A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 209 Ascension Bloodline

Of these two talents, the spiritual eye can increase combat power. Since it is a natural spiritual eye, it can be used even if there is no resurrection spiritual root. It is good for self-protection.

As for the Silent Spirit Body, it is not a complete spirit body from the beginning, but is closer to a talent that needs to be explored, which can make Yunye practice the spirit body faster and be more suitable for the Silent Spirit of All Things.

Spiritual root talent and physical talent are still different. If the physical talent reaches A level, you can directly obtain the silent spirit body. No training is required. You will be born with a complete body.

Yun Ye did not hesitate and chose the two talents of Silent Spiritual Eye and Silent Spiritual Body.

In the fourth life, he can continue to improve his spiritual eyes and spiritual body, and in the fifth life, the improved part will also be reflected on the talent panel, making his start stronger and stronger.

From here on, he had better specialize in one area. Silence of all things is his choice, and there is a stronger "Eternal Silence" behind this step. The future can be expected!

After improving his spiritual roots, Yun Ye's next goal is his destiny.

The description of the E-class horoscope is that you are reincarnated into an ordinary family. This ordinary family may be a beggar, a farmer, or a family in a big city who has no worries about food and clothing, but does not have much power or wealth.

After being promoted to D level, the upper limit of reincarnation can be immediately changed qualitatively.

First of all, you can be reincarnated into a wealthy businessman's home, and reincarnated as a heir, not a servant or the like.

Then there is the spiritual law family, which can only be reincarnated into a side branch.

Finally, it involves the fate of the sect, which can give him the opportunity to join a small sect, but the family he was born in may be poor, and he may not be able to survive that time.

This time Yun Ye chose the fate of a branch of the spiritual magic family, and then spent two more talent upgrades to upgrade it to C level.

His purpose is very simple, to obtain the bloodline to ascend the rank!

In the fourth life, the route Yun Ye planned for himself was to join the Yun Tian Ling Sect and gain real systematic knowledge.

According to the information from Baishi Town, ordinary people are not eligible to join the Yuntian Lingzong. They must be members of aristocratic families and have ascended bloodline to have any hope.

Yun Ye scanned the C-level destiny options and stopped at the luck option.

This time's luck option is much more effective than in Baishi Town.

The main improvements in destiny are "family of origin", "future destiny" and "luck and misfortune".

The so-called "luck and misfortune" refers to luck in fate. Smooth sailing when disaster strikes is a manifestation of luck. All your wishes can come true and everything goes smoothly.

This time's C-level option, even if you are born into a wealthy businessman's family, you can still get very good luck, not as useless as in Baishi Town.

After experiencing the catastrophe, Yun Ye already understood how cheating this kind of strong luck was.

However, Yun Ye still reluctantly chose the fate of the core members of the family.

He still likes practical things.

The ascending bloodline is something that is born in the body, and it feels much more real than fate.

Insecure people, even if they know that luck will play a role, believe more in the power they have accumulated.

After clicking two items, 18 talent upgrades have been used up, with only 6 left.

And among the last 6 times, one focused on physical fitness and obtained ascending bloodline. The reason why ascending bloodline appears in D-level is because the destiny has been preset with the identity of a core member of the family, which has greatly reduced the level. The level obtained by ascending the bloodline.

After focusing on understanding three times, I gained great talent for learning and creating spiritual methods.

The last two times were all focused on spiritual consciousness to increase the accuracy of spiritual consciousness.

So, Yun Ye’s new panel looks like this.

Reincarnated person: Yun Ye

Area: Huangzhou

Lifespan: 96

Fate: C (born within 3 to 10 years)

Physique: D

Divine Sense: D+

Comprehension: C

Spiritual root: A

Taoist weapon: C

Secret Realm: E



Number of talent upgrades: 0 times.


Yun Ye felt that his panel was gradually becoming more luxurious, and he was very satisfied.

After solving the problem of adding talent points, the next step is the secret realm.

Since Yun Ye arrived in the spiritual realm, the secret realm expanded. Therefore, after the reincarnation reset, its rule capacity increased from 6,000 to 10,000, which is not a big growth. However, after the spiritual realm, the area will increase a hundred times, and the gain from the basic change will be huge.

Yun Ye quickly allocated the rule capacity, but this time he did not increase the aura rule.

"The secret environment of Yingyue Treasure Environment." 』

『Frame: Five Elements Reincarnation. 』

"Time rules: Undecided." 』

"Space rules: Capacity 2000, area 300 square meters. 』

"Aura rules: capacity 3000, aura content 100. 』

"Branch rules: Capacity 5000, growth accelerated twenty times. 』

"Rule capacity: 10,000. 』

"Introduction to the secret realm: a small world where everything is reset after Nirvana, and the underlying rules can be re-created. 』

Reiki can be obtained through elixirs or spiritual places. It is enough to start with a basic foundation, not too much.

After assigning rules to the secret realm, the evaluation is still E-level, which is the smallest secret realm in Huangzhou, but its growth potential is probably only matched by Yun Ye.

The secret realm problem has also been solved!

As soon as Yun Ye thought, tomorrow's Taoist artifact appeared in the place of reincarnation: "Tomorrow?"


Hong Mingming, who looked about eight or nine years old, appeared. She tilted her little head and looked at Yun Ye.

In the land of reincarnation, Yun Ye only had a vague form and no characteristics such as appearance. Tomorrow could only judge by feeling.

"Can you also appear in the land of reincarnation? Can you see this book?"

The book of reincarnation appeared in Yun Ye's hand.


Tomorrow briefly described the appearance of the Book of Reincarnation, confirming that she could indeed see the book.

"I see. No wonder the rules of reincarnation are associated with Taoist artifacts. Is it because of this particularity?"

Yun Ye nodded silently.

He previously wanted to be reincarnated outside of Baishi Town. In addition to letting the Taoist tools grow, he would have to pay more.

Naturally, he doesn't have any extra talent upgrades to waste, so he doesn't consider it.

Taoist tools, the Tao in the heart, maybe this is related to the origin of the Book of Reincarnation.

If it is a novel, Goldfinger naturally does not have a source, but if it is the real world, no matter how ridiculous the reason is, there will always be a source, such as a plug-in given by the high-dimensional "author" to the low-dimensional "paper man" .

Based on Yun Ye's current feeling, the source of the Book of Reincarnation is most likely related to Taoist artifacts.

There are countless blood and tears in this world, and it is simply unimaginable how many disasters have accumulated.

Perhaps these catastrophes constitute the book of reincarnation. To a certain extent, he who can be reincarnated continuously and break the family's monopoly on knowledge is indeed the biggest "catastrophe" in the world, isn't it?

"Dare to ask the sun and moon to change the sky...Only those who have truly lived in this world will know how impossible it is to achieve this in this world."

Yun Ye murmured, looking at Tomorrow who was already eight or nine years old, "Tomorrow, build the rules."

"There are still nine thousand echoes. Master, how do you want to use them?"

Tomorrow clicked on the Dao tool, a large number of words appeared, and at the same time, a large number of echoes materialized in this space.

From the perspective of the Taoist user, the calamity energy is black, and its forms are mostly chains and black snakes.

The echo is white, and its forms are mostly fog and scenes from the past.

"First of all, the first rule is to repay this hundred-euro foreign debt!"

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