes, and the true fire of Samadhi, the only netherworld fire, burned.

The entire formation was instantly split into three under his control!

One-third makes all things silent and resists attacks from the Dharma realm.

One third turns into the fire in the heart and blesses the heavenly phenomena.

The last third is the only Nether Fire that goes in and out of the Netherworld, instantly pulling everyone in the formation into the Netherworld Hell.

"Who is his target?!"

There is no way to know all the legal realms. We can only hide ourselves with all our strength to avoid possible celestial attacks.

But at this moment, Ji Chongtian, who was originally blinded by the catastrophe, suddenly changed his face. It could even be said that he turned pale to the extreme. He yelled: "How dare you!!!"


The whole space between heaven and earth was filled with light with an explosion.

Although they have never known Tomorrow Meeting and have never known "Dao", everyone will remember this day deeply!

Unforgettable forever!

"Celestial phenomena - show time!"

Metal pillars broke through the space and appeared.


Red Mountain!

Ji Chongtian's roar was completely drowned out.

Because at the moment when the celestial phenomenon came, the entire mountain collapsed from one point as if it had been hit by a giant hammer.

A huge hole penetrates all the way, directly into the ground.

You know, the formation is now activated, and countless spiritual powers are flowing and gathering.

At this time, a foreign object blasts into the core, destroying everything to pieces. What is the difference between throwing a torch in gasoline?

The results are obvious.

At this moment, starting from the penetration point, the entire Red Mountain exploded, and huge energy swept everything.


The formation collapsed instantly, and the two Dharma Realms in charge of the formation were defenseless and were directly swallowed up by the terrifying power.

In the face of this power, the Dharma Realm was also fragile and was directly destroyed by the flying ashes.

The power of the explosion was far beyond everyone's imagination. The sky and the earth were completely white for a moment, and nothing else could be seen. Along with the violent landslide and ground cracking that could be felt thousands of miles away, the entire mountain range stretching for hundreds of miles collapsed directly.

The violent explosion even threw dust into the sky, covering the sky and spreading thousands of miles. It not only affected Baishi Town, but also felt that the sky was darkening in several surrounding towns.

Baishi Town, which is closest to Hongshan, was shaken by the earthquake, and a large number of houses collapsed, causing a huge disaster.

However, this is limited to ordinary people. The buildings of those spiritual law families are extremely strong, and there are many formations to defend them. They are not directly facing attacks, but it does not matter if the ground shakes.

But no one cares about these little things now. The terrifying and spectacular scene is broadcast to everyone in real time——

Even if the rumble subsides.

The entire Baishi Town was also silent!

Everyone couldn't help but have a thought, an extremely urgent question...

Is this horse a mortal?

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