A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 211 Xiang Family Qilinzi

Talent points.

Secret realm rules.

echo assignment.

This is the main thing that needs to be completed in the land of reincarnation. After everything is over, Yun Ye begins to recall knowledge.

The knowledge hastily scanned from the aristocratic family was quickly recalled and burned into the soul.

At the same time, a lot of additional information emerged from the Book of Reincarnation...

The soul is completely ground to zero, without any extra dust, and is even purer than almost all newborns.

This is a characteristic of reincarnation.

Only in this way can we escape the all-round liquidation of the rules of heaven and earth and continue to be reincarnated and live a new life.

But here comes the question, Yun Ye clearly has memories, why is all the dust cleared away?

As the holder of the Book of Reincarnation, Yun Ye has certainly thought about this question, but he just couldn't get the answer.

But now Yun Ye knew that it was the Book of Reincarnation, a treasure that twisted the rules, recorded his memories, and even preserved all his personality and emotions. This was his core ability and the secret of reincarnation.

And now, as the scope of Taoist tools expands, the capabilities of the Book of Reincarnation are gradually unlocked.

This ability could only be used in the place of reincarnation, but now it is no longer needed. Sealed memories can be awakened in reality at any time.

What makes Yun Ye feel most amazing is...

In addition to being used for learning, the greatest significance of this kind of complete memory is actually to break the memory blockade of Tianlu, right?

The various abilities of the Book of Reincarnation really correspond to the desperate natural obstacles that exist in reality.

"If you don't have memories of climbing the steps on the Pilgrim Road, you probably won't be able to figure out the secrets involved."

"The future Dao Lord should have seen all this through the future divine method, and then embarked on the path of invincibility, right?"

Yun Ye recalled the situation he faced when he climbed the steps on the Pilgrim Road, and his mood inevitably became depressed.

It was only the first step up the Tianlu Road, and Yun Ye felt unimaginable malice.

This thing is really not an obstacle that ordinary mortals can overcome. Instead of trying to reach heaven, mortals might as well just practice on their own. Even if there is no way to heaven, they may not be unable to cultivate to a higher level.

In comparison, the road to heaven is even more difficult!

Here, Yun Ye must correct his past misconceptions. He once said that every spiritual family must have a heroic ancestor who created the original law and opened the way to heaven.

Now he wants to correct it. The real reality should be: the Lingfa family has accumulated experience and optimized its bloodline through a lot of sacrifices for generations. Maybe it will be several generations, maybe it will be dozens of generations. In the end, the bloodline will be successful. Whoever has good luck falls on him will be the winner. The founder of the family.

As for how difficult it is...

In the beginning, there was only one spiritual family, the Ji family, in Baishi Town. After a thousand years of development, there were only seven ascending aristocratic families. The degree of solidification was so severe that it was simply indescribable.

Although this reality is cruel, Yun Ye has to admit it.

——Individual wisdom cannot compare with the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation in the entire world of immortality.

He must obtain the bloodline of ascending to the rank, and then acquire systematic knowledge. Otherwise, it may take dozens of times of effort to reversely deduce the complete path by just relying on his own research.

"Come back tomorrow and start reincarnation."

Closing the book of reincarnation, Yun Ye said.


Tomorrow nodded.

It turned into water, fire and light and disappeared.

The next second, Yun Ye lay back. Although this action made no sense, what followed was endless darkness, which felt right.

Yun Ye felt as if he was soaking in a hot spring, his thoughts flying to the sky, and then plummeting down again.

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

On the fourth day of April, amidst the hot chirping of cicadas, the concubine of the Xiang tribe leader gave birth to a Qilin son.

This child was born with spiritual eyes. When he opened his eyes, he could eclipse a radius of 100 meters. He has the talent of being a genius!

The Xiang people have been in seclusion for a long time, and the Supreme Elder who wanted to break into the Dharma realm was also alarmed, so he came out and gave him a name:


The Xiang people's mansion occupies a large area and has a vast garden.

