"It will probably last for decades of darkness, making this place uninhabitable."

In the state of reverse liberation, Yun Ye can make full use of his past life knowledge. Even he himself doesn't know how he came to the conclusion. It is completely an instinctive calculation.

The ash thrown by the explosion in this mountain range will last for at least several decades.

During this period, sunlight hardly penetrates.

Even in the extraordinary world, sunlight is a necessary element for the growth of crops, at least for mortal things.

The absence of sunlight means that there is no living space for mortals. This is an obvious fact.

"Is this extraordinary? Just one person's actions can actually cause regional biological extinction and maintain a restricted area of ​​life for decades."

"And, it's not just that...the dust also contains a lot of negative substances, which can make living people die quickly. Is it accumulated by the Ji family's thousand-year sword array?"

"That's right. They used flesh and blood as sacrifices to build a sword formation. They could still suppress it when the formation was still there. Now that the mountains have been blown up together, they will naturally surge out."

Yun Ye calculated indifferently. In the reverse liberation state, he still retained the direction of judgment under normal circumstances.

Therefore, his first concern was the subsequent impact.

The destruction of Hongshan will directly cause all ordinary people in Baishi Town to lose their homes. The subsequent pollution will be too serious and they must move away...

But he quickly shook his head, it was not necessary.

The Taoist envoy from the Luo Dynasty is about to arrive.

In terms of the dark order of this world, there is a 99.5% chance that the Luo Dynasty Taoist Envoy will wipe out the entire Baishi Town, completely cutting off the possibility that the Theory of Tomorrow may be leaked to the outside world.

There is no point in thinking about the follow-up.


"My Ji family has accumulated thousands of years of accumulation. Once everything is gone in one day, I want you to never be reincarnated!"

A loud roar resounded throughout the world, and Ji Chongtian's eyes were about to burst. He screamed and roared hysterically, and even shed tears of blood. He was terrifying and ferocious. He was just like an evil ghost, with ferocious flames burning all over his body.

The spiritual roots are sublimated!

The spiritual roots are burning!

The three methods come together!

Visions and drastic changes in the weather!

The lightning fell from the sky and was directed to the metal magic weapon in his hand, making the magic weapon even more powerful.

This time, he was desperate because of his madness. Even the incarnation and the killing formation were taken back by him, and he used his strongest power to fight the Huoming Kite.

In just a few seconds, Ji Chongtian, who gained the crushing force, cut off the Huoming Kite with one sword. In the mournful scream, the Huoming Kite turned into black calamity energy and dissipated, completely dead.

Then, Ji Chongtian's bloody eyes turned and stared at the Earthly Evil Extreme Cold Formation. Everyone in Tomorrow's Meeting couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

"I want all of you to regret being born in this world!"

Ji Chongtian's reason completely evaporated, and he almost wanted to bite people. He raised his Taoist weapon and directly activated the power of his true name and the power of the first rule, trying to wipe out this group of people from a distance.

But he failed and Rule 1 failed to activate.

"The moment of rotation...isn't over?"

Ji Chongtian couldn't understand the current situation, but he knew that there was no time to delay him, "Ji Qing! Liu Quan! Liu Jianxin! No matter the cost, break this formation. Who dares to hold back? Don't blame my men for being ruthless!"


The three people responded immediately.

Now, except for the two seriously injured Fa Jing and Zhuo Qilian, there are only three Fa Jings.

If he doesn't do anything, I'm afraid it will really make Ji Chongtian crazy.

The three people immediately activated their magic power to increase the power of the killing array.

Without the restraint of Huoming Yuan and the power of four Dharma realms, including Ji Chongtian, the head of the Ji family who was obviously much stronger than the ordinary Dharma realm, it would be impossible for the Earth Evil Extreme Cold Formation to resist.

Under normal circumstances, it should disintegrate within a second, and everyone would vomit blood and be directly swallowed to death.

But this is normal. Yun Ye is now in a state of reverse liberation, and his ability to control the formation is abnormal. With a wave of his hand, the power of silence freezes everything.

In this short period of time, his control over the silence of all things has reached the state of great achievement, and he can completely try spiritual root fusion.

