A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 207 The End of the Third Life

Yun Ye and others were not in the mortal realm, so there was no way they could react in advance...

Therefore, five people died. After they felt that they were being controlled, they burned their spiritual roots directly from the inside out, turning their own power into a barrier to buy time for others.

No one had time to feel sad for their comrades, how to survive was what they needed to focus on!

"Get into formation!"

Tian Jing wiped away his tears violently, raised the formation plate, and the blue flames spread in an instant.

Nether Fire is the most powerful weapon against divine consciousness. Once deployed, it immediately offsets part of the impact.

Black cracks spread and swallowed up the barrier, sending them into the netherworld.


At some point, a figure in Taoist robes appeared on the top of the city, while Zhuo Qilian disappeared.

Seeing him, everyone couldn't help but feel strong uneasiness. Could it be that...

The man in Taoist robes raised his hand indifferently and pointed it at the Earthly Evil Netherworld Formation, and then read out two words:

"Air ban!"


A large number of black chains rose from the ground, directly sealing off the entire White Rock Town.

The Earth Evil Nether Formation, which was supposed to escape into the Nether Hell, faltered for a moment, but still stayed in place...

Space shuttle failed!

"It happens to be able to block space?"

This result made even Yun Ye look uncomfortable.

The Earth Evil Netherworld Formation is the only chance of survival. It is the top escape method to escape into another space, but once it is restrained, it will also be a catastrophe. After defeating the Ji family, they have no other backup plan to use!

"Just right? You are indeed a mortal, and it is natural that the Dharma Realm can control the space blockade. It is unreasonable for you to be a mere mortal, but you can master the space spiritual method."

"Your soul is very qualified, I want it."

The man in Taoist robes, whose entire outfit was full of rhythm, spoke. He was holding the invisible Taoist weapon in his hand, and he was very content. As he finished speaking, he waved his hand casually, and a black light suddenly hit the formation of the Earthly Evil Jihan. .

At this moment, annihilation is happening rapidly.

The power of divine magic, which far exceeded Ji Chongtian's power, directly blasted through the formation and engulfed the two of them.

This time, without even the slightest resistance, the two of them turned into dust. The magical power of the realm was enough to break mortals into pieces invisible to the naked eye.


"Hu Guang!"

Everyone roared, filled with disbelief.

This power is simply powerful.

The large formation with only a dozen people left to preside over was completely unable to withstand it.

This person is invincible!

There is only one possibility to get out of trouble.


Yun Ye held the Tomorrow Dao Sword, took a deep breath, and his long gray hair and pupils turned into blue.

On the side, Zhuo Qilian walked out, very unreal, and it seemed that the Taoist envoys of the Luo Dynasty had not found any trace of her.

"Have you decided to die?"

Zhuo Qilian asked.

"Xian! And! Yi! See you!"

Yun Ye raised his sword, and in his roar, his pupils diverged and entered the vision of the Taoist weapon.

"Two points... cut off the power!"

A sword came out.

The space blockade directly broke through the huge cracks, and the Earth Evil Nether Formation that had been prepared for a long time immediately appeared with dark cracks and was about to disappear through the air.

"Cut off space? It's meaningless, stop it."

The Taoist weapon in the hand of the man in Taoist robes glowed, emitting the same regular power to offset the power of the two-point cut.

Dao artifacts rarely have the ability to interfere with the real world, but they can all interfere with other Dao artifacts. The dispute over Dao artifacts is the basic attribute of Dao artifacts.

As a result, the space blockade that Yun Ye had worked so hard to break was filled again, making it still difficult to leave.

This scene made everyone feel unspeakable despair. Even the Taoist weapons were ineffective. What else could they do?

"Yingyue Baohuan!"

Yun Ye raised his sword, and the treasure ring surrounding the hilt immediately drew out a huge amount of spiritual energy for his own use.

But this time is different from the past. The huge spiritual energy stayed, surrounding the treasure ring layer by layer, as if protecting the treasure.

This is - the killing array!

The most special thing about the killing formation is that it uses heavy treasures as the formation eyes, making the formation moveable and possessing huge lethality.

Yun Ye didn't master this technique in the past. He just found it and used it reluctantly here.

This crude killing formation is not used to kill enemies, but to collect spiritual energy.

The Yingyue Baohuan is the eye of the formation, capturing the spiritual energy collected by the Yingyue Baohuan. This spiritual energy is even greater than the spiritual energy collected by the entire Earth Evil Jihan formation.

Dacheng combined spiritual method·All things are silent!

Black and white passed by, and this straight line was completely frozen. The Taoist-robed man waved his hand and burst out with energy to fight, frowning slightly and lost in thought: "Is there such a powerful second-level spiritual method? Is there any force involved?"

"Tomorrow! Create the rules!"

The cloud night maintains the silence of all things, calling for tomorrow in this gap.

Tomorrow appears, wipes the aisle with your hand, and a large number of echoes emerge, turning into words.

Yun Ye directly invested five thousand echoes to create the fourth rule. The effect is very simple, it strengthens the true name determination!

The greater the other party's sins and the more he is on the opposite side of the people, the more his true name is strengthened.

The Taoist rules took shape, and Yun Ye waved his sword again.

Not only was the effect far greater than before when the obstacles were destroyed, but the physical burden was also reduced.

The rules do not consume physical strength, but only require triggering conditions. Yun Ye's rule condition is to fight against the spiritual magic family.

"It turns out to be a state-level Taoist weapon. The harvest this time is far greater than before..."

The Taoist weapon of the Luo Dynasty raised the Taoist weapon, countless chains came across the sky, and some kind of shadow appeared behind him.

