A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 210 Distribution Response

The four rules are listed in front of you.

There is only the first rule, entwined with calamity and appearing black.

Tomorrow waved his hand, and a hundred echoes poured in, washing this rule ten times the total and returning it to normal.

The number marked behind the first rule in the Book of Reincarnation jumps from 0 to 10.

Different from other rules, this rule only has the effect of binding the Moon Reflection Ring, and it is complete if the disaster is eliminated.

Yun Ye's focus shifted to the second rule·upgrade panel.

This is a mechanism that allows spiritual practitioners to grow quickly.

In his third life, he only stayed at level ten because upgrading required too much experience. However, it is undeniable that this mechanism has a miraculous effect on cultivation and can advance to the next field instantly.

And this is just an upgraded panel of 18 echoes, which is extremely growable!

Yun Ye waved his hand, and the second rule jumped directly from 18 reverberations to 1,000 reverberations.

The main effect of this rule is that every time a monster is killed, part of the monster's power can be extracted to strengthen itself. After the reverberation reaches 1000, it has begun to take shape.

The rules that were originally limited to Dao Weapons have spread to the area covered by Dao Weapons. The stronger the identification of everyone who follows the Way of Tomorrow with the Way of Tomorrow and the stronger their belief in killing monsters and protecting the people, the more likely they are to obtain upgrade panels. .

The upper limit of the level of the upgrade panel has been increased to level 50, and the upgrade experience has been greatly reduced. It is not necessary to kill the chaos demon before reaching level ten.

In addition, every ten levels of skill points, the skill points gained from upgrading will increase by one.

1~10, 1 skill point per level.

11~20, 2 skill points per level.

And so on.

The upper limit of level 50 is equivalent to 150 skill points, which is of great help in improving strength.

For example, the proficiency of a combination of spiritual techniques that is difficult to overcome can be forcibly improved using skill points.

"Master, most of the power of these thousand echoes has been used to overcome the problem of spreading to more people."

"If you continue to improve, you can reduce the upgrade experience, increase skill points, and add other effects, such as upgrading to improve physical fitness, or the level of skills. Tomorrow we can give an accurate number on how much you have improved."

Tomorrow evolved, and originally she couldn't see how much echo the rules needed.

"The first question is, how many reverberations are needed to add one skill point for the first 10 levels alone, or to add one skill point for all levels together?"

"Individually it is upgraded to one hundred reverberations, and all of them are upgraded to two hundred reverberations."

Yun Ye was immediately surprised and asked: "Why has the overall improvement only increased so little? The five-fold difference in skill points is reflected in only twice the response?"

"Well..." Tomorrow thought for a while, "Because there is very little experience in upgrading in the first ten levels, each additional skill point costs a lot. However, the further you go, the more experience you gain, and it is less difficult to increase the corresponding skill points. ”

"How is the upgrade experience calculated?" Yun Ye asked.

"After rearrangement, all upgrade panels start from level 0, and the experience for each level is 10, 20, 30...100, 200, 300...1000, 2000, 3000."

The experience growth rules are simple and clear, one step for every ten levels, level 1 is 10, level 11 is 100, level 21 is 1000, and so on.

According to this algorithm, the subsequent experience points required are simply astronomical, and the number of skill points cannot be matched at all.

"The experience provided by demons in different realms also follows this rule. Killing powerful demons will give you far more experience than killing countless small demons."

Say tomorrow.

This rule is still used to protect people, so the greater the threat, the more experience is provided.

You can get a lot of benefits just by killing some ordinary monsters, but that requires investing a lot of echoes.

Yun Ye nodded: "Just 2 skill points for each level of the first level, and the rest will be given to higher levels. How much can a thousand echoes increase?"

"The first level is 2, the second level is 4, the third level is 6, the fourth level is 8, and the fifth level is 10. It adds 150 skill points, totaling 300 skill points." Tomorrow answered.

"There are actually so many. 300 skill points is roughly enough, so let's do it and invest in the response."

Tomorrow nods, and another thousand echoes fall into the second rule.

"The number of skill points is enough, the next step is the versatility of the panel."

"It must be within the radiation range of the Taoist instrument to be effective. This is an extremely high requirement."