However, he was not in a hurry and silently withstood the pressure of the formation, not caring even if his eyes and ears started to bleed.

His eyes were focused on the large amount of calamity energy gathering from heaven and earth.

These chains of calamity energy wrapped around the Taoist weapon, and then broke one after another, turning into the reverberation power of the Taoist tool.

One hundred, two hundred...

More than 900 responses have been collected, and this is the end.

This is the reward for killing four Dharma realms, destroying the Ji family's spiritual land, and cutting off its foundation.

Yun Ye took a look and saw that the Taoist weapon's evaluation had reached S level at this time, but it was still not EX level.

It seems that the Taoist artifacts in Baishi Town have been accumulated for thousands of years, and the repercussions have exceeded a thousand, or even exceeded 10,000.

However, the response is the response, and the recognition is the recognition.

The Tomorrow Dao Sword, water and fire streamers hanging high in the sky above Yun Ye are flying, preventing the enemy's Dao weapon from being obliterated by rules.

Probably many Dharma realms have not noticed the difference between tomorrow's Taoist tools and the past.

The blue water belt now far exceeds the fire belt.

Fire is the enemy.

Water is your friend.

The specific effect of the true power of tomorrow's Taoist weapon is determined by the proportion of the group represented by Yun Ye. The fire belt is the enemy and the water belt is his own. Yun Ye only needs to stand in the position of the majority of people to make the Taoist weapon's The real name has a certain killing effect.

The reverberation only makes this fatal effect rise to a higher level.

With less than a hundred reverberations, he can be killed in the mortal realm!

With less than a thousand echoes, the spirit realm can be killed!

With less than 10,000 reverberations, the Dharma Realm can kill you!

Yun Ye has used the formation to let most people in Baishi Town see clearly the stance of Tomorrow Club.

Therefore, the length of the water belt has quietly surpassed the fire belt.

At this moment.

Baishi Town is Yun Ye’s home ground!


The formation is falling apart.

Just when the Dharma Realms showed joy, their pupils shrank and they saw the floating Taoist weapon falling back.

At the same time, I also saw the young man on the ground showing a cold smile.

"Two points of power..."

"Form liberation!"

In just eight words, the heartbeats of all Dharma realms stopped for a moment.

A few years ago, Yang Shi chopped the Taoist weapon into pieces with one sword, using this special power.

This Taoist weapon has returned again today?

As Yun Ye finished speaking, the little black-haired girl appeared out of thin air and sat gently on his shoulder.

But this time, Tomorrow's posture was completely different. The red texture on her stockings turned into blue, and what appeared on her almost flawless face were no longer fire patterns, but water patterns.

The fire lotus on her left hair was extinguished, and a clear water lotus was born on her right hair, with a water ring hanging outside the water lotus, as sacred as a god.

Her eyes were indifferent, her pupils were cold blue, and she said: "Master, use your power as much as you can."

After saying that, she turned into wisps of water, which spread together with the Dao Sword's water belt to cover Yun Ye's whole body, blending into her body and blood.

Yun Ye's dark hair was quickly submerged in blue, and his pupils turned into an icy blue that reflected the ocean.

Yun Ye, who was in the state of reverse liberation, would not be surprised by Tomorrow's form change. He just held his sword and locked the four magic realms in the sky.

Under the Taoist weapon, any concealment method is meaningless. This is the obliteration of rules.

Therefore, the four Dharma Realms all felt a terrifying sense of threat at this moment.

Including Ji Chongtian, who mastered the clan weapon.

"For the new heaven——"

"Please die!"

Yun Ye's first target is Liu Jianxin. His Taoist weapon still has a few echoes before it can break through one thousand.

He has a feeling that as long as the reverberation reaches a thousand, there will be a qualitative change tomorrow.

By then, Ji Chongtian's Taoist weapons will pose no threat to him!

The moment he was targeted, Liu Jianxin noticed that he was almost out of his mind. Being targeted by the Taoist weapon meant that he was almost certain to die. He didn't care about his face and immediately yelled!

"Ji Dafa, save me!"

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