This is borrowing power!

With the Luo Dynasty at his back, and being a Taoist weapon that gave him a crushing advantage, Yun Ye was still stopped.

Yun Ye sighed silently, knowing that even if he continued to use all the echoes to strengthen his true name, it would be ineffective.

Tomorrow's Dao Weapon has just entered the growth stage, while the other party has a history of thousands of years and has gathered echoes of this Luo Dynasty.

This is the gap in background. Since he didn't have time to leave, the result was doomed.

Tomorrow's cold voice sounded: "Master, in your current state, you only have one chance to strike with a sword, and the only way is to sacrifice. Do you want to swing this sword?"

"Is it another sword? Fortunately, there is only one enemy." Yun Ye straightened up.

Yun Ye raised his sword and no longer considered escaping, all his life force burned.

Two broken sounds sounded in his body.

When sacrifices are made in the mortal realm, the energy cycle built by the practice is burned, and all vitality is dissipated.

After the sacrifice in the spiritual realm, the newly born Tianlu cracked everywhere and collapsed after being supported for a while.

Mastering the original law and opening the path to heaven is the beginning of the spiritual realm.

In terms of realm, Yun Ye is no longer a mortal.

And at this moment, he sacrificed it.

Turn it into fuel to increase the power of Tomorrow's sword.

The silence of all things dispersed.

Yun Ye held the sword and walked towards the Taoist man alone. In the process, his palms turned into dust, and the phenomenon spread to his arms and torso.

On the side, Zhuo Qilian watched this scene, thinking and understanding.

Then she finally decided.

With a wave of his hand, the divine magic spread, and the Earthly Evil Netherworld Formation was also shrouded in it, making everyone feel hazy.

"what are you up to!"

"Zhuo Qilian!"

Tian Jing and Tong Huoyang woke up and found that there was still a judge standing around them.

Internal and external troubles!

"You are in a desperate situation now, and only I can take you away."

Zhuo Qilian said.

Her magical power can isolate the inside and outside, and even those in the same realm cannot detect it.

"No need. If you can't escape, then die here. Master needs us!"

Tian Jing is determined.

Tong Huoyang didn't make a sound. She found that except for the two of them, no one else noticed this woman.

Is it because they awakened the Taoist tools?

"It is unwise to die together. It will destroy your most core members... Without Taoist tools, how far can the rest of you go?"

Tian Jing fell into silence.

In such a desperate situation, if there is no Taoist weapon to improve centripetal force and overall strength, there is indeed no hope.

"Leave, gather strength, and then overthrow the Luo Dynasty. Our path cannot stay here."

Yun Ye turned his back to everyone and spoke. His body was rapidly collapsing and time was running out.

So, he kept the story short: "At this moment, you still have the need to live, and I will take care of the aftermath for you."


Tian Jing closed his eyes, feeling powerless filling his heart. He could only say: "Yes, master."

Zhuo Qilian's magic was fully activated at this moment, and everyone's figures quickly disappeared.

She said at the end: "Dao, you are indeed determined to die, and you are not telling lies. In this case, I am willing to believe in the way of tomorrow for once. In this unchanging world, even if there is just a tiny bit of light, it is joyful. ”

(Tao, another hero died...)

Tong Huoyang sighed in her heart. Before leaving, she took a deep look at Yun Ye, as if she wanted to remember this man completely. Then she turned around, and her temperament underwent a drastic transformation at this moment. (From now on, I am... Huo Yang, Huo Yang will meet tomorrow)

Under the intervention of divine law, Zhuo Qilian left with everyone from the Tomorrow Meeting.

This sudden scene did not attract any attention.

The man in Taoist robes raised his Taoist weapon as usual, preparing to suppress Yun Ye.

"Zhuo Qilian..."

"Is it really extraordinary?"

Yun Ye could sense from the beginning that Zhuo Qilian was out of tune with the environment of Baishi Town.

It seems that Zhuo Qilian is also a figure similar to the sweeping monk, not ordinary, just dormant.

I can't say much nonsense.

Yun Ye swung his last sword, cutting off the causal thread that led to the departure of Tomorrow Hui and others, and extended it to the man in Taoist robes.


The Taoist weapon had cracks everywhere and was directly damaged, but it was not shattered after all and fell back into the hands of the man in Taoist robes.

Yun Ye shook his head gently, and his body was completely destroyed by ashes, leaving no trace.

"The Taoist weapon... returns to heaven?"

The man in Taoist robes looked at the spreading cracks in his Taoist weapon, and then looked at the place where Yun Ye disappeared into ashes.

No Taoist artifact emerged.

Taoist artifacts return to heaven, a situation in which Taoist artifacts are broken down and returned to heaven, and the reverberations will disappear permanently.

This situation is rare within the same department, but it is the norm among different departments with huge differences in strength and weakness.

Since he didn't seize the Taoist artifact immediately, it was natural for this situation to happen.

"Divine Law Deduction."

The man in Taoist robes had an expressionless face and began to deduce without any emotion, "Are most of the people who know the new way here? The rest are sheltered and cannot be traced..."

"In that case, destroy it."

Baishi Town was wiped out in an instant, and everything disappeared.

It is a sin for the way of tomorrow to be weak. Only by piling up countless corpses into mountains can we lead to victory.

These people in Baishi Town died because of Yun Ye.

This is also the sin that Yun Ye must bear.

The beam of light descends.

The man in Taoist robe disappeared under the shroud.

At the end, he glanced at the land indifferently and murmured to himself: "I hope I won't be the one to solve this trouble next time... How long can Xindao survive this time?"

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