The current number of reverberations of the instrument is 15,000, so the radiation range is 15 kilometers in diameter and 7.5 kilometers in radius.

This distance cannot be said to be short, it can only be said to be completely insufficient.

Because the rules will decay, even if everyone in the tomorrow gathering borrows the second rule, it is impossible to reach the range of Yun Ye. According to tomorrow, 20% of the power can be borrowed because these Tao tools are directly under the Tao It’s a weapon...

Only the Taoist tools awakened by Yun Ye himself are considered direct Taoist tools and can borrow 20% of the effectiveness of the rules.

The rest of the Dao Weapon users can only reluctantly use the second rule for themselves, and it is completely unrealistic for others to use it.

"Tomorrow, the second rule of independent increase of 1000 echoes, how far can the increase be?"

"Ten kilometers in diameter." Tomorrow said.

"In other words, the effect of single enhancement is ten times that of all enhancements? There are still seven thousand echoes... In this case, invest two thousand to increase the radiation range to 30 kilometers in diameter." Yun Ye said.


Tomorrow nodded and changed the rules.

The text of the four-row encircling artifact has been changed and a description has been added.

Yun Ye and Tomorrow had the same idea, and also participated in the revision, and all the unreasonable things were quickly corrected.

For example, it originally started at level 1, but now it starts at level 0.

The original panel was called the upgrade panel, but now it has been changed to a merit panel that is more suitable for the background of cultivating immortals.

"Merit Panel"

"Name: Yun Ye." 』

"Virtue: Level 0/Level 50. 』

"Merit: 0/10 (ordinary demons can provide at least 1 point of merit). 』

『Spiritual techniques: Spiritual Realm·Late third stage, Samadhi True Fire Technique (not yet entered the realm/reaching proficiency level), Mist-born Rain Elephant Technique (not yet entering the realm/initial proficiency level). 』

『Physical Technique: Life Realm·First Level Early Stage, Life Soul Hundred Refining Practice Method (Not yet entering the realm/Entering proficiency level). 』

"Divinity: Divine Realm·Mid-level first level, reintegration of divine magic (not yet in the realm/entry into proficiency). 』

"Spells: Imagination (Uninitiated/Perfect proficiency), Silence of All Things (Dacheng), Eternal Silence (Introduction), Mystery of Fire·Disorder (Introduction)..."

"Source Method: Silent Source Method·Low-level yellow level (not yet in the realm/begin with proficiency). 』

"The number of merit points: 0. 』

"The panel style is almost the same."

Yun Ye nodded with satisfaction.

After localization, it becomes instantly easier to understand.

However, there is basically no information about the legal realm at present, so Yun Ye has not added it. When the information is known in the future, the panel will be optimized and modified.

But that's not the end.

Yun Ye used Echo again to add several supplementary rules to the panel. These rules were directly integrated into the second rule without adding additional rules.

After doing all this, Yun Ye still had three thousand echoes left. All of these were voted by Yun Ye to the third rule, which greatly strengthened the confidentiality within the Tomorrow Society.

Any active or passive disclosure of secrets will be bound by the laws of Taoism and will ignore distance.

Ignoring distance is the most important thing, followed by efficiency.

Since responsibilities and rights are equal, the binding force formed by the Three Thousand Echoes is already very strong. Generally speaking, it can only be offset by becoming a legal state. You must achieve the legal state yourself, without the help or sacrifice of the Tomorrow Society.

With this level of binding force, the possibility of death due to leaks tomorrow will be greatly reduced.

It’s worth it!

Correcting a setting, because in the main setting, the same two attributes can be integrated through multiple ways, such as ice spiritual root, water + earth can be used, water + fire can also be used, before I regarded the silence of all things as ice spiritual root , but now it is corrected to Cold Spirit Root, similarly, Extreme Spirit Ice is also corrected to Extreme Spirit Cold.

The current Cold Spirit Root only has the ability to control temperature and can create ice, but it cannot control ice to move and other operations, which is different from the Ice Spirit Root.

Thank you readers for reminding me. If you have any ideas, you can tell me. If you have any good suggestions, I will copy them directly, haha.

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