All kinds of supernatural flowers, plants and trees are planted in the garden, and spiritual light is everywhere, which is extraordinary.

Xiangdong, a woman in gorgeous clothes with an indifferent face, stood on the bridge holding her baby boy. A large number of red fish were swimming in the pool.

She pointed toward the pool, and there was a red fish wrapped in a ball of water, floating into the air, and landed in front of the baby.

The baby boy looked to be only half a year old, with a pair of ice-blue eyes that were so clear that they seemed to reflect the sky.

At this time, the red fish in front of him was projected in his pupils, changing with the swimming of the red fish.

"Xiangying, you are born with unparalleled talents. You will definitely achieve something in the future, but all talents need to be developed. It has been too long, and you should not remain stagnant."

Xiangdong stretched out her hand and grabbed the raindrop-shaped accessory on the baby boy's forehead. As she exerted force, intense spiritual light flashed, resisting her and not allowing her to pull it away.

But this was just a sealed magic weapon, and it didn't have strong protective measures, so it was still torn off by Xiangdong.

As soon as this sealing magic weapon was separated from the body, the baby boy's pupils seemed to be dripping with ink, and the colors of black and white spread.

At the same time, the 100-meter range where the baby boy looked directly was instantly swept by gray and turned into silence.

The red fish, which was originally swimming happily, lost its color and solidified in the air.

Looking at this miraculous scene in front of me.

Xiangdong raised the corner of his mouth.


"Hahaha! You are worthy of being born with a dual zodiac sign. When has the Xiang family ever had such power? Xiang Ying, you will become a generation of genius in the future and lead the Xiang family to prosperity!"

She couldn't help laughing wantonly.

This statement is absolutely true.

The four guards behind her had exactly the same thought when they saw this scene.

This boy will definitely become a genius of his generation!

They have never seen such a monster child. He has just been born and has the power to silence and destroy all things!

With this kind of power, even the guards who have mastered the method feel a fatal threat.

If you are accidentally hit, you will definitely die!

It is simply unbelievable that a child who has not even begun to practice the art of nourishing Qi has such terrifying power!

They lowered their heads silently, suppressing the horror in their hearts. The great prosperity of the Xiang family was also a good thing for them!

"Mother, please return the sealed device to me. It will be very troublesome if you can't see."

The baby boy closed his eyes, and the power that froze everything faded away, as did the sense of danger lingering around everyone.

"Xiangying, you must master your eyes as soon as possible. If you can't master them with your own strength, your tribe will be very disappointed." The woman's smile faded.

The baby boy closed his eyes and looked at the woman, repeating: "Seal the vessel."

"——" The woman's expression no longer lost her smile at this moment, but froze.

She had no idea that her majesty could not restrain even a child of half a year old.

All I can say is, is he worthy of being born as a peerless Qilin'er?

A concubine could give birth to such a genius.

It's really a miracle.

"Mrs. Dong, the master of the house has told us not to let the Third Young Master use this power, so as not to attract attention and cause such a big noise. It is better to re-seal it quickly and clean it up, so as not to let outsiders peek into the secrets."

The guard understood the atmosphere very well and immediately gave Xiangdong a step to get off.

"Of course I understand, stand down!"

Xiangdong scolded, then his cold expression softened slightly, and he said to the child softly, "Xiang Ying, mother just hopes that you can control your own power as soon as possible. Your power is very powerful, but it will also attract countless peeps and fears. Genius is just a name, only a mere name." It only becomes true when you grow up.”

"Mother is worried about you and doesn't want you to die young."

Xiangdong put the headdress on the child again.

As the child opened his eyes, the gray color in his eyes quickly faded, and he said: "Thank you, mother, for worrying. The child will master it as soon as possible."


Xiangdong received a satisfactory answer and left with the child, followed by four guards